Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1345 Steal people!

Chapter 1345 Steal people! (determined)

Everyone present was dumbfounded, after all, this Feiyan was from the Hall of the Holy Maiden, so she was blown away with a single punch.

But this Feiyan was not someone who would fall down at will. She immediately bumped into the barrier and stabilized her body, staring at Chutian angrily, "Boy, you forced me."

Chu Tian wondered what this Feiyan was going to do, but at this moment, a white light flashed behind Feiyan, and then eight wings appeared, that is to say, an eight-winged angel, and she was holding two golden swords in both hands.

At the same time, he stared at Chu Tian with angry eyes, "Boy, be afraid."

The people outside the barrier started to shout, "It turned out to be the real body of an angel."


"Then this kid is going to die."

"This kid, how can he resist the angel's devouring power?"


As for Chutian, he looked at Feiyan calmly, "Admit defeat? Do you think it's possible?"

That Feiyan fixed her eyes on Chutian, "So, you don't admit defeat?"

Chu Tian smiled, "That's right!"

This Feiyan became annoyed, and stared at Chutian with cold eyes, "It's so, so you don't have to be polite."

At this moment, the swords in both hands of Feiyan danced, and two huge golden lights hit Chutian. Everyone thought that Chutian would be swallowed by the golden light, but something unexpected happened.

The golden light hit Chutian, but Chutian was fine. Everyone present were dumbfounded, wondering what was wrong, why Feiyan couldn't do anything to Chutian.

Only Chutian knew that he used the Pantheon Armor, which has super strong defense power at the moment, and he also said with a smile, "It's my turn, right?"

"You? What other means?"

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, and the sword in his hand charged up again to strike out, while the flying swallow double sword blocked the sword energy and snorted, "You want to kill me with a broken sword? Just kidding."

Chu Tian didn't expect that he couldn't help the other party like this, so he said, "Then come again."

At this time, the blood in Chutian's body was activated, and everyone saw a huge golden dragon behind him. Everyone present was dumbfounded, but Chutian smiled strangely, and the sword cooperated with the power of the golden dragon, and a golden light went down instantly.

No matter how strong that Feiyan was, with the power of the eight-star ancient god, he would still fall down, and even stared at Chutian in horror, "You, you are a monster."

"Tell me, where is she?"

"She, she is practicing on the eighth floor of the Ancient God Tower."

Chu Tian didn't know what the Ancient God Pagoda was, but the people around exclaimed, and someone even said, "So she really went to the Ancient God Tower."

"This ancient tower is extraordinary."

"It is rumored that only ancient gods with eight stars or above are eligible to step in, otherwise they will be crushed by the powerful forces inside."

"Then how many people have entered our temple?"

"No more than ten people!"

Chu Tian asked there, "Where is this ancient tower?"

Feiyan didn't dare not answer, and hurriedly told Chutian the location, but Chutian cleared up his mood and left, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the so-called ancient god tower.

This ancient god tower is a tower made of skeletons, and this skeleton looks like animal bones and human bones. It seems weird, and you can't see the inside from the outside. go up.

But as soon as you enter, you can feel the strong squeezing force on the first floor. For ordinary people, the body must be crushed, but Chutian is different. He has a purification system. layer.

From the second floor to the third floor.

Seeing that he was about to go to the fourth floor, he was stopped by someone, and the person who stopped him was Leng Gu, who stood in front of Chu Tian and frowned, "Why did you lie to me?"

"Lie to you?"

Leng Gu said coldly, "I saw your fight just now, that golden dragon must have melted the bone of a divine beast."

"Yes, but what does that have to do with me lying to you?"

Leng Gu stared at Chu Tian, ​​"The bone of the beast has always been the mission of our Ancient God League to the genius team, and you didn't hand it in, you are lying to me."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Captain Leng, do I still have to ask for your permission for what I get?"

Leng Gu stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Are you trying to disobey me?"

"I don't know Captain Leng, what do you want to say?"

"It's very simple, hand over the bones of the beast."

Chu Tian shook his head, "This is mine, I won't give it to anyone."

"I'm your captain."

"I'm sorry, I'm still a member of the temple, and I no longer belong to the genius team."


Chu Tian looked at Leng Gu and said, "If there's nothing else, don't bother me, I'm going up."

Leng Gu looked at the tower and said, "Don't even think about going up."

After finishing speaking, this Leng Gu wanted to attack, Chu Tian frowned, "I said Captain Leng, I regard you as the captain, not because I am afraid of you."

"What? You still want to resist me?"

"You want to attack me, don't I resist?"

"Ridiculous, then you try."

Seeing that the other party was being unreasonable, Chu Tian said, "If that's the case, then I don't have to be polite."

Leng Gu said to himself, "Your blood has been activated today, and it will be activated tomorrow, so you have no ability to deal with me."

Seeing the proud Leng Gu, Chu Tian smiled and said, "I have many ways to deal with you. Do you think I must fight you?"

"Is not it?"

At this time, Xuanyuanjian appeared and said, "I can use swordsmanship, but the efficiency will be slower, but it is enough to deal with you."

"Ridiculous, how can your swordsmanship hurt me?"

Chu Tian opened his right hand, and the power of supernatural power was poured into that sword technique. In addition, the sword technique itself was powerful. The combination of the two forces made even Leng Gu dare not resist, but could only dodge.

This made Leng Gu surprised and said, "Your right hand is fused with a god bone."

"More than that."

Chutian moved quickly at this time, and that Leng Gu could clearly feel that there was still a divine bone on Chutian's back and said, "It seems that I underestimated you."

"You've always underestimated me."

Leng Gu was cold, "You underestimated me too."

At this time, the surroundings turned into ice, and the ice carried a trace of chill, trying to freeze Chu Tian there, and Chu Tian smiled and said, "Compared to the cold? I will too."

At this time Chu Tian cast the Ice Flower King, and an Ice Flower Palace appeared. Under the Ice Flower Palace, that Leng Gu's power was immediately weakened, which shocked him, "What's going on?"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "The supreme god dare not approach at will. Although you are a high-level ancient god, your strength will also be affected."

Leng Gu hurriedly pushed aside, got rid of the aura of Ice Flower Palace and said, "I can avoid it quickly, but it still won't hurt me."

Chu Tianen said, "I can't hurt you, but you can't stop me, can you?"

After thinking for a while, Leng Gu threw out a silver baffle, blocked the entrance and said, "You can't go up either."

"Just this one broken baffle?"

"That's a top-grade artifact, boy, you can't break it."

But Chutian didn't take it seriously, instead, he came to the barrier and touched the barrier with one hand, and the barrier disappeared in an instant, that Leng Gu was shocked, "You."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you, that's all."

I saw Chu Tian leaping to a higher level, and that Leng Gu, who was obviously afraid of going up to the higher level, could only linger there angrily, "Damn it, we must report this matter."

So Leng Gu went to report the matter, and Chu Tian went all the way to the eighth floor, here, he did see Yan Xian'er, and saw her sitting there quietly cross-legged.

When Chu Tian walked over, that Yan Xian'er opened her eyes. When she saw Chu Tian, ​​she asked, "Is it you?"

Chu Tian excitedly said, "Did you think of me?"

"You destroyed the vampiric vortex formation, and you still dare to come to our Ancient God League?"

Seeing that the other party only thought about what happened later, Chu Tian said helplessly, "It seems that your memory is really sealed, and I have to help you untie it."

"I do not get what you are saying."

"I want to help you unlock the seal."

At this moment, Chu Tian leaped towards Yan Xian'er, as Yan Xian'er was very fast, she dodged it all at once, fixed her eyes on Chu Tian and said, "Who the hell are you?"

"Your friend, your lover, your fiance, does that count?"

Yan Xian'er was stunned, "My lover? My fiancé? Why don't I know."

"Your memory is sealed, of course you don't know."

Yan Xian'er's eyes were blank at the moment, as if she was thinking about something, until she screamed with a headache, "Ah, my head, my head!"

At this time, three people fell around, and all three of them were flashing white lights, and they were all very powerful.

One of them looked at Yan Xian'er like a boy, "Xian'er, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Xian'er said with a headache at the moment, "I have a headache."

The man warned, "Don't think about the past memories, otherwise you will always be in pain."

Yan Xian'er was obviously about to go crazy, but that little boy turned his head and glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you?"

"none of your business?"

The person said coldly, "I am No.1 in the temple, the Nine Star Ancient God, Cao Tian."

Chu Tian looked up and down, "Holy Son Palace?"


"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you." Chu Tian leaped to Yan Xian'er, grabbed her with one hand, and Cao Tian was furious, "Boy, let her go."

"She is my fiancee."

"What? Your fiancée? Are you kidding me!" Cao Tian didn't believe it, neither did the other two, and one of them said, "Boy, this Yan Xian'er is recognized as the number one saint. The three of us have been chasing her for hundreds of years. You didn't even catch her, and you actually said she was your fiancee?"

Chu Tian didn't want to explain to them at the moment, but a soul-eating white light injected into Yan Xian'er's consciousness space, extinguishing the power that entangled her, but Yan Xian'er passed out one by one.

Chu Tian was shocked, and Cao Tian was furious, "Boy, look, you did a good job!"

"You don't need to worry about my fiancee's affairs."

Chu Tian glared, and that Cao Tian spat, "Just you? Return her fiancée? Are you kidding me?"

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, but first got that Yan Xian'er into the space, and that Cao Tian snorted, "You don't want to leave here today."

The three immediately began to besiege Chutian, and Chutian's supernatural powers and bloodlines could not be activated again at this moment, so he could only choose one, and that was to go to a higher level.

 Today's third change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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