Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1350 God's Covenant with Tianchi

Chapter 1350 God's Covenant with Tianchi (seeking monthly ticket)

Chu Tian stared at the other party with a half-smile, "This is something that can make you honest."

The other party was dubious, but Chutian laughed and said, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, and I will help you solve everything now."

When those ropes were all disposed of, the leader was free, but his first thought was to kill Chutian, so his aura suddenly soared, his withered body immediately turned into a mature middle-aged man, and he criticized Chutian. The hair is loose and the face is black.

Not only that, but countless god bones burst out suddenly in both hands, back, and legs, and the aura can be said to be very strong, so strong that it can instantly kill a supreme god at will.

But Chutian was not afraid of the other party's breath, and even said with a smile, "You are crazy, keep being crazy."

The leader suddenly felt the white light around the soul began to revolve around it, and began to attack his soul, which made his face ugly, and even stared at Chutian in a daze, "You."

Chu Tian said calmly, "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense, so I just ask you, can you help me?"

Chu Tian took out the ancient god order to the other party, and the leader gritted his teeth, "How can I be sure that you will let me go later?"

Chu Tian stared at the leader, "Don't worry, I will definitely let you go, and you have no choice, do you?"

The leader was forced to have no choice but to say, "Tell me, how to do it."

"Let's go out first."

Chu Tian came outside, and the leader followed, but the exit on the island was blocked, and the leader became worried, "It seems that I really can't get out."

At this time, a group of golden men appeared, and the leader was shocked, "Damn it, it's coming again."

Chu Tian asked, "What are the origins of these guys?"

"They are not the tombs of the gods, nor are they people from the god world. They are from the ancient island, but no one knows how this ancient island got here. Everyone only knows that there are countless god bones here. I also came here to find suitable god bones, but did not expect."

After Chu Tian understood, he looked at the people around him, "But they seem to be unconscious, as if they are being controlled by something."

"Well, we call them the ancient island wooden people, but their fighting power is very powerful, and their task is to destroy all living in the ancient island."

Chu Tian smiled, "If it's just like this, it will be much easier."

"What are you going to do?"

Chu Tian opened his wings at a very fast speed. When he came behind a person, he shot a beam of soul-eating white light. After the soul-eating white light reached the opponent's body, the golden man fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string, turning into a A pile of golden water disappeared.

The alliance leader was stunned, and Chutian used this method to clean up all the powers controlling those people one by one through the white light of Soul Eater. After a while, Chutian clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It will be all right this way."

The leader was already dumbfounded, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Let's go, find the exit."

The leader was shocked by Chutian's methods, and had to keep up with Chutian until they arrived at the ancient island. The leader said strangely, "You, what do you want the ancient god to do?"

Chu Tian got Yan Xian'er out, "Unlock her memory seal."

The leader stared at the woman wonderingly, "Your friend."


The leader had no choice but to take out the ancient god's token, and hit the ancient god's token with a force, and then a black light hit Yan Xian'er's body, and Yan Xian'er immediately regained consciousness, and when she saw Chu Tian's arms, she was surprised and said ,"you."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "What? Forgot about me?"

Yan Xian'er was very excited at the moment, as if seeing a long-lost relative, she suddenly hugged Chu Tian and cried, which made Chu Tian embarrassed, "There is someone here."

Yan Xian'er hurriedly hid in Chutian's mansion shyly, while the leader looked at Chutian and said, "Boy, who are you and why are you so powerful."

"Don't worry about who I am, I just want you to go back, disband the Ancient God League, and stop harming the God Realm."

But the ally leader said, "No."


The leader frowned, "We have already entered into a kind of divine covenant, we cannot back down, otherwise our spirits will all be wiped out automatically."

Chu Tian frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Before the seal of the tomb of the gods was broken, a puff of black smoke covered many people, and this black smoke is actually a kind of divine covenant. Once you meet people, they will all fall into this divine covenant. Like a curse, it is planted in everyone's body, and there is only one mission, to conquer the God Realm and kill all rebels."

Chu Tian frowned, "Is there such a powerful thing?"


"Then do you know who it is?"

The leader smiled wryly, "If I had known, I wouldn't have come here to take risks by myself. I wanted to find a powerful divine bone to make myself stronger so that I could break free from this control, but it was useless. That thing, like a curse, has been haunting my soul forever." In, lingering."

Hearing this, Chu Tian knew that if he wanted the peace of the God Realm, he had to find the source of the black smoke, and he guessed that it was related to the person who broke the seal. Where could he find the person who broke the seal? It's just the bat.

Seeing Chutian worrying, the leader thought for a while and said, "If you really want to find a solution to black smoke, maybe go to a place and try it."


"Shen Yue Tianchi"

"Shen Yue Tianchi?"

"Well, it is rumored that it is a place full of divine covenants, and there are various divine covenants permeating the Tianchi Lake. Whoever set it up and who arranged it will all be shown there, but to enter the Godly Covenant Tianchi Lake, one must have a soul It is very strong, and it has to be separated from the flesh, so it is very unlikely."

Hearing this, Chu Tian said, "You actually know, then you should know how to leave your body and go to Shenyue Tianchi."

The leader blinked and said, "Boy, do you really want to go?"


"That could kill you at any moment."

Chu Tian rolled his eyes, "Do you think I will be afraid?"

Seeing Chutian's straightforwardness, the leader said, "There is a place, but it depends on whether you dare to go there."

"Do not talk nonsense."


Then the leader took Chu Tian away, and after a few days, he returned to the shore of the tomb of the gods, and finally came to a desert, and there was a withered tree in the middle of the desert.

The leader pointed to the withered tree and said, "This is the tree closest to the Shenyue Tianchi from the tomb of the gods. Everyone calls it the dead tree!"

"Dead dead tree?"


Chu Tian just took a leap and disappeared there, and the leader was relieved, but he was secretly happy, "Boy, you can go in, and you will be fine when you die there."

But at this moment, Chu Tian's voice sounded beside the soul of the other party, "Do you want me to die?"

The leader was shocked, "How do you know what I think?"

"I leave my power around your soul, I know what you think at any time, so I know what you have in mind."

The leader turned pale in shock, but Chu Tian smiled, "You just wait here obediently, don't go away, or I won't find you when I come back, and I will make you look good."

The leader was scared, and Chu Tian came into the withered big tree at this time, there were withered vines everywhere, and they all looked dead, but when Chu Tian just stepped in, those tree vines seemed to be revived suddenly.

All of a sudden all the vines entangled Chutian, wanting to tear him apart, but Chutian was very calm, the breath of the immortal seeds on his body immediately dispersed, and the vines moved away on their own.

This surprised Chu Tian and said, "The immortal seed is actually their nemesis."

This was unexpected by Chutian, and Chutian walked there very satisfied. After a while, he saw the stairs, and he walked up the stairs curiously.

There are several floors of this staircase. When Chutian came to the highest floor, he could see a barrier there. When Chutian walked into the barrier, he found that the soul was separated from the body.

Seeing that his soul was inside the barrier, but his physical body was outside the barrier, Chu Tian wondered, "What is this barrier, and why is it so strange."

However, at this time, a powerful attraction of the vortex in the enchantment absorbed Chu Tian's soul, and Chu Tian was shocked. When he stood firm on his soul, his whole body was floating on a cloud.

There are clouds and mists everywhere, and there are white lights in the sky of these clouds and mists. At the same time, there are thunder and lightning in some places, which makes Chu Tian marvel, "Is this, is it the Tianchi of Shenyue?"

At this moment, although a soul fell, and this soul was an old man, he stroked his white beard, stared at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Young man, welcome to the Tianchi Lake."

Chu Tian looked suspiciously at the other party, "Shen Yue Tianchi?"

"Yes, I am the janitor here, and everyone likes to call me old man Bai."

Chu Tian sized him up and down and said strangely, "Are you the guard here?"

"One of the caretakers."

Chu Tian wondered, "Who are you guards guarding for?"

"Young man, your question is too profound, and I cannot answer you."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Then if I want to find Shen Yue, can I find it here?"

"God's covenant, that's a secret, it belongs to a place where no one is allowed to explore, what? You want to watch it."

"of course."

"No, it's forbidden to enter here. You can go back wherever you come. If you want to play, just play outside here."

But Chutian laughed and said, "Would I like to go there?"

The old man pointed to the thunderbolt in the distance, "You see, this is called Tianlei, no one can trespass on Tianlei, otherwise they will be completely wiped out, don't you want to be wiped out?"

Chu Tian said without fear, "If you don't try, how will you know?"

The white old man stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Young man, I have guarded here for a million years, and no one has ever entered it, so I advise you not to go there, or if you die, you will lose everything."

No matter what the other party said, Chu Tian turned into a beam of light and rushed into the minefield, and the lightning struck Chu Tian crazily, but Chu Tian was very calm, as if nothing happened to him, and then moved forward step by step.

The white old man was surprised, "Just kidding, this kid is fine?"

 Today's fourth update, please recommend a monthly ticket, subscribe, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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