Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1337 Acquaintance, tell the truth!

Chapter 1337 Acquaintance, tell the truth! (seeking a monthly ticket)

At this moment, the mountain began to tremble, and then strands of black light flickered in the mountain, and finally these rays of light shrouded Chu Tian's body, gradually condensing layers of bright black stones.

The bat proudly said, "Boy, you see, more and more Black God Stones will appear on your body later, and these stones will trap you there, and finally you will merge with the Black God Mountain, and it will be difficult for you to fly. "

Chu Tian teased, "Oh? Is this how you deal with my two senior brothers?"


"But you miscalculated, I am not my two senior brothers."

After saying this, the purification system on Chutian's body was activated, and those things could not be formed on Chutian's body, that is to say, there were only black lights flickering, and Chutian and the stone could not be integrated.

This made the bat wonder, "How is that possible, boy, what the hell have you done."

"What did you do? Of course I wanted to catch you, and I'll tell you again."

"Hmph, want to catch me? You are dreaming."

Then the bat disappeared, and Chu Tian began to walk through the Black God Mountain, searching for the bat's traces. Even when he opened his Sky Eye, he didn't find the black bat, but discovered the secret inside the Black God Mountain.

I saw a barrier in one place, and the barrier was very strong. Fortunately, Chu Tian could pass through it easily. When he reappeared, he saw a small black stone floating there.

In this small piece of stone, some of them have been refined by people.

Chu Tian smiled, "It seems that this should be the core of the Black God Mountain."

Chu Tian knew that as long as the Black God Mountain was completely refined, then the Black God Mountain would be his, and it would not be a problem to trap the Supreme God in it in the future.

After a while, Chutian was able to control the Black God Mountain, and he could even appear outside the mountain. With a wave of his hand, the Black God Mountain disappeared, and Chu Tian released everyone with satisfaction.

Everyone was curious about how Chutian came out. Chutian didn't say anything, but just smiled, "You will know in the future."

But Mu Yu said with a smile, "Little Junior Brother, your ability really scares me."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Brother, you should stop praising me. Now let's think about how to get out of here."

Only then did everyone realize that they should look for the exit of the tomb of the gods, and Chu Tian planned to return the same way, but when they returned to the original way, the huge stone pillar above their heads was under great pressure, even if they could not fly up.

Chu Tian looked at them, "Leave this to me, you should enter the space."

Everyone wondered what Chutian was going to do, but after Chutian settled them down, he immediately purged and soared into the sky. After arriving outside the stele, he looked around and went back the same way. Finally, he came to the suspension bridge, which had disappeared at this moment.

Chu Tian let the Void Swallowing Beast appear, swallowing the surrounding space bit by bit. When it reappeared, it returned to the other side of the suspension bridge. Chu Tian raised his mouth, "Don't let strangers in? It's useless to me."

Only then did Chutian disappear in satisfaction, and not long after Chutian left, white flames flickered on the suspension bridge, and finally formed a wall with a few large characters on it, "Mountain of the Dead"

If Chutian looked back, he would definitely be frightened, but he had already left, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to the God Realm Continent, insisting on Chutian to get everyone out.

Everyone was stunned when they felt the familiar God Realm, that Mu Yu asked, "You, all the way back from the same way?"


Mu Yu was stunned, "How did you get back to that suspension bridge?"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I have helpers."

Mu Yu didn't know how to describe his mood anymore, and Indestructible King Kong said with a smile, "Now that the seven of us are gathered together, we can work hard and get rid of those ancient gods who came out of the tomb of the gods."

But Sha Tianling said, "Eldest brother, several masters have said that the ancient gods are not at fault, but those who influence the ancient gods are at fault. I think we still have to find out who broke the seal and manipulated the ancient gods behind the scenes." the guy."

Immortal King Kong nodded and said, "That's true, but the God Realm is so big, how can we find it?"

After pondering, Mu Yu said, "So, the seven of us, let's find each other separately. If there is anything we can't deal with, we will contact each other."

Everyone thought it made sense, and then dispersed one by one, and before Mu Yu left, he looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Little brother, I know your ability, so I won't go with you, if there is any danger, please contact me immediately. "


Only then did Mu Yu leave, and Chu Tian looked at their backs, thinking of the bat in Heishen Mountain, and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that the person behind this bat broke the seal? Controlling the ancient god?"

Chu Tian wanted to know very much at this moment, but no one would explain it to him, and he could only turn around, intending to continue to the Divine Fortune League, but he hadn't reached the Divine Fortune League yet.

They were stopped by a group of ancient gods on the way. They stared at Chutian with serious faces, and someone reminded Chutian, "Boy, this front has been occupied by the Ancient God League, don't approach, or you will be killed." Killed by them."

Chu Tian looked them up and down, "Aren't you also from the Ancient God League?"

"No, we're not."

"Then who are you?"

When Chu Tian was curious, he laughed and said, "Finally found you."

At this time, a person fell down, this person was none other than an ancient god that Chutian met in the tomb of the god back then, and he also claimed to be a fortune teller, Zhuge smiled.

"It's you?" Chu Tian was a little surprised.

Zhuge smiled, "Well, I have been out for a hundred years, looking for you everywhere, but I can't find you, I didn't expect to meet you near here."

Chu Tian smiled suspiciously, "Looking for me? Why?"

"Of course I want to tell you something, so that you can understand some situations, so as to save you from killing the ancient god when you see it, that would be bad."

Chu Tian didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

"This time the ancient god's seal was broken, but before leaving, something strange happened."

"Strange thing?"

"Well, there are black smoke in many places in the tomb of the gods. As long as people who encounter the black smoke will lose their hearts, they will only have one purpose in mind when they come out, and that is to kill all the people in the gods. Control yourself, and the people led by Lin Ao and I happened to not meet, as for the people we met, we established the Ancient God Alliance."

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian asked afterwards, "Then what are you doing here?"

"The Ancient God League recently made a major event, planning to set up a vortex formation. Once it is established, its formation will rotate, and all non-ancient gods within ten thousand miles around will be sucked into the formation and killed, and these people will die. The last power will be sealed in a strange pool by the people of the Ancient God League, and we are weak and unable to stop it, so we can only try to let those who are close to evacuate as soon as possible, so as not to be sucked into that formation."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the members of the Ancient God League would use formations to attract people, but he was puzzled, "They only have killing in their hearts?"


After thinking for a while, Chu Tian said, "Then I have to go and destroy this formation."

Zhuge smiled worriedly and said, "Don't do it, there are ten five-star ancient gods and one six-star ancient god, and this six-star ancient god is ruthless, once touched by him, the blood in his body will be sucked dry by him, so everyone Call him the Vampire Vampire."

"I don't care what kind of blood-sucking ancient demon it is, I'm not afraid."

Zhuge smiled, but he was still worried, and Chu Tian smiled and said, "Don't you know how to count? Then you must have counted me, whether you will pass by here, or God Realm is so big, you just come here if you don't look for it. "

Zhuge was stunned for a moment with a smile and then said with a smile, "Yes, I can count, but the probability of my counting is only one tenth, so I have counted countless times in the past hundred years, but failed. I don't want you to die."

Chu Tian asked with a smile, "Oh? You think I will die?"

"I calculated that in it, you will meet an acquaintance, and your acquaintance has lost yourself, and your memory has been sealed, and you will be angry because of her, and you will even be impulsive. In this way, you will be miserable .”

Chu Tian just laughed when he heard this, "I saw an acquaintance, it must be rescued, how could it be miserable."

"This person is very important to you."

"Tell me how important it is."

Zhuge smiled and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"One is Yan Xian'er, she was named a saint by the Ancient Gods League, and she is one of the ten saints of the Ancient Gods League. will kill you."

When Chu Tian heard this, his expression changed, "What? Yan Xian'er."


Chu Tian immediately turned around, "If this is the case, I will go even more."

Zhuge was startled with a smile, "No."

But Chutian had already disappeared, Zhuge smiled worriedly, "Damn it, I want to follow, we can't put him in danger, or God Realm will be finished."

So Zhuge smiled and leaped to keep up, but Chutian was very fast, and he came to the so-called maelstrom formation in no time, and he saw that this formation was really huge.

Outside of this formation, there are many five-star ancient gods, and at the same time that six-star ancient god sits in command, so that the supreme gods of the God Realm dare not take a step closer.

Until Chutian suddenly appeared, those five-star ancient gods immediately turned their heads and stared at Chutian as if they were prey, while the six-star ancient god was covered in blood, and even wore various blood-stained equipment on his body.

The helmet, clothes, sword, and shoes were all blood. When he stood there, he stared at Chu Tian coldly and asked, "Why are you not affected by the formation?"

But Chu Tian asked directly, "It doesn't matter if I'm affected or not, I just want to know, your saint."

That blood-sucking ancient demon, never thought that a priest would dare to ignore him so much, and even asked to see the saint, while staring at Chu Tian with cold eyes, "Boy, do you know that you are crazy?"

"I'll ask again, what about people?"

The ancient blood-sucking demon became angry, "Come on, trap him for me."


Those five-star ancient gods were all extraordinary in strength, comparable to the existence of the Supreme God, or even stronger, but Chu Tian snorted, waved his hand, and the Black God Mountain appeared, directly sucking the five-star ancient god into it.

However, the great blood-sucking ancient demon was not sucked in, which also made Chu Tian understand that it is very easy for the Black God Mountain to deal with the ancient gods above six stars, but it is difficult to deal with the slightly stronger ancient gods of six stars.

[A new day in August, ask for a monthly ticket]

 Today's third update, a new day in August, requires a monthly pass. Everyone who has a guaranteed monthly pass can help me up, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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