Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1348 Take All

Chapter 1348 Take All

The remaining elders were shocked, and hurriedly cast a blue crystal together with the master, and this crystal trapped Chu Tian there, and then the crystal gradually shrank and finally disappeared.

Chu Tian was standing in a blue world at this time, surrounded by that kind of enchantment, and at the same time he could hear the conversation of the Great Elder and the others.

One of the elders said, "Boy, you know we are powerful."

Chu Tian wondered, "What kind of place is this?"

"This is the tomb of death, a unique space created by our Ancient God League, and this space is composed of hard crystals synthesized by countless forces. This kind of crystal, no matter how powerful the Supreme God, will be destroyed one by one here. Trapped."

Chu Tian didn't quite believe it, "I don't believe it, it can trap me."

"It's ridiculous, try it if you have the ability, and see if you can escape."

Chutian ignored it, but touched it with his hand, and found that the crystal has very powerful energy, which made Chutian secretly happy, at least it can be absorbed by the godhead, and sure enough, after the godhead absorbed one by one, those powers entered Chutian one by one in vivo.

Everyone in the dark wondered why Chutian was fine, but Chutian was very calm, as if nothing happened to him, and continued to absorb there.

At this time, the Great Elder in the dark became anxious, "Master, what's going on."

The person called the master frowned, "He is absorbing these crystals."

The Great Elder was shocked, "How is it possible, these crystals are mixed with the power of countless people, the breath is very messy, not to mention him, even the Supreme God dare not absorb it."

The master's face was ugly, "He is a monster, I don't agree."

The Great Elder was anxious, "If this is the case, it will be troublesome."

The master reassured, "Don't worry, continue to see the situation before we talk."

The Great Elder could only wait there silently at the moment, and after Chutian had absorbed it for five days, the power in Chutian's body suddenly rushed, and a voice came from the system, "Ding~ Congratulations to the host at level 170, the tenth-level god king, and the power to activate the god king!" field!"

Chu Tian was overjoyed, "Finally God King Realm."

With the God King Realm, Chu Tian is not afraid of these elders at all, even without the help of those god beast bones, it is not a problem, but he is curious about what the God King Realm is like.

When he opened it, he found that there was a small space in the realm of the god king, and this space could become larger or smaller with his own thoughts, but when it became larger, it needed more support.

This made Chu Tian secretly happy, "Will fighting in one's own domain prevent others from escaping?"

However, Chu Tian also knew that if the opponent was strong enough to break through his domain, he could still escape.

While Chu Tian was sighing, the people outside started discussing fiercely, "Look, he has reached the God King Realm."

"This kid was a godly man before, but now is a godly king, so that's fine."

"What should I do?"

"No, we have to inform the leader quickly, otherwise we can't do anything to him." The elder finally said this, and the master had no choice but to say, "Then you hurry to communicate with the leader."


At this time, the Great Elder leaped away, and when he appeared again, he came to a dark hall, and the Great Elder knelt down and said, "Leader."

At this time, an old voice from the dark asked, "Old Xu, what's the matter?"

That old Xu explained everything, and the old voice said coldly, "A little fellow, let you do this, aren't you too bad?"

"Leader, you don't know something, this guy is extraordinary."

"I can't come out now. You can find a way to trap him. I don't believe that a god king can turn the ancient gods upside down."

The Great Elder wondered, "Leader, what are you busy with?"

"You don't need to ask me about my affairs, you elders just need to manage the Ancient God Alliance for me, you know?"


"Go, gather all the people from the temple."


Then the Great Elder left, and the voice in the dark trembled, "Who dares to make trouble in our Ancient God League, I'm really tired of work."

As for Chutian, he didn't know what was going on here, but felt that the elders outside had called all the saints and saints, and countless people gathered outside the death tomb.

They were stunned when they saw that Chu Tian was breaking through the death mausoleum bit by bit, while the great elder looked at those people, as well as Hallmaster Lie, "Hallmaster Lie, no matter what, you must stop later!" Get him down."

Hall Master Lie still didn't believe it at this moment, "Grand Elder, could it be that he is the one who destroyed the city just now?"

The Great Elder hummed, and everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Chutian to be so terrifying that he even destroyed the city.

As for Chutian, he continued to absorb these things, and didn't intend to go out immediately, otherwise with his ability, he would go out immediately, but now he is very calm.

It went on like this for a while, before Chutian almost absorbed the death mausoleum, and then he rushed out like a dazzling light, looked at the surrounding people, "Everyone, is this welcoming me?"

The great elder glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, don't be complacent, today is your death day."

"When will I die? Naive." Chu Tian smiled strangely.

The great elder snorted, "Everyone listen to the order and attack him for me."


At this time, everyone hit Chutian with their attacks, wishing to destroy Chutian, but Chutian was very calm. When those attacks came, he was very fast and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Everyone wondered where the man had gone, but Chu Tian came behind Leng Gu first, pierced his body with a sword and said with a smile, "Captain Leng, how are you?"

That Leng Gu paled, "You."

Chu Tian sneered, directly broke the other party's godhead, and then sealed the other party's soul, and now Leng Gu completely disappeared, and Chu Tian stared at the elders and the people in the temple and said with a smile, "Everyone, it's your turn."

Those people couldn't believe it, Chutian became even more terrifying, and Chutian attacked again, very fast, none of these people could keep up with his speed, and they were always attacked by him.

In the end, those people were so frightened that they ran away in a hurry, not daring to fight any more. The Great Elder hurried to the dark place and said in a hurry, "Leader, no, it's not good, this guy is too scary."

"what happened?"

"He breaks through to the Queen of God, he is simply against the sky, he kills anyone he sees, and no one is his opponent."

"how is this possible."

"He, he has a lot of creation god bones, which are extraordinary."

As soon as these words came out, the old voice said coldly, "I want the God of Creation Bone!"

"But the lord, none of us can take him down."

"It's simple, just bring those beasts, it's fine."

The great elder frowned, "This guy is not afraid of divine beasts, and the bones of divine beasts will not be controlled by him."

At this time, the old voice fell into deep thought, until he suddenly said, "Lend me your body."

Before the Great Elder came back to his senses, a ray of light suddenly entered the Great Elder's body, and the Great Elder disappeared from his original position as if he had lost himself, and Chu Tian had already solved many people at this moment.

Until Elder Xu was in the air, releasing a powerful aura, everyone looked over, and then Elder Xu said coldly, "Who dares to make trouble in our Ancient God League."

Everyone immediately recognized this tone and respectfully said, "Leader."

Chu Tian looked over with piercing eyes, and instantly saw a strange white light in the opponent's body controlling that old Xu, which made Chu Tian laugh and say, "Why? You are the leader?"

"Yes, I am the leader."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "It is you I am looking for."

"Find me?"

"Yes, I want the Ancient God Order."

The leader sneered, "My ancient god order is something to control everyone, you ask me to give it to you? You are kidding."

"Then I have to take it myself."

After Chutian finished speaking, he rushed towards the leader, and the leader was also very fast, disappearing all of a sudden, and then reappeared behind Chutian, slapped him with his palm, and Chutian also disappeared quickly.

The ally leader froze for a moment and said, "Some strength."

So the two were entangled there, and the people around could only stare. As for Chu Tian, ​​who lasted for a while, he looked at the leader, "You can't do anything to me."

The leader also knew that Chu Tian was not easy and said, "Boy, it's just that my real self didn't come out, otherwise, you would have died a long time ago."

"Then why didn't you come out?"

The leader stared, "Why did I tell you?"

"It's okay, wait for me to catch the body of this great elder and study it carefully."

The leader sneered, "Naive."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, and continued to go up, and then the blood was activated. At this time, everyone saw a huge golden dragon appearing. Not only that, Chu Tian also used supernatural powers in his body.

Under the blessing of these powers, Chutian was very terrifying. He sent the lord flying away at once, and Chutian also shattered the body with one hand, only to see a white light disappear, and the godhead was controlled by Chutian, and the soul also disappeared. was sealed.

Not only that, but Chu Tian glanced at the people around him. Those people had already been frightened and wanted to run away, but Chu Tian took the opportunity to take them all down. Suddenly, all the high-level members of the Ancient God League disappeared, and no one from the temple was there either. up.

It became desolate in an instant, but Chu Tian calmly withdrew his aura, got the Great Elder out and asked, "Great Elder, let's have a good chat."

The Great Elder frowned when he saw that there was no one around, "What the hell did you do?"

"I did nothing but arrest them all."

The elder didn't believe it, "No, it's impossible, how did you do it."

"Don't tell you."


"Okay, now that you are my prisoner, tell me where the lord is, what exactly is he doing, and why he doesn't come out."

The elder said angrily, "Why did I tell you?"

Chu Tian directly made the other party scream with white light, and could only compromise, "I only know where to talk to him, but I don't know where his real body is, and I don't know why he didn't come out."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just in charge of communicating with him, but I haven't even seen his real body."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, "Are you kidding me?"

 Today's second update, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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