Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1352 The opening method is weird

Chapter 1352 The opening method is weird (for subscription)

At this time, the sound of thunder sounded around Chutian, "Whoever breaks the promise of the gods should be punished!"

Chutian didn't know who the voice was, but it was the same as Shenyue Tianchi, and then thunder and lightning fell from the sky. It was thunder and struck Chutian crazily.

Chu Tian's eyes were red, and he was about to go crazy, but those thunders were merciless and crackling.

Until Tianlei was completely over, Chutian's hair was burnt, and his body was covered with marks. Fortunately, he recovered quickly, and the godhead in his body also slowly healed.

After the godhead healed, Chutian found that the strength had increased several times, which surprised Chutian, "It's strange, why is the godhead cracked and then healed, and it will produce such a great power."

When Chutian was puzzled, that Liumu shouted doubtfully inside Chutian's nine-pointed star, "Are you all right?"

Only then did Chutian regain his senses, let him out and asked, "You were attacked too?"

Liumu hummed, but he just broke a divine agreement, so he was only attacked by a thunderbolt, but even so, he said as if his whole body was going to fall apart, "It's terrible."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "It's okay, we can just go back now."


Chu Tian then walked out of the dead wood together with him, while the alliance leader outside was still waiting. As for him, he had already felt that the divine covenant had been broken, but he didn't expect Chu Tian to be so capable and break everyone's divine covenant.

So when Chutian appeared, the alliance leader said in admiration, "Amazing, amazing."

That Driftwood stared at the ten-star ancient god, wondering, "Is he the ten-star ancient god?"

Chu Tian said kindly, and that Liumu stared at him strangely for a while, as for the leader, he didn't know who Liumu was, so he could only stare at each other there, and Chu Tian said, "Okay, you two, don't look, leave God's tomb."

Only then did Liumu come back to his senses, "Then I'll take my leave first, and we'll meet later."

Before Chutian finished speaking, the driftwood disappeared, and the leader looked at Chutian in embarrassment, "My lord, I don't know what you want me to do."

"You are the leader of the Ancient God League. Although the God's Covenant has been abolished, I think some people may still have vicious intentions in their hearts. I need you to suppress them so that the people of the Ancient God League will not be able to destroy the outside world anymore and take back all their influence. ,do you know?"

The leader immediately agreed, "Yes."

Afterwards, Chu Tian and the lord returned to the Ancient God League, and the lord quickly issued orders one after another, and the entire God Realm seemed to be clean, and Chu Tian knew that the mastermind behind the scenes would definitely be anxious, after all, his goal had not been achieved. .

So Chu Tian hid at the moment. As for the leader who was practicing in the Ancient God League, until one day, a blood-colored crow appeared and landed on the leader's hall.

The leader opened his eyes and stared at the crow suspiciously, "Who?"

The crow was obviously very unhappy and said, "You ancient gods have won my promise, why are you all fine?"

The leader asked strangely, "Could it be that you put that thick smoke?"

"That's right. Back then, I worked so hard to set up a dense smoke array, but now all of them are invalid. Why!"

The leader laughed and said, "Why should I tell you?"

The blood crow stared, "If you don't tell me, I'll kill you today."

"just you?"

The blood crow immediately turned into streaks of blood light, trapping the lord in that place, and these blood lights began to swallow his blood, even if he was a ten-star ancient god, he was powerless at the moment, one can imagine this What a scary crow.

But at this moment, Chu Tian suddenly appeared and struck the blood crow with a sword. The blood crow was shocked, "Damn it, you are here."

Chu Tian sneered, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Chu Tian then injected a soul-devouring white light into the opponent's body, and the blood crow was furious, "Bastard, let me go, otherwise I won't let you go."

Chu Tian sneered, "Do you think you still want to escape when you're here?"

"Damn it, let me go, or my lord will never let you go."

"Tell me, your lord, where are you?"

"I won't tell you."

Chu Tian shot into the blood crow with a series of forces, and the blood crow suddenly exploded with a loud noise, and that Chu Tian and the leader crawled out from the ruins.

As for the leader who cursed, "Damn it, what is this?"

But Chu Tian stared at the disappearing thing and said, "It has run away, but it doesn't matter, I should be able to catch up."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian leaped away and disappeared, but the leader was stunned for a moment, thinking that there might be other things appearing, he immediately hid himself first.

As for the blood crow, it only had a soul left, flying in the air at a very fast speed, like a residual blood light, and Chu Tian had clairvoyance, so he kept locking on to it, and did not catch up immediately.

"I'll see where you can go."

So Chu Tian followed slowly. After tracking for several hours, the spirit of the blood crow flew into an abyss, and then disappeared there. Chu Tian also entered the abyss with a leap.

I saw that the abyss was full of dead air, as if many people had died. This made him puzzled until he fell down. He was shocked by the scene in front of him. He saw that there were corpses everywhere, and there were bloodstains everywhere. .

Chu Tian frowned, "Here, what's going on."

Then the sky changed color, and after a while, the whole space was blood red, and the place where Chu Tian was standing seemed to have gone somewhere.

So Chu Tian looked around, "Don't hide it, come out."

"Hmph, you boy, you ruined my good deed three times and five times, I can't spare you."

"Hello? I don't know which one."

"The people from Jucai Pavilion were released by you, as well as people from the Ancient God League, right?"

Chu Tian smiled, "The people in the Jucai Pavilion are my seniors, I will definitely save them, and people like the Ancient God League, it's not a good thing to obey your orders to break the God Realm."

The other party snorted, "That's my business too, it has nothing to do with you!"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "I have friends in the God Realm, besides, what are you doing for killing so many people?"

"Hmph, I want the God Realm, and everyone submits to me! They only obey my orders!"

"you think too much."

The other party was anxious, "Boy, if it weren't for you, I would have succeeded."

"The Arabian Nights."

"Damn, go to die."

At this time, countless blood lights in the air turned into countless arrow shadows, all targeting Chutian, wishing to penetrate Chutian, but Chutian was watching there calmly.

Until these bloody lights hit Chutian's body, they were purified one by one by Chutian, and he said there, "If you think you want to kill me because of this little ability, then you are thinking too much."

"Damn it, then you will always be here."

Chu Tian ignored the other party, but took out the Void Devouring Beast and began to devour the space. The people in the dark cursed, "Boy, you even have this thing."

"of course."

The other party ran away very violently, but he had no choice but to snort, "Boy, wait, we will definitely meet again, and then I will let you know what it means to be in pain."

Then the space disappeared, and the abyss was no longer there, but Chutian was standing on the edge of a cliff, which made Chutian quickly open his clairvoyance and look around, wanting to see what was going on.

However, the other party seemed to have disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

"Is it completely gone now?"

Chu Tian fell into deep thought, and at this moment Mu Yu sent a message, "Junior brother, come to me quickly, I have something important to do."

Chu Tian looked at Mu Yu in doubt, "What happened?"

"Come here, at the Muyu Shrine."

Chutian had no choice but to leave with a leap. When he came to the Muyu Shrine, he saw ruins everywhere, and there was nothing there. There was only one person standing in a place in the air. This was Muyu.

Chu Tian came to him and asked, "What's wrong?"

After Mu Yu spread his hands at this time, the clouds and mist in front of him gathered together, like a mirror, and then a picture appeared in the mirror, which was a place full of flames.

At the same time, in the flames, there was a figure, and this person turned out to be a senior from Jucai Pavilion, Mu Yu pointed at him and said excitedly, "This is from Jucai Pavilion."

Chu Tian frowned, because the other party was obviously suffering at the moment, but he couldn't leave, he could only be burned by the flames, and even screamed.

Chu Tian felt distressed when he saw it, "What's going on?"

"I, Muyu Shrine, once created a large formation called Wangshen formation. As long as I pass through it, I can see the situation of people I know. I was just curious to see how everyone is doing now, but I saw this scene."

Chu Tian didn't expect such an incident and asked afterwards, "Then you know where he is now."

Mu Yu explained, "I'll try again."

I saw Mu Yu began to increase his strength, and finally said solemnly, "The Valley of the Yin and Yang Double Gods in the God Realm."

"The Valley of the Yin and Yang Gods? What is it?"

"This place leads to a dead space. It is rumored that after the souls of the gods disappear, they will appear in the dead space. However, if you want to enter the yin and yang valley of the gods, you need a couple to open it through a special method."

Chutian didn't care about these, and after directly asking where the Valley of the Two Gods was, Chutian disappeared in a leap.

When Chutian reappeared, he had already come to a scene of a sea of ​​flames, and just as Chutian was about to fly in, the scene of a sea of ​​flames disappeared, which made him puzzled. Then he retreated outside, and the scene of flames appeared again.

Chu Tian was puzzled, so he tried a few times, but he could see it from the outside, but when he stepped in, it disappeared again.

"Maybe a hallucination."

So Chutian tried to open it with his golden eyes, but he found nothing. In the end, Chutian tried various methods, such as shuttle, and let the Void Devourer, Qiankun Realm be used one by one, but it didn't work.

"It doesn't really take a couple to open it."

Chu Tian had no choice but to get Yan Xian'er out, and said awkwardly, "I have something to do, I'm afraid I need your help."

Yan Xian'er said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be shy too."

"It's not shy, it's just that this matter is a bit weird."

 The second update today, ask for a monthly ticket subscription, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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