Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1339 Serial Tests, Leading Everywhere

Chapter 1339 Serial Tests, Leading Everywhere (Determination)

The captain looked at Zhuge, smiled and stopped talking, then turned and left.

As for many people on the boat, they were still sneering and sarcastic. After spending half an hour like this, the boat docked.

When the cabin was opened, everyone went down one after another, and they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The big river is floating in the sky, and there are countless cities floating in the sky. The cities are connected by arch bridges, and each city can accommodate at least one million people.

So at a glance, it is very huge, which makes Chutian wonder how these cities are floating in the air, and Zhuge Yixiao whispered beside Chutian, "Be careful."

As for the captain looking at everyone, "Everyone, come with me to the testing hall."

After a while, everyone disembarked and entered a city, and this city is naturally a place for newcomers. It is very lively here at the moment, and those who failed the test for the first time can continue to choose to stay here for the second test .

However, each person only has one test opportunity per day.

When those people saw a newcomer coming, they booed one after another, especially Chu Tiantian, who was at the level of a god, and immediately aroused a lot of laughter. After all, most of the ancient gods are at the level of a god emperor, rarely lower than a god emperor, and some are also god kings .

Therefore, these god emperors all regarded Chu Tian as a strange person.

But Chutian was very calm, and ignored everyone's opinions until he came to a black hall, where people were queuing up one after another, obviously waiting for the test, and the captain looked at Chutian and said, "It's your first time, you can go in first. , but those who fail the test can only line up with everyone the next day."

Everyone excitedly said, "Yes."

Then the captain led them in through another door. After entering, they could see that many people had gathered in the hall, and these people would be arranged in a barrier one by one for testing.

The test is very simple, to see who can hit the standard.

At this moment, Chu Tian and his group are gearing up, and they even wish to enter inside immediately.

After the captain communicated with the tester for a while, the tester looked at Chu Tian and the others, "Register first, and then you can come up to test one by one later."

Everyone immediately began to register on the side, and those who registered recorded their names, breaths, and cultivation bases in a sign one by one, and then handed them over to them.

After Chutian got his brand, he looked at it curiously. As for Zhuge, he smiled and said to him, "You have to keep a low profile and control your strength well. Don't be too strong, or you will attract attention."

Chu Tian could not help but smile, "I will try my best."

But in other people's eyes, it is impossible for Chu Tian, ​​a divine man, to pass, so many people laughed at him, "Boy, don't waste your time, just go back where you came from."

Chu Tian ignored it and still waited there until the tester arranged for everyone to test one by one.

In front of Chutian, many people went up, but only a few people went in, and the others who were lost could only stay in the city. When testing Chutian, everyone in the hall was smiling.

Only Zhuge Yixiao knew that Chutian would definitely be able to enter, so he didn't care.

And the tester said to Chu Tian, ​​"God? That's a bit stressful."

But Chu Tian said, "Go ahead."

The tester nodded, "Okay, wait a minute and a ball will appear above your head, and your task is very simple, as long as you can hit the ball above your head and make it fly an arm higher than you."

After Chu Tian understood and nodded, the tester then arranged a ball. This ball was not an ordinary ball, but it was very heavy. Just now, many people couldn't even lift this ball, so they failed.

But Chutian watched the black ball fall, and punched it with his right hand casually. Everyone saw Chutian attacking so casually, and thought that the ball flew away when Chutian was playing.

Not only does it fly as high as a person, but it is at least two stories high.

When everyone saw this, they thought they were blind, and they all blinked, "This, how is it possible, he is just a priest."

Those people were all dissatisfied, and the tester looked at Chu Tian in doubt and said, "Pass the test."

As for the captain, he looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "This guy has some skills."

The fact that Chutian passed the test spread throughout the city at once, which made those people think it was impossible.

But Chutian ignored them, and after Zhuge Yixiao passed the test, they went to another gate, and outside this gate was an arched bridge leading to the next city.

Chu Tian walked on the bridge and looked at the clouds below and asked, "I said senior, we have passed the test now, can we walk around in the Ancient God League at will?"

"No, it still depends on what's going on inside. If I'm not mistaken, we are considered newcomers to the Ancient God League and should undergo training or new arrangements."

Chu Tian didn't understand the meaning of this until they arrived at Xincheng, where there was a stone gate, and there were several large characters engraved on the stone gate, "Ancient God League Novice Camp."

Zhuge smiled and said, "You see."

"Have you counted?"

"Yeah, but this novice camp, you have to perform well, so that you have a chance to be selected into the genius team of the Ancient Gods League, and the genius team has a chance to be selected as the Holy Son. Once you become the Holy Son, then you and the Holy Son Female-level people can naturally meet each other at will, even if people from the Ancient God League see you together, they won't suspect anything."

Chu Tian didn't expect such an incident and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, I don't want you to die either, this is the best way."


Then someone yelled at them, "New here, assemble at the front."

Chu Tian and Zhuge Yixiao had no choice but to go to the front, and there was a big square there with many seats, and many places were already full at the moment, but after Chutian and Zhuge Yixiao came, they could only sit in the back.

At the same time, there is a five-star ancient god at the front, who is the battalion commander here. He stared at the people present with a serious face, "Wait another hour, when the time is up, I will take you newcomers to a special Training, when the training is over, if you fail to pass the assessment, you will not be able to become a true member of the Ancient God League, or you will be sent back to the city where you just came, you know?"


Then everyone waited quietly, and after a while, the so-called battalion commander would say this to everyone, obviously to remind people who came later.

After going on like this for an hour, the battalion commander looked at everyone and said, "Okay, I'm ready to go, but before I go, I have to introduce myself."

Everyone also wanted to know the identity of this person, but this person said, "My name is Gu Aoyue, do you understand?"

Many people shouted, "Hello Captain Gu."

Gu Aoyue obviously ignored it, he glanced at everyone, "I am a very serious person in training, so don't make fun of me, and don't flatter me, it's useless."

Those people became embarrassed, and Gu Aoyue snorted, "Go, the first training, run fast, follow me, around this city, the last ten, will be eliminated directly."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, but those people saw that there was a god, Chutian, and they felt that he would definitely be eliminated.

But Chutian ignored them, and as for that Zhuge Yixiao, he was also very calm.

Until Gu Aoyue said, "Start."

At this time, Gu Aoyue began to circle the city very fast, and the city was not small, when everyone hurriedly followed, someone fell down, but it was not Chutian who fell down.

On the contrary, Chu Tian was in the forefront, and not far from that Gu Aoyue, which made Gu Aoyue puzzled, "The speed of this god is not simple."

So Gu Aoyue speeded up, and that Chutian also sped up, throwing everyone away at once, that Gu Aoyue finally stopped at one place, and directly eliminated the last ten people.

Although the ten people were unwilling, they had no choice but to leave, and that Gu Aoyue stared at Chu Tian strangely for a while before looking at everyone, "Now the second test is to look at the mountain behind me."

Everyone looked up in doubt, and saw that the mountain behind them was very high, and there were lightning flashes around it, like a terrible mountain.

That Gu Aoyue stared at everyone and said, "It's very simple, rush up, and the last ten people who arrive will also be eliminated."

Everyone was stunned, and that Gu Aoyue rushed out with a leap, and everyone rushed up, but at this time they found that the mountain had a very strong attraction, which made everyone's speed very slow, and some people were directly sucked into it. On the mountain, stuck there, it is impossible to move forward.

As for Chutian, who was fine at all, he was still the first to follow, which made Gu Aoyue look at Chutian who arrived after he landed on the top of the mountain and asked, "What's your name?"


"What strength do you have?"


The other party didn't believe it, "But in my opinion, you are definitely more than a priest."

Chu Tian smiled, "Sage, it doesn't mean weak."

That Gu Aoyue froze for a moment, then said seriously, "Well, I'll see if you can be number one every time."

Chu Tian didn't answer, but asked curiously, "I just want to know how to get into the talent team."

As soon as the words came out, many people who arrived laughed, "Boy, are you kidding, you want to go to the talent team?"

"Boy, wake up, it is said that the genius team is all star ancient gods."

"That's right, Ancient God Star, with your ability, how can you get into the genius team?"

Chu Tian ignored them, but that Gu Aoyue said, "It's very simple, after the final test, those who can enter the top three can step into the talent team."

Chu Tian understood, "Understood, thank you."

But those people were still laughing, while Gu Aoyue looked at some people who hadn't come up yet, and directly eliminated the next ten.

After about a while, he looked at everyone, "Okay, the third test is very simple. Everyone has to play three games, and they are three random games. As long as they can win two games, they can continue to take the test." After the training test, if you lose three or two games, you will be eliminated."

As soon as these words came out, the scene became lively, and many people were surprised, "It's so difficult."

After all, it is not easy to win three games and two games, and that Gu Aoyue didn't care about the crowd, and directly brought everyone to the edge of a ring, and began to draw lots.

 Monthly ticket Monthly ticket, the first change today, continue to fight.Thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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