Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1355 Reverse Godhead

Chapter 1355 Reverse Godhead (seeking monthly ticket)
"I see what background you have in the Palace of Death." Chu Tian smiled strangely.

The person in the death hall was angry, and the sickle in his hand continued to dance out, but no matter how he attacked, he couldn't break out of the black mountain, and those soul-eating white lights filled the black mountain.

Even if this person can become transparent or have no body, these soul-eating white lights can make him very uncomfortable, and he even cursed, "Boy, wait, the Palace of Death will not let you go."

"Aren't you very arrogant? Aren't you crazy just now? Why can't you do it now?"

The other party said angrily, "Don't be complacent, we will definitely meet again."

Then the other party disappeared into a puff of black smoke, Chu Tian wondered, "Just disappeared like that?"

Chutian couldn't believe it. After checking again and making sure that the other party was not there, Chutian got the three of them out and told them what happened. After hearing this, Lao Jiu said, "Looking at the situation, he didn't die, but he didn't die in order to escape. , he may have sacrificed something."

The other two also nodded, but Chu Tian had no choice but to calm down and said, "Then let's go back to the God Realm."


Then everyone left together, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived at the entrance. After the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, they worked together to create a space tunnel again, and then everyone walked out.

Seeing the changes in the God Realm outside, Lao Jiu sighed, "It still can't prevent the seal from being broken."

The other two also looked helpless, but Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "Three seniors, who is this person who broke the seal?"

"This guy is not simple, and we don't know who he is, but he must be very powerful."

Chu Tian also knew that guy was powerful, and let the other party escape several times. It was impossible to catch him, and he had never even seen his real body, so Chu Tian frowned, "If this continues, then he will cause trouble in the God Realm."

Lao Jiu became worried, "What you said is true, but how to find him now is still a question."

One person suggested, "It would be great if the magic operator would help us, but this magic operator is elusive, and there is no way to know where he is."

Chu Tian knew that Shen Suanzi was in the Shen Suan Temple, but he would have said it a long time ago, so Chu Tian said without hope, "Forget it, let's think of a way, and this guy will definitely appear again, after all, he is in the God Realm The alliance of the ancient gods has been broken by me."

"Ancient God League?" These people obviously don't know what happened yet.

After Chutian explained the matter in detail, everyone suddenly understood, and Lao Jiu stared at Chutian, "I have to thank you, otherwise God Realm would be really messed up."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Nothing."

Lao Jiu looked at the other two, "Why don't you let him study there, he should be qualified."

The two nodded, so Lao Jiu took out an animal skin picture and gave it to Chu Tian, ​​"In the God Realm, there is a place isolated from the world. It is called the Peach Blossom Spring in the God Realm, and it is also far away from the God Realm. On an isolated island in the sea."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "God Realm, and the sea?"

"Of course, but it's a bit far away. Even if you are a god king, it will probably take a few months to fly there, and there may be special circumstances at sea."

"Special case?"

"Yes, in the God Realm, some godheads are quite special, and they are also called reverse godheads. These people cannot reach the mainland of the God Realm, but can only swim in the sea, and they practice there all the year round. The various special environments make them very scary."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "How terrible is it?"

Lao Jiu said, "It's as if everyone has merged with the bones of the Supreme God, and those who have reached the level of God Emperor, their strength is stronger than any Supreme God on the mainland, and they are even called Transcendence Supreme God, and they are more powerful than the creation of the Supreme God. A weak person in the world."

Chu Tian blinked, "How does it compare with the Ten-Star Ancient God?"

After hesitating, Lao Jiu said, "Some may be weaker than the ten-star ancient gods, but some are stronger than the ten-star ancient gods."

After Chutian understood, he asked, "Then what's so special about you letting me go to this Peach Blossom Spring?"

"This place is called the sea garden, and it is also a place where the sea-defying godheads gather."


"There is a mysterious hall there, where different tasks are issued every day, and as long as the person who completes the task can get the corresponding reward, since there is only one person rewarded for each task, the competition is very fierce, so this hall, also called Fighting God Hall."

"Battle God?"

"Well, often because of a mission, many people of God died, there are many people, and we have not let people from Jucai Pavilion go before, because you are too weak, but now it seems that you have the ability to go gone."

The others also nodded, and said, "When you go there, as long as you win the rewards, you can get a lot of good things, and any of these rewards are top-grade artifacts or powerful magic spells, which can make you get twice the result with half the effort. "

Chutian didn't expect such a thing to happen, but Lao Jiu reminded, "After you go, you must be careful. This sea garden and the people who are against the gods are really not that simple. Even if we go there, we have to be careful." .”

Chu Tianen said after his voice, "That's fine, I'll go and have a look."

Only then did the old nine bid farewell to Chutian, and after Chutian left, the old nine sighed, "You say, can he leave his name in the Temple of God?"

One person sighed, "Don't think too much, the Temple of Dou, among the top [-] people so far, none of them are from our God Realm Continent, they are all those monsters on the sea who defy the godhead."

Lao Jiu sighed, "Yes."

However, Chu Tian had already got Yan Xian'er out and told her where he was going. Yan Xian'er was surprised when she heard this, "I've heard of this place too, but those people who defy the godhead are very scary. Any one, put it here, is a genius."

But Chu Tian said with a consoling smile, "Are you afraid that I will lose to them?"

"It's not."

Chu Tian smiled, "That's right."

After thinking for a while, Yan Xian'er said, "Although I have never been to this place, I heard my father once said that these people who are against the godhead are extraordinary, anyway, don't mess with them, otherwise some people will hide behind their backs." If there is a big family or some big power, it will be very scary."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "I won't offend people if they don't offend me, but if they offend me, then I won't be polite."

Yan Xian'er knew Chu Tian's character, so she didn't bother to persuade her, and said with a smile, "Then let's go. Before we die, we can go to sea to see this sea garden, and that's enough."

"Of course, and me."

Chu Tian took her by the hand, and the two sweetly disappeared in the God Realm Continent. It took them half a month before they saw an ocean, and this ocean was truly beyond sight.

Chu Tian could only take out the animal skin map, and leap forward bit by bit according to the map and the buildings on the four islands. After a few days, they entered a calm sea.

Chu Tian looked around and frowned, "It's kind of quiet here."

"Yes." Yan Xian'er also felt weird.

Until the water was bubbling, about a while later, an island emerged from the water, which shocked both of them. Soon some stone houses appeared on the island, and some people immediately appeared in the stone houses.

These people were all dressed in strange clothes, and the leader was a young man with pimples all over his face, but his eyes sparkled with a smile and said, "That's right, today, I unexpectedly met a beautiful woman from mainland China."

Others laughed and even said, "Young Master Tang, you are blessed."

"Young Master Tang, why don't you go back and become a concubine?"

"Young Master Tang, look at them, they should be from the mainland. You don't need to take action, just let us take action."

The man named Mr. Tang said with a smug smile, "Go up, ask people carefully, and don't hurt them."


Then a group of people went up, and the wretched man laughed and said, "This girl, Mr. Tang, likes you, and wants you to be his concubine."

Yan Xian'er frowned, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "She is my fiancee."

But those men didn't even look at Chu Tian, ​​and one of them even said, "Boy, don't interrupt, or I'll feed you to the fish later."

"That's right, I don't even look at it. I dare to talk nonsense here, no matter what my cultivation is."

"Boy, go and cool off!"

After speaking, someone wanted to go up and push Chu Tian away, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "You better not touch me, or you may be the one who feeds the fish later."

Everyone laughed, and the threatened person laughed and said, "Boy, are you going to feed me to fish? Then do you know what strength I am?"

"A god-king like me."

"Although I am a god king just like you, I am an inverse godhead. Do you know what an inverse godhead is? It means that the godhead is different from ordinary people like you, but has a very powerful explosive power, which is comparable to the tenth-order godhead of your mainlanders. emperor."

Chu Tian laughed but said nothing. The other party saw that Chu Tian dared to laugh at him like this, so he slapped him on the spot, and shouted, "Go to hell."

Everyone thought that Chu Tian would be blown away or something, but something unexpected happened. That Chu Tian grabbed the opponent's palm with his left hand, and then the magical energy was directly injected into the opponent's body.

The man frowned, and when he was about to scold Chu Tian, ​​his whole face turned pale, and then all the strength in his body was concentrated on fighting against that god-devil energy, and Chu Tian sighed secretly, "If an ordinary person, a god emperor, would have already flown Woke up."

As for the people around, they booed, "Stop playing, throw him out."

Those people thought that this person was playing with Chu Tian, ​​but that person was depressed, he couldn't speed up even if he wanted to, so he could only frown, "I want to, too, but this guy."

But at the next moment, Chu Tian punched out directly, and that person flew far away from here on the spot, and finally fell heavily on the water. The people present were dumbfounded, but Chu Tian clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Who else is there?" If you want to feed the fish, I can send him there for free."

Those people were shocked, but the young man on the shore frowned, "Damn it, fuck him and kill him."

 Today's first update, it's the weekend, and it's a struggle, ahhh, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, all kinds of support.

(End of this chapter)

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