Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1351 Destruction of God's Covenant

Chapter 1351 Destruction of God's Covenant

Chutian was not only fine, but also crazily absorbed the surrounding lightning, which made the white old man dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Chutian was not only fine, but also absorbed lightning.

"This guy, no way, how did he do it?"

Chu Tian had passed through the minefield at this time, turned around to look at the old man Bai and said with a smile, "Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Then Chu Tian disappeared there, and the old man came back to his senses, "No, I forgot to remind him."

But old man Bai couldn't make it by himself, and Chu Tian disappeared again. Old man Bai could only helplessly say, "Boy, you can ask for more blessings."

As far as Chu Tian was concerned, he didn't know what the white old man was going to say, and at this moment, after he walked through the minefield, he was covered in white mist, not to mention the promise of God, but he couldn't detect any strength at all.

"It's weird, God promises Tianchi, is it just white mist?"

When Chu Tian was puzzled, a man in black clothes and holding a wooden sword condensed out of the white mist. He had a dead face, just like those golden men, and Chu Tian looked at it with golden eyes, and there was no spirit in the other party's body.

"It's not soulful again." Chu Tian was suspicious in his heart, and the wooden sword in the hand of the man in black pointed at Chu Tian, ​​"Trespassers will die."

"I really want to break in."

Chu Tian leaped to the back of the opponent, and was planning to use the same method. When the soul-devouring white light penetrated into the opponent's body, the opponent disappeared out of thin air. Chu Tian wondered, "It's so fast, it's gone?"

That's when the man in black appeared, and the wooden sword pierced into Chutian's body, but this wooden sword was not a real wooden sword, but a kind of magical power. When the wooden sword entered Chutian's body, the wooden sword It turned into a series of green ropes, trapping his godhead.

For a moment, Chutian's godhead was surrounded by a wooden insulating layer, which could isolate the air in the godhead from the body. In this way, it was as if a person had lost the source of power.

So the man in black said coldly, "Your godhead has been locked, if you don't want to die, get out of here quickly."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Do you want to lock my godhead like this? How naive."

Afterwards, the Chutian Godhead directly absorbed all the insulating layers one by one, and the next moment he was free from the constraints of power, and looked at the other party with a smile, "Is that okay?"

The man froze for a moment, but before he recovered, Chu Tian had already made a move, and countless soul-devouring white lights poured in, and the man disappeared again.

Chu Tian frowned, "This man in black is faster than that golden man."

This made Chu Tian wonder, how did these people come here, why did they all have no godhood, and it was as if they had no self-awareness.

Chu Tian, ​​who really didn't understand, continued to search around here, and finally he came outside a barrier, and there were many small envelope-like papers floating in the barrier.

These papers shone with white light. If you look closely, you can find that there are words on them, and these all record the promises between different people in the God Realm. This made Chu Tian exclaim, "Could this be the Tianchi Lake of the Gods?"

This made Chu Tian happy, so Chu Tian walked in through the barrier, but there were too many divine promises, after all, everyone liked to use divine promises to restrain others when they had nothing to do.

So it was very difficult for Chutian to find the person who controlled the Ancient God League, but in order to solve this problem, he could only start looking for a letter in the mighty Shenyue Tianchi.

But the good times didn't last long. About half a day later, another group of men in black came suddenly. These men took out a translucent cage, and the cage shone with a strange green light.

Then there were countless black holes around Chutian, and these black holes immediately sucked him in, and the next moment, he came into that cage.

The cage has a strong seal, no matter how Chu Tian attacks it, it is useless, even using the Void Devourer, it has already failed, which shocked him, and those people are like numb robots, pulling the box and leaving .

Chu Tian cursed inwardly, "Damn it, what should I do like this."

As for the cage, after a while, it was placed in a hall formed by clouds and mist, and in this hall, there were dozens of cages similar to him, but many of the people inside had died, and only one was still sitting cross-legged It looked very old there.

When Chutian's cage was thrown beside him, the man opened his eyes and smiled wryly, "I never thought that after so many years, I would wait for a newcomer."

Chu Tian glanced at the other party, who turned out to be at the level of the Supreme God, and said in surprise, "Are you the Supreme God?"


Chu Tian wondered, "How could you be trapped?"

"These guys are very powerful, and this cage is very strange, there is no way to escape." The old man smiled wryly.

Chu Tian looked at the other party and asked, "Where is this place?"

"God promises to punish the hall."

"The Hall of Punishment?"

"Well, everyone who runs to Shenyue Tianchi will be caught here, and then they will be trapped until they die."

"Sleepy to death?"

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, everyone has a lifespan. Even the Supreme God has a lifespan of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years, but it is limited and will die after all."

Chu Tian already felt that he was very powerful, but he asked curiously, "What's your name, how long have you been here, why did you come to make an appointment with God?"

"Me? My name is Liumu. I have been here for millions of years. At the beginning, I wanted to make a promise with the old man, but once I came here, I couldn't go back."

After the other party finished speaking, he sighed, but Chu Tian comforted him, "Don't worry, there is always a way."

"No way, there is infinite power around this hall. If you try to break this cage, it will be even stronger, making it impossible for you to escape."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, so he tried it, and it was indeed the case. However, Chu Tian was not discouraged, but asked, "Who is in charge of that divine covenant, and why are they in charge?"

"The creators of the God Realm, also known as Creator Gods, built their own God Realm, and arranged for some special people to maintain order. This God's Covenant Tianchi Lake is one of the masterpieces of this Creator God."

Chu Tian asked in surprise, "Creator God?"


Chutian only knew that the Chuangshi God Bone was very powerful, but he had never seen the Chuangshi God, so he didn't know how powerful this Chuangshi God was, but these men in black were indeed terrifying, but Chutian had already started putting his hands by the cage On the top, the godhead in the body starts to absorb madly.

Liumu, who was watching there, wondered, "What are you doing?"

"Absorb power."

Liu Mu heard this wry smile, "I thought about it before, but the power here is infinite, no matter how you absorb it, you still have it."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "My devouring ability is also infinite."

Liumu was dubious, but Chutian wanted to thank the person arranged by the Chuangshi God for throwing him here, so that he would gradually become stronger, and the godhead was really changing.

However, Chutian is a soul body, not a real body. He can only absorb it through the relationship between soul and godhead at this moment, so he doesn't know whether his body outside will make a big breakthrough.

When Chu Tian was sighing, the cage suddenly broke, and the driftwood was stunned, "You, you broke."

Chutian didn't expect it either, so he also broke his, and Liumu said pleasantly, "I, I finally came out."

But at this time, a group of men in black appeared again, and Chu Tian had to fight them again. After driving them away, Chu Tian looked at the stunned Liu Mu and said with a smile, "Senior, let's go."

Liumu couldn't help but admire, "You are really amazing."

Chu Tian smiled without saying a word, and then came to the Shenyue Tianchi again but frowned and said, "When will I look for it like this?"

Liumu said, "You can find the God's Covenant Stone Pillar, as long as you find that, and then you want to find any God's Covenant, it will be displayed immediately."

Chu Tian was surprised, "Really?"


Chutian then hurriedly entered the barrier, but Liu Mu was secretly surprised, "This guy, how can he penetrate the barrier at will."

As for Chutian, he didn't think too much about it, and the driftwood also struggled to get in after a while, and then the two began to look for the stone pillar.

About a few days later, Liu Mu pulled Chu Tian to the foot of a stone pillar, "Look."

Chu Tian was stunned when he saw the stone pillar in front of him. The stone pillar was huge, and the bottom and top could not be seen, just like something supporting the Tianchi Lake.

Liumu quickly put his hand on it, closed his eyes, and suddenly a divine promise appeared on his hand and said with a smile, "That's it."

Chu Tian also tried to go up, and about a while later, a divine covenant appeared in his hands, but not one, but many, as if every member of the Ancient God League had been controlled.

After Chutian looked at it one by one, he found that the divine covenant had the aura of the same person. After staring at that aura for a long time, Chutian looked at the driftwood, "Senior, how do we destroy this divine covenant?"

"I haven't tried this, but I think you can tear it up and try."

Chu Tian tried to tear it up, but found that the paper was very hard, so Chu Tian tried to use the flame again, but it was useless, but in the end, he used the white light of Soul Devourer to play a role instead.

That Driftwood also hurriedly asked Chutian to help, and after everything was settled, these promises disappeared, and Chutian heaved a sigh of relief, "This, it should be fine."

"Well, let's go."

Then the two left here happily, but when they were about to walk out of the Heavenly Thunder Pond again, those Heavenly Thunder Ponds were gone. Instead, they were filled with black people, all men in black. They had only one purpose at the moment, which was to kill the two of them.

Therefore, a thunderous voice sounded in the air, "Whoever breaks the covenant without authorization will die."

After speaking, the overwhelming attack came, and the driftwood dodged in fright, but Chu Tian looked at him and said, "Let's go to my space, I'll rush over."

Liumu had no choice but to slip into the nine-pointed star, while Chutian opened his wings, took a deep breath, and disappeared here with a leap.

When he reappeared and came outside, the white old man stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Are you okay?"

"of course."

The old man in white frowned, "Then you should be careful, those men in black will not let you go, and they will even join the world to find you."

"Accession to the WTO?"


Chu Tian was puzzled, and the white old man disappeared afterwards, so Chu Tian had no choice but to go back the same way. When he reappeared and walked out of the strange enchantment, the spirit and body reunited.

The moment they collided together, the godhead began to crack, even torn apart, and Chu Tian was dizzy, "What, what's going on!"

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(End of this chapter)

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