Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1336 The Scary Black God Mountain

Chapter 1336 The Scary Black God Mountain (to be determined)
Immortal King Kong didn't believe it, so he tried again, but he still couldn't open it and frowned, "This is too hard."

Mu Yu frowned, "If even senior brother can't do it, then we can't even open it."

Sha Tianling was also confused, but Chu Tian said, "Let me try."

Everyone looked at Chutian curiously, and Chutian took out the Qiankun Realm, a ray of light hit the wall, and then a passage appeared, and everyone present were stunned when they saw the tunnel that came out.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Go, go in."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian took Xiao Tiangou in, and the others hurriedly followed. After entering here, he could feel the corrosive atmosphere everywhere, and there were even many bones.

Mu Yu frowned, "It's a bit uncomfortable here."

Immortal King Kong was also protected by Jin Guang and said at the same time, "It is estimated that if you stay here for a long time, you will lose your body."

This made Sha Tianling worry, "Then Junior Brother, isn't it troublesome?"

Immortal King Kong frowned, "I hope it's not junior."

At this moment, everyone was not sure if it was their corpses, so they could only search here, and Chu Tian, ​​led by Xiao Tiangou, came to a magic weapon.

This magic weapon is like a wooden barrel, and the head and limbs of the person inside are exposed, but the body is fixed in the big vat, making him unable to move, and the person's eyes are closed tightly.

Seeing this, Mu Yu and the others were shocked.

Immortal King Kong was the first to say excitedly, "It's the third junior brother, Leng Suo."

Mu Yu scolded, "Bastard, who is so abominable to fix him like this."

Sha Tianling was also annoyed, "The third junior brother's magical technique is to shrink his body. In order to prevent him from shrinking, those people even fixed his limbs and body, and then used the corrosive air around him to restrict his recovery."

The more these three people talked, the more excited they became. Although Chu Tian had never seen this Leng Suo before, Chu Tian really couldn't think of who could be so abominable in such a cruel and inhuman way.

Then they started to break the big vat, but they had no choice but to ask Chutian for help, but Chutian grabbed the vat and refined it, put the vat away, and the whole person was lying on the ground, as if unconscious.

Chu Tian stepped forward to inject the white light of Soul Devourer, and found that there were countless locks in the opponent's body, not only the soul locks, but also the godhead, and other places, and Chu Tian cleaned them one by one.

After cleaning up thoroughly, the other party opened his eyes slightly, and the whole person was skinny, looking very pitiful.

Immortal King Kong said excitedly, "Third Junior Brother."

Leng Suo said hoarsely, "Eldest brother, second senior brother, sixth senior brother."

Mu Yu hurriedly introduced him, "This is the seventh junior brother, Chu Tian, ​​I told you about it."

Leng Suo nodded, "I know, I had to thank him for removing those things from my body just now."

Immortal King Kong looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Junior Brother, can you still find the last two?"

Chutian looked at Xiaotiangou, "Keep looking."

Xiaotiangou then took everyone away, and the Lengsuo on the road slowly recovered, but he still couldn't believe it at the moment, "Who the hell was that guy back then, why did he separate and imprison us one by one, and also treat him We did these things."

Immortal King Kong frowned, "This, only that guy knows, we don't know at all."

Mu Yu said, "If I catch him, I will definitely kill him."

But Sha Tianling sighed, "It's not that simple for this guy to defeat the five of us together and break the seal."

Mu Yu hadn't seen it before, but he still hated that person to the bone, while Chu Tian quietly led them forward. After a few days, they came to a black mountain.

Seeing the black mountain, the Immortal King Kong was shocked, "Why is this Black God Mountain here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, but Chu Tian was puzzled, "What is the Black God Mountain?"

Immortal King Kong said with an ugly face, "Black God Mountain is known as the nemesis of any god in the God Realm. Simply put, any godhead will lose its power when it enters it, that is to say, it will become an ordinary person."

But Chu Tian said, "But there are two people inside. If I guess correctly, they should be the last two senior brothers."

As soon as these words came out, their faces changed drastically, and that Mu Yu frowned, "We can't go in at all, let alone save them."

Chu Tian comforted, "Leave it to me, you guys wait here."

Chu Tian then made a leap, rushed into the Black God Mountain, and disappeared in front of everyone. These people looked at each other in blank dismay, and that Leng Suo asked curiously, "This little brother, can you do it?"

Sha Tianling was also worried, "He is a godly man after all, if he meets a powerful guy, I'm afraid."

That Mu Yu said, "Brothers, don't worry about his strength, he is much stronger than me."

"Better than you?" The Immortal King Kong was surprised.

The other two also stared at him strangely, but Mu Yu said with a smile, "Yes, his strength is probably no worse than yours."

These people didn't believe it, but Chu Tian had already entered the Black God Mountain at this moment, and saw two people inside the Black God Mountain. These two people were covered in black solid at the moment, making them look like stone people.

Chu Tian came to them and asked doubtfully, "Are the two from Jucai Pavilion?"

These two people were in a daze, and they didn't know what Chutian was talking about, but Chutian knew that the only way to do it was to take them out.

But just when Chu Tian was about to touch them, a laugh came from the dark, "Boy, you finally appeared."

Chu Tian looked into the darkness and frowned, "Who?"

At this moment, a bat appeared, and then stood in one place and stared at Chutian, "Boy, are you the seventh member of Jucai Pavilion?"

"who are you?"

"Me? Of course it's the one who sealed them up for fun."

Chu Tian frowned, "You?"

"Yes, but it's just one of my pets, but it's enough to deal with you."

After finishing speaking, the bat suddenly turned into countless bloody lights, and Chutian's godhead immediately felt as if a force was about to seal his godhead, but Chutian sneered, "Your strength is not enough to match my teeth."

Afterwards, Chu Tian's godhead absorbed these powers, and the bat was shocked, "You boy, you are a little bit capable."

"of course."

"Hmph, don't be complacent, this is just the beginning."

Afterwards, more and more blood was emitted, but all of them were absorbed by Chutian. Not only that, Chutian said with a smile, "You can't do it anymore, it's time for me to take action."

At this time, the Chutian Divine Beast Seal appeared, and the Divine Beast Seal can command countless divine beasts. Even if the bat in front of you is not a divine beast, it is still a beast. It was completely frightened and screamed there, but the voice of the owner of the bat was anxious, "Boy , stop it for me."

"So what if I don't stop?"

"Okay, just wait and see how I will deal with those senior brothers of yours outside." After speaking, the bat disappeared. Chu Tian didn't expect that the other party wanted to deal with those people outside.

So Chu Tian hurriedly undid the two people, and before he had time to unlock the locks in their bodies, Chu Tian threw them into the nine-pointed star, and then leaped to the outside.

When I came outside, I happened to see those four people being attacked by a group of bats, and these bats also released bursts of blood covering the four people.

In addition, there was a huge blood bat in the air, he laughed loudly, "A bunch of trash in Jucai Pavilion, just you? Do you still want to prevent me from ruling the God Realm?"

Immortal King Kong was furious, "Who the hell are you?"

"Why did I tell you? Haha"

Mu Yu gasped, "Don't talk nonsense with him, fight him."

But with the strength of the four of them, they couldn't rush out at all. They could only resist the surrounding bats one by one. At this time, Chu Tian held the seal of the beast and leaped over, and the bats immediately flew away in fright.

Immortal King Kong said in surprise, "This is."

"The mark of the beast."

Everyone was shocked, and the blood bat in the air snorted, "Boy, I didn't expect you to get this thing in the beast tower."

Chu Tian smiled, "It seems that you also know."

The bat gasped, "I want your thing."

Then the other party turned into a beam of blood and suddenly rushed into Chutian's body, Immortal King Kong and others were shocked, but Chutian laughed and said to his body, "Naive."

After finishing speaking, bursts of soul-eating white light made the blood bat curse, and finally flew out of the body, turning into a black smoke, and then threatened there, "Jucai Pavilion, listen! I want the God Realm, and I want the God Tomb!" Yes, so you can't stop me."

After the other party finished speaking, he left angrily, and the faces of Bumi King Kong and others changed drastically. As for Chu Tian who got the two out, everyone was relieved to see them. At least their fourth and fifth juniors were still intact.

And after Chu Tian added to them, Mu Yu said excitedly, "Fourth Senior Brother, Fifth Senior Brother."

Immortal King Kong also said excitedly, "Tu Si, He Wu, you are all right."

Tu Si is the fourth junior brother, and He Wu is the fifth junior brother. The two of them looked at everyone suspiciously, "Where are we?"

Mu Yu explained the matter one by one, and He Wu was surprised at the end, "So we came to the tomb of the gods."

Everyone nodded, but Chu Tian looked around, "The Black God Mountain has disappeared."

When everyone looked over, it turned out that the Black God Mountain was no longer there, but at this moment, a huge mountain in the sky came crashing down, and all seven people entered the mountain.

Not only that, except for Chutian, the power of the other six people's godheads disappeared, and the bat laughed loudly from the dark place, "Black God Mountain, let your godheads be useless."

The faces of the six people changed greatly, but Chu Tian comforted him, "You guys should enter my space first, and leave this guy to me to deal with."

Mu Yu was puzzled, "You are not affected?"

"If I'm affected, I won't be able to bring out the two senior brothers." Chu Tian said to himself.

Everyone was very surprised when they heard this, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "Okay, don't look at it, go in quickly, and leave the rest to me."


Then the six people entered the nine-pointed star, and Chu Tian looked around, "Do you think this can trap me?"

"Boy, you are just a priest, I don't believe that a Black God Mountain can't trap you."

"Then you think too much, this mountain is pretty good, but against me, it's useless!"

"You self-righteous guy, I'll let you know the true power of Black God Mountain!"

 Today's second update, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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