Chapter 1354
"The powers of the three of them overlap to create a powerful attack. It is a magic technique that we have studied in Jucai Pavilion before. Since it takes a long time to store up energy when using it, it is not very effective in actual combat, but it is still used to open up this weird space. OK."

Chu Tian didn't expect this to happen and asked afterwards, "When the three of you came in, why was you the only one there, while the other two left."

"At the beginning we avoided the dog's head, we separated, and then my lower body froze, and the whereabouts of the other two are unknown."

After Chutian understood, he looked at Xiao Tiangou, "Continue to lead the way."

The old nine wondered, "Are they in this stone city?"

"According to the situation, it should be like this, but how exactly, I don't know."

Lao Jiu nodded, and Chu Tian continued to lead the way. After a while, something unexpected happened. There was a pool in front of them.

There are two people in this pool, an old man and an old woman. Their heads are exposed, and their lower bodies are also petrified. Fortunately, they are still alive.

Lao Jiu said excitedly, "I finally found you."

The old lady looked at Chutian suspiciously, "Why is he here, and you are all right?"

Lao Jiu explained the matter one by one, and then introduced the two to Chu Tian, ​​and these two were the second and third in Jucai Pavilion, and Chu Tian will unravel their petrification one by one after next year.

The two looked at Chu Tian in disbelief, and Lao Jiu said with a smile, "Don't look, his ability is extraordinary."

The old lady exclaimed, "Amazing, really amazing."

Lao Jiu also laughed and said, "He also took down the sealed artifact."

As soon as these words came out, both of them were shocked and thought it was too unbelievable, but Chu Tian said with a calm smile, "Okay, let's get out of here."

The three hummed and were about to leave when suddenly there was a lot of movement around them. After a while, rustling sounds came from everywhere, and piles of spiders appeared after a while.

These spiders are very big, as tall as a person, and they are also brown all over. Not only that, these spiders made countless webs around them all at once.

The net immediately trapped everyone, and a man wearing a white mask with ghost characters came not far outside. When the three saw him, they were shocked and said, "The man of the death hall."

The man laughed and said, "If you know, then you should know what I do."

Chu Tian wondered, "What is the Death Palace?"

"In the God Realm, there will be some people from the dead space, and these people call themselves the Temple of Death, and they like to wear a white mask with ghost characters, black soft armor, and even a black sickle on their backs."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen, and the man said with a smile, "The explanation is over? It's time to play a game."

Chu Tian frowned, "Game?"

The man smiled, "That's right, I have been guarding here for many years, and I have never seen a person who can hurt my pet, but you actually hurt my dearest dog's head, you said Well, how do you want to die."

Chu Tian stared at the other party and said with a smile, "I don't want to die."

But the man laughed and said, "I don't want to die? That's impossible."

"Then try it."

The man smiled slightly and clapped his hands. Those spiders started to attack Chutian frantically. Chutian was covered in stone nets all of a sudden, and then he was pulled outside. The three of them were shocked.

After that, Chu Tianzhen stuck to the Internet by himself, and that person stood in front of Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, you are quite brave, dare to talk to me like that."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "I think you'd better let me go quickly, or you will regret it the next moment."

"I regret it? Boy, are you naive, how could I regret it."

Seeing the other party's disbelief, Chu Tian smiled and said, "It's so, then, I'm going to do it."

The man didn't take it seriously, but Chu Tian suddenly moved, and he disappeared from the Internet. The man frowned, stared at the surroundings, and then swung the scythe, hitting a place where Chu Tian appeared.

Chu Tian didn't expect the other party to find him so quickly and said with a smile, "Some skills, but you think it can hurt me."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he stepped back, but the man said curiously, "Boy, you are a god king, and you have such power."

"There are many things you haven't seen before."

"It seems that finally someone can play with me."

After finishing speaking, the sickle in the man's hand began to turn into a black shadow, and then began to flicker around, chasing and attacking Chu Tian, ​​who directly flew out of the sealed artifact.

The black cloth entangled the person all of a sudden, and the person was shocked when he saw the cloth, "Boy, how did you control this?"

"What? Are you surprised?"

The man snorted, "Sorry, my body can change shape at will."

At this time, the other party turned into transparent, and the cloth suddenly became empty, and when the person appeared again, he stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, are you looking for me again?"

Chu Tian stared at the other party strangely and said, "Somewhat powerful."

The man laughed loudly, "Of course, I'm a person from Dead Space, I don't have a real body, and I can change my body at will, isn't it wonderful?"

Chu Tian could only take a deep breath, "If this doesn't work, then use this."

The Chutian ice flower was released, and the ice flower palace behind it became cold all of a sudden, and that person smiled, "Cold? Want to freeze me? Then you are naive, it won't work."

Seeing this, Chu Tian couldn't do anything, so he had to say, "Then let's go head-to-head."

"Head-to-head? Are you my opponent?"

The Xuanyuan Sword in Chutian's hand had already appeared, and then began to charge, and the man's sickle continued to condense to fight against Chutian's sword, and when Chutian was always trying to charge, he was interrupted by the opponent, and the opponent teased, "What? I want to accumulate strength, sorry, no chance."

Chu Tian secretly scolded the other party for what kind of strength he could be so weird.

The three people on the other side were thinking about what to do, and after Chutian stayed there for a while, he took out the Black God Mountain. As soon as the mountain appeared, Chu Tian followed the three people directly into the Black God Mountain.

The guy outside the Black God Mountain cursed, "Boy, get out."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Aren't you very powerful? Then come in."

The man snorted, "Just come in."

The opponent turned into a stream of air, flew into this Black God Mountain, and then looked around, "Boy, what's the matter? Do you want to use this place as a battlefield?"

Chu Tian appeared at this moment, "Of course."

The man snorted, "Then you are naive, and the power inside is also useless to me."

Chu Tian smiled, "But what if this place is full of this?"

All of a sudden, the entire Black God Mountain was filled with soul-eating white light. Under this soul-eating white light, that guy knew he had been fooled, and then he was furious, "Damn bastard!"

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(End of this chapter)

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