Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1349 The Guardian of the Ancient Island

Chapter 1349 The Guardian of the Ancient Island
The Great Elder didn't dare to lie, and said that he had never seen the deity, so Chutian had no choice but to let him take him to the meeting place.

When Chutian arrived there, it was a big hall, and the inside of the big hall was dark and empty, and nothing could be found. As for Chutian, he was very calm.

Then Tianyantong opened, and after a while, he found a mystery hidden in a stone pillar of the building. Chu Tian came under the stone pillar, and then smashed the stone pillar with a punch.

After about a while, a vortex was exposed inside the stone pillar.

The Great Elder was stunned. He didn't expect such a thing to appear in front of him. As for Chu Tian, ​​he looked at it calmly, and then asked, "How do you usually communicate with him?"

"I talk and he talks back."

After Chu Tian understood, he put the Great Elder away, and Chu Tian resolutely walked into the vortex, and the place where he appeared turned out to be the tomb of the gods.

Chu Tian frowned, "The Ancient God League leads to the God's Tomb, why is that?"

At this time, an old voice hummed in the air, "That's the connection between the Ancient God League and the center of the God's Tomb."

Chu Tian looked around, "You are the leader?"

"That's right, I am the leader of the Ancient Gods Alliance!"

Chu Tian wondered, "Why didn't you dare to come out?"

"I have something to do now, so I don't have time to deal with you, but please remember, I will definitely deal with you when I finish dealing with the matter at hand."

But when Chutian's clairvoyant and fiery eyes were opened, he saw a faint aura in the distance, and the sound came from this aura. Without even thinking about it, Chutian jumped and caught up with the aura.

This breath originally wanted to escape, but was trapped by Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian laughed and said, "What? Want to escape?"

The breath snorted, "Boy, this is just a weak force of mine, even if you die, it's nothing."

Chu Tian shook his head and said, "No, you miscalculated."

"What do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple, I can find your location in the tomb of God through your breath."

"Just kidding, I am a ten-star ancient god in the tomb of the gods, and I have fused countless bones, and I am a top ten expert in the tomb of the gods. If I want to hide it, no one will be able to find it. How dare you say you can find my position? "

Chu Tian didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, so he directly got the Xiaotian dog out. After the Xiaotian dog recognized the breath immediately, he began to search in the god's tomb. That guy still didn't believe that Chutian could find him with the Xiaotian dog.

But after a few hours, the leader found that the direction Chu Tian was going was getting closer and closer to him, which made him frown, "Boy, what kind of ghost and beast are you, why does he know where I am?"

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "It seems that he is looking for the right place."

The leader snorted, "Boy, let me tell you, you can't find me."

"Just keep struggling."

After Chutian finished speaking, he continued on his way. About a few hours later, a river appeared in front of Chutian, and the river was covered with white mist. Ordinary ten-star ancient gods and nine-star ancient gods dare not step in, otherwise they will only get lost in this God's Tomb River."

Chu Tian didn't want to talk so much nonsense with the other party, and flew directly into the mist, and the leader taunted, "You can't do what you can."

Chutian ignored it and continued to let Xiaotiangou lead the way. Under the leadership of Xiaotiangou, he rushed to the destination at a very fast speed. After a few days and nights, Chutian saw an isolated island.

When he set foot on the isolated island, he saw a stone tablet on the isolated island, which said Ancient Tomb Island.

"Furushima? What the hell?"

Chu Tian wanted to take out the aura of the leader, but in the end, the aura of the leader disappeared. Chu Tian wondered, "It's gone?"

The Xiaotian dog said to Chu Tian, ​​"Under this island."

Chu Tianen said, "Let's go."

When Chu Tian and the two stepped down, they saw bones everywhere, and these bones were left by many ancient gods. Not only that, but among these bones, there were also some shining bones, which meant that they were god bones. .

These god bones are all the supreme gods. So far, I haven't seen the creator god, but Chutian is a little puzzled as to why there are so many supreme god bones.

Just as Chu Tian was sighing, a golden light fell, and this golden light was a young man with a cold face, as if lifeless, and at the same time he stood there majestically and said, "Those who trespass on the ancient island, die!"

But Chu Tian looked up and down, looking over with piercing eyes, and found that the opponent's whole body was covered with the bones of the supreme god, and his cultivation was above the ten-star ancient god, which made Chu Tian curiously ask, "Who are you?"


After hearing this, Chu Tian said, "I just want to find someone to make way."


After finishing speaking, the other party hit a golden light, the power was very fierce, not comparable to that of ordinary ancient gods, but Chu Tian opened his left hand, and the divine bone dispelled the opponent's power.

The golden man was stunned for a moment and then said, "It's a bit capable, but this will only make you die faster."

Afterwards, the golden man was covered with golden light. Wherever the golden light went, the bones would turn into powder. One could imagine how powerful the golden light was.

Chu Tian put away the Roaring Dog, opened the Myriad God Armor, and rushed into the opponent's golden light, but the golden man was shocked and was about to strike, Chu Tian activated the power supernatural power again, and at the same time pierced the opponent's body with a sword, and then planned to break the opponent's godhead.

But he found that the other party had no godhead, which shocked him, "Where's your godhead?"

"It's ridiculous, I'm not a god! Still a godhead?"

The other party grabbed Chu Tian's sword with one hand, and then snorted, a powerful golden light poured into Xuanyuan Sword, and Xuanyuan Sword trembled crazily, as if it had touched some terrible force.

Chu Tian hurriedly withdrew his sword and cast the God-killing blood light. The powerful attack power immediately destroyed the opponent's body, but the opponent had no godhead, and his soul didn't know where he went.

This made Chu Tian frown, "The other party is not a god? No godhead, what is that?"

Just when Chu Tian was wondering, a light flashed in front of him, and at this moment a layer of ice appeared, and inside this layer of ice, many people were frozen, among which the leader that Chu Tian knew was inside the layer of ice.

However, the leader couldn't move at all, and was bound by countless golden ropes, but he stared at Chu Tian and said in surprise, "Boy, you have some skills, but he didn't catch him."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Catch him?"

"That's right, the guardians of the ancient island are very scary people. They are not gods, but they are beyond gods."

Hearing this, Chu Tian glanced at the crowd and said with a smile, "Don't tell me, you were all arrested by them and became like this."

"Yes, we were all arrested by them, but fortunately they didn't kill us, but I think you are not much better."

Chu Tian didn't think so much, but said, "Give me the ancient god's order."

The leader sneered, "The ancient god's decree is on me, you can take it if you have the ability, but we can't break through this ice layer, let alone you."

Chu Tian didn't care about this, and planned to attack the ice layer, but found that his strength could not be shaken at all, and the leader laughed, "Boy, give up, it's useless, if you can break through, we would have escaped long ago, and we won't be killed Stuck here."

Chu Tian would not give up, he released the Void Devourer, and then asked him to open a small hole, but Chu Tian didn't let it open, to prevent these guys from escaping.

But even after passing through this small hole, he could still feel the terrifying strength of those guys, but even so, these people were just captives. Chu Tian really couldn't imagine who those so-called guardians were.

As for the leader who saw a small hole, he said excitedly, "Boy, help me, untie the chains on my body, and I will give you the ancient god's order."

Chu Tian had already entered inside, stood in front of him and said with a smile, "I can take the ancient god's decree myself, why do I need you to give it?"

The leader said, "Boy, let me tell you that these guys are very scary. You'd better let us go, so that you can fight them, otherwise you won't be able to leave this ancient island."

Chu Tian didn't think so much, but after searching the other party for a while, he found the Ancient God Token, but this Ancient God Token seemed to have lost its effect, no matter how Chu Tian refined it, it was useless.

But the leader laughed and said, "Boy, the ancient god order is integrated with my soul. It was refined with my soul. Unless my soul actively activates it, no one can open it even if it is refined."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, but it didn't work at all, and the leader laughed, "Boy, give up."

Chu Tian said coldly, "Then, I will seal your soul."

The leader sneered, "My soul? It has been sealed by these ropes for a long time. If you can seal it, you can try."

Chutian tried to seal the other party, but the ropes counterattacked automatically. All of a sudden, Chutian was surrounded by ropes, trapping him in the ice layer, and the leader laughed and said, "It seems that you are nothing more than that."

At this time, a group of golden men appeared outside the ice layer. They all seemed to have no self-awareness. They just glanced at Chutian to make sure that Chutian was trapped, and then they left one by one.

The leader joked, "Boy, you are welcome to be my companion."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, the purification system on his body was activated, and then the ropes on his body disappeared one by one, which shocked the leader, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian smiled confidently, "See, I can untie it, and if you are willing to cooperate with me, I can also untie it for you."

"Boy, tell me, how do you want me to cooperate with you?"

"I'll unlock it for you later, and you must unlock the ancient god's decree. If you dare to have other thoughts, I will kill your soul immediately."

The leader smiled and said, "Yes."

At this moment, Chu Tian began to untie the rope on the opponent's body, and the leader smiled secretly, "Idiot, I will run away when you untie me."

As for Chu Tian, ​​he is not a fool, so when he untied it on purpose, he crazily injected soul-devouring white light into the opponent's body, trapping his soul in one place all of a sudden, the leader was shocked, "Boy, what are you?"

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(End of this chapter)

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