Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1340 Become No. 1 directly

Chapter 1340 Becoming No. [-] Directly (Determination)
Many people present hoped that they could draw Chutian, so that they would definitely win against the weakest one, so those people began to pray.

After the lottery was over, that Gu Aoyue read the list one by one, and a certain person jumped up immediately when he heard that he was facing Chutian, "Haha, I will win the first round."

Everyone showed envious expressions, and the god emperor, who was still bald, was circling around Chutian excitedly, "Boy, you admit defeat, so as not to hurt yourself."

But Chu Tian looked at him and said with a smile, "Don't get excited, if you lose later, it will be so embarrassing."

Hearing this, the other party laughed and said, "Boy, I'm an ancient god, a god emperor, and an eighth-rank god emperor. What about you? A god, a god! Do you think you have a chance of winning? Don't think too much, then It's impossible, it's just ridiculous."

This person laughed at Chutian in various ways, while some people said with a smile, "Baldy Li, don't be too complacent. If you really lose later, you will be miserable."

This man named Baldy Li had a smug expression on his face, "You all are envious, go ahead and be jealous."

Many people were indeed envious and jealous, but Chutian ignored it, and that Zhuge smiled and looked at Chutian, "You can make an inventory, don't kill people, or it will be too exaggerated."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "I've never been good at controlling my power. If I die later, it's none of my business."

Zhuge smiled and began to mourn for the bald head.

As for Gu Aoyue staring at everyone after seeing everyone knew, "The game begins, according to the order I just read."

Soon everyone was comparing each other, until half an hour later, it was the turn of that Chutian and Li Guangtou, and that Li Guangtou stood on the ring and stared at Chu Tian with a smile, "How do you dare to come?"

But Chu Tian jumped onto the ring and said with a smile, "I'll let you make a move first, if it doesn't work, I'll make a move later."

Everyone didn't expect Chutian to let Baldy Li make a move, and that Baldy Li froze for a moment and then laughed, "Boy, you're just laughing at me."

"Almost the same thing."

Baldy Li was displeased now, and he immediately stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, don't be complacent, I'm going to deal with you right now."

"welcome any time."

Baldy Li snorted, and then charged up his whole body with only one purpose, you are to clean up Chutian, but Chutian was very calm, as if nothing happened to him.

Now Baldy Li was completely angry and began to gather strength. A huge shadow of a fist rushed towards Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian actually caught the shadow of the fist with his left hand. The people present were shocked.

"Here, what's going on here."

Gu Aoyue stared at it in disbelief, but muttered in her heart, "How did this guy do it?"

As for Baldy Li who was stunned and questioned, "How is that possible?"

"Is it okay? If not, it's my turn." Chu Tian asked back, that Baldy Li was annoyed, and was about to do it again, but Chu Tian sighed, "What a waste of time."

I saw Chu Tian quickly punched out his right fist, and a force went out from the right fist, and that Baldy Li was thrown upside down, flying straight out of the ring, and he naturally lost.

The people in Tibet were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Chu Tian would win, and he was an unremarkable priest. Gu Aoyue announced the result. In this way, Baldy Li lost the game.

Baldy Li was so angry that he cursed, "Boy, you!"

Chu Tian walked off the ring without paying attention, and the competition continued until after the discussion was over, that Li Aoyue looked at everyone, "This is the second draw."

At this moment, no one wants to talk to Chutian anymore. After all, this Chutian is too scary, and Chutian waited there quietly until Gu Aoyue looked at everyone and announced the list one by one.

At this time, Chu Tian faced a tenth-rank god emperor, and this man was a one-star ancient god. He was dressed in a white robe, with a sword on his back, and his hair was silver, which seemed very cool.

Many of them knew him, and they teased Chu Tian one after another, "Boy, you will die when you meet Jian Wulie."

"Boy, do you know who Jian Wulie is?"

"Boy, Jian Wulie is a one-star ancient god!"

Chutian was very calm, as if nothing had happened, but that Jian Wulie didn't take Chutian seriously until the game continued, when it was Chutian and Jian Wulie's turn.

That Jian Wulie rested his hands on his back, staring at Chutian with an arrogant look, "Boy, give up, you are not my opponent."

“How come you see?”

"I am a one-star ancient god, do you know what a one-star ancient god is?"

Chu Tian smiled, "I'm not afraid to tell you, not to mention Yixing, I have seen all high-ranking ancient gods."

Everyone felt that Chutian was bragging, but Chutian ignored them, and that Jian Wulie could only stare at Chutian, "It seems that if I don't give you some flair, you really think you are great."


That Jian Wulie was angry, and the sword behind him flew out suddenly, and then countless flame-like sword energy flew out crazily, with only one goal, and that was to kill Chutian.

But Chutian was very calm, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Not only that, Chu Tian was still moving freely under the opponent's sword energy, as if he was not affected at all, but the people present were stunned, while that Gu Aoyue watched silently.

To Jian Wulie, Chu Tian was insulting himself, he snorted angrily, "Looking for death."

Then the sword flew out, very fast, the goal was to kill Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian grabbed the sword with his left hand, not only that, but also turned the sword into powder.

The people present were dumbfounded, but Jian Wulie said in shock, "My sword, what did you do to my sword?"

"It's nothing, it just shattered your sword."

That Jian Wulie was annoyed, "Bastard, you, you dare."

Chu Tian smiled, "What? Can't you?"

Jian Wulie was impatient, "Okay, look at me."

At this time, Jian Wulie came behind Chutian and wanted to deal with Chutian at a fast speed, but Chutian disappeared in the blink of an eye, that Jian Wulie was dumbfounded, "You!"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Give up, I'll tell you."

The sword has lost its energy, and he intends to strike again, but he can't even touch Chutian. Not only that, Chutian can move freely there, and said, "I won't play with you anymore, it's boring."

At this time, Chu Tian suddenly punched that Jian Wulie flying, and flew out of the ring directly.

The people present were stunned. After all, Jian Wulie was a one-star ancient god, and he lost to Chutian. This also let everyone finally know that Chutian's strength is very terrifying.

That Gu Aoyue stared at Chutian even more, until Jian Wulie flew back and stared at Chutian angrily, "Boy, you."

Chutian ignored it, and after that Gu Aoyue announced the result, Chutian came down, and that Zhuge smiled wryly, "You are really cruel."

"I've already given the other party enough time. It's his own inadequacy, so you can't blame me."

That Zhuge couldn't laugh or cry, but that Jian Wulie was very angry in his heart, especially when the people around him were talking about how the one-star ancient god was weaker than Chutian.

"Damn it, bastard!" Jian Wulie was annoyed.

But Chutian didn't take him seriously until the end of the second round, and those who won two rounds in a row did not continue to compete, only the rest continued to compete.

So Chu Tian took a rest in the last round. After the end of the third round, many people were eliminated, and there were less than a hundred people left in the scene.

Gu Aoyue looked at the hundred people and said, "The fourth test is now going on, and this test is related to where you will go to the Ancient God League in the future."

When everyone heard this, they were ready to move, but Gu Aoyue took everyone into a cave and said to everyone, "There is only one exit in this cave, and that is at the top, and the top three can enter the genius team, and the bottom ten can enter the genius team." People, enter the elite team, and the rest, all ordinary teams."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was overjoyed, which meant that everyone could already enter the League of Ancient Gods.

But that Gu Aoyue stared at the crowd, "In this cave, there will be many people who will come out to interfere with you. These people are not weak, at least they are all two-star ancient gods, so you must not only get rid of their interference, but also get rid of them." Your own people."

After hearing this, everyone understands that they can attack each other.

This made Jian Wulie immediately fix his eyes on Chutian, and that Chutian seemed to have nothing to do with him, in a daze, Zhuge smiled and said, "Are you sure?"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

After that Zhuge nodded slightly with a smile, Chu Tian said, "Follow me later, and try to get both of us up together."


Zhuge Yixiao has the strength of a two-star ancient god, so of course he is not afraid.

Until Gu Aoyue shouted, "Start."

Everyone frantically searched for the opening of the cave and flew up, while that Jian Wulie followed Chutian, and that Chutian sneered after seeing Jian Wulie, "This guy still wants to chase me."

"I guess I have a grudge against you."

But Chutian didn't take it seriously and said, "Forget it, don't worry about it, let's go our way."

Then they took a leap to speed up their flight from here, and there were indeed some ancient gods blocking the way, but Chu Tian's speed quickly got rid of them, and Zhuge Yixiao could only avoid them one by one.

Only in this way can he keep up with Chutian. As for Jian Wulie, he struggled to keep up, but he cursed inwardly, "Damn it, let me seize the opportunity."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to him, even after a while, he saw the exit, and Gu Aoyue was on that exit, but there was a barrier there.

This Gu Aoyue said to Chu Tian who was about to arrive, "This enchantment has a strong blocking force. You only have speed, but it won't work."

After Chutian stopped, that Zhuge smiled, and Jian Wulie appeared.

As for Jian Wulie, seeing the opportunity finally came, he said with a smile, "Boy, did you hear that? Speed ​​won't do it."

"If I can't do it, you can't."

Jian Wulie stared, "You."

"I don't know who was hit by me, is there something wrong?"

That Jian Wulie was annoyed, he didn't expect that Chutian would dare to mock him, but Chutian passed through the barrier like an arrow.

 Monthly ticket Monthly ticket recommendation ticket recommendation ticket~~The second update today.

(End of this chapter)

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