Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1344 Belittled

Chapter 1344 Belittled (Determination)
The moment Ye Zhan saw Chu Tian, ​​he was stunned and couldn't even believe it and said, "You."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Yes."

Everyone was puzzled, the two didn't know each other, and the Lord Lie stared at Ye Zhan, "He wants to challenge you, so go ahead."

That night battle was frightening, but he knew that Chu Tian was terrible, if he lost, he would die, so he said awkwardly, "Master, can you change someone?"

The hall master frowned, "Substitution? What do you mean?"

"I've been a little uncomfortable recently. Compared with him, I'm definitely not good."

Everyone booed, feeling that Ye Zhan was timid, but everyone didn't understand why he was afraid, and the hall master felt ashamed, "You are from the Holy Child Hall, if you dare to refuse, I will kill you now."

The night battle immediately responded, "I will fight."

Only then did the hall master create a barrier and look at the two of them, "Go in, you two, whoever wins will be the next Holy Son, and whoever loses will die."

Chutian went in without hesitation, but that Ye Zhan was scared. He thought about what to do until he came inside, and that Ye Zhan stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you came here on purpose, right?"

"I only know you, so I chose you."

Chu Tian replied directly, making Ye Zhan annoyed, "Boy, just wait, I won't make it easier for you."

After speaking, Ye Zhan took out his golden sword, and was about to use the golden sword formation to deal with Chutian again, but Chutian smiled strangely, walked through the sword formation, came to that Ye Zhan, and pierced him with his sword.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they all wondered how this Chutian did it, and why he was able to penetrate the opponent all at once.

That Ye Zhan was annoyed, and stared at Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian said, "You have only one death."

That night battle was not reconciled, he roared angrily before he died, and then said to everyone, "He, he has, there are divine beasts."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Tian shattered his godhead with a sword, and then directly sealed his soul, and then stood there, the people present were shocked.

As for the Palace Master staring at Chu Tian for a while, he said, "What did he just say?"

"I guess I have a divine beast." Chu Tian concealed it, while that Leng Gu stared at Chu Tian quietly, until the Lord Lie said, "You have won, then you are the new Holy Son, but if you enter the Holy Son In front of the palace, everyone has to seal up their past memories, so you can come with me now and seal your memories, no problem?"

Chu Tian didn't expect to seal the memory, but he still said simply, "Yes."

"Let's go."

Then the hall master took Chu Tian away, and Leng Gu stared at the Ye Zhan corpse in deep thought. As for Chu Tian, ​​he came to a secret room in the main hall, and in this secret room, there was a white light array.

The Lord Lie said, "Enter the white light formation, and your memory will be sealed. From then on, you will be the Son of God, representing the strongest of the Ancient God League."

Chu Tianen said, and walked in, and soon these white lights gathered on him, and these white lights entered his body, rushed directly into the consciousness space, and attacked the soul, as if to seal the memory of the soul.

But these white lights had no effect on Chu Tian. The Palace Master Lie who was outside didn't know what was going on, but watched quietly from here until half an hour later, the Palace Master Lie said, "Okay, come out."

Chu Tian walked out from the inside, but secretly laughed in his heart. As for the Lord Lie, he gave Chu Tian a token of the Holy Son and said, "From today onwards, you are the new Holy Son."


"That's all right, that's it."

After the Lord Lie finished speaking, he left, while Chu Tian was walking in the hall, and there were many rooms around the hall, and many saint sons occupied a room, but Chu Tian was not interested in this.

He just wanted to know where the Saintess Hall was, so he inquired from some people and found out that the Saintess Hall was in another city, which gave him a headache, "It seems that we have to go to another city."

Just when Chutian was about to go, that Leng Gu and Palace Master Lie appeared again, and that Leng Gu stared at Chutian, "First of all, congratulations on becoming the Son of God, but there are some things that I have to investigate clearly."

"I don't know what Captain Leng said?"

Leng Gu said, "I suspect that the disappearance of some members of the genius team has something to do with you, so I want to confirm with you."

"What? Captain Leng is suspicious of me?"

"I'm doing business, so you can take this."

Chu Tian looked at the pill in the opponent's hand and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a kind of elixir that can tell the truth. Once you take it, you can tell the truth."

Chu Tian frowned upon hearing this, "Really?"


Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's fine."

I saw that Chutian simply took the elixir, and that Leng Gu stared at Chutian, "I'm asking you now, did you kill someone?"


"Are you sure not?"


Leng Gu frowned, and the Palace Master Lie on the side said, "Okay, we can go now if we have nothing to do."

Leng Gu stared at Chu Tian strangely for a while, then turned and left, and Chu Tian looked at Hall Master Lie and asked, "Master, did the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden perform missions together?"

Hall Master Lie immediately smiled and said, "What? Want to find the saint?"

Chu Tian stared at the other party in surprise, "You."

"Don't look at me like that. Many saint sons who come here want to find a beautiful saint daughter as a wife. I think you are the same."

Chu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, he thought the other party knew his secret, and the Lord Lie said, "But these saintesses are very proud, so far, our sons, there are only a few people who can find the saints, So, don't think too much about it."

"But, I still want to try."

Hall Master Lie laughed and said, "If you really want to try, you can go and learn from each other."


"Yes, there is a common hall for the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden, called the Fighting Hall, where you can compete with the person you like, maybe she gets impatient and likes you, or if you beat her, she thinks You are amazing, so I like you, many people have done this.”

Chu Tian felt that this method was good, so he said with a smile, "I also ask the Palace Master to specify."

The Palace Master smiled wryly, "You all came here for this purpose."

So after the Palace Master pointed out the way for Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian left, and that Leng Gu returned to the genius team, looking at the few people, his face was ugly, "He didn't either, so what happened."

This Leng Gu was very depressed and planned to report the matter to the person in charge of the Ancient God League.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he came to a so-called fighting hall. Here, there are women and men competing in different places, and there is also a ring.

When Chu Tian arrived, many people were attracted, because Chu Tian was a godly man, so many women laughed at Shengzidian, "When did you Shengzidian have gods?"

Some saints looked down on Chutian, so they taunted him, "Him? It's just luck, I happened to meet someone who was injured today, and let him take advantage."

But some people laughed, "That's right, he defeated that guy, and he became the Son of God."

Those saintesses made a sound, and obviously felt that Chutian took advantage of the loopholes, but Chutian looked around, and after finding no trace of Yan Xianer, he asked, "Sisters, have you seen the saintess Yan Xianer? "

As soon as these words came out, the scene became lively, and those saint sons laughed, "Boy, you actually want to find the number one beauty?"

"The number one beauty?"

"That's right, Yan Xian'er is the number one saint."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Tian said, "Oh, I have something to do with her."

"You'd better wake up, how many people want to look for her every day, but she doesn't see her, you're going to retreat by yourself, you'd better forget it."

Chu Tian didn't want to, the purpose of his coming here was to find her, so he began to search here and there, but those people sneered.

There was even a saint who came and said with a smile, "Boy, do you want to find her? It's very simple, as long as you defeat me, I will take you to find her, but if you can't, then kneel down and beg my sister, and I will let you go." How about you?"

As soon as these words came out, the hall of the Holy Child became lively, and one of the Sons laughed and said, "I said, Feiyan, you are wrong, you are bullying the people of the Hall of the Holy Child."

The person named Feiyan said proudly, "I just said, how about it."

Everyone looked at Chu Tian with a smile, no matter whether it was the Hall of Saints or the Hall of Saints, but Chu Tian said, "Is it enough to defeat you?"


Chu Tianen said, "Okay, come on."

Everyone didn't expect that Chutian would dare to accept the challenge, and that Feiyan smiled, "It's really exciting to deal with you as a god."

Then Feiyan came to a ring, where there was an enchantment, and countless people gathered around, and everyone present was very excited.

That Feiyan was on the ring, looking at everyone with a smile, "Everyone, watch how I teach you rookies in the Holy Child Hall a lesson."

"Feiyan, if you want to do it, hurry up, we can't wait." Some saintesses shouted.

That Feiyan stared at Chutian, "Boy, you can't blame me, you are too weak, we can't stand it anymore."

"If you can't stand it, can you bully it?"

Feiyan teased, "In the Ancient God League, only strength can prove everything, and everything else is false, so don't think too much."

But Chu Tian smiled, "Alright then, come on, I also want to see what skills you saintesses have."

The person named Feiyan became proud, turned a huge ball of flames with one hand, and suddenly spread away from around Chutian, as if to engulf Chutian, but Chutian passed through the flames all at once.

That Feiyan was shocked. She didn't expect Chutian to move so fast, so she quickly slapped Chutian. She thought she could hit Chutian, but everyone thought that Chutian would be seriously injured if he was attacked at such a close range.

But something unexpected happened, Chutian turned around and avoided the opponent's attack. The speed was very fast, which made everyone wonder how Chutian did it.

The flying swallow was startled, and was going to continue to attack, but Chu Tian knocked her away with one punch.

 Today's second update, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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