Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1363 There Are Always People Who Don't Have Eyes

Chapter 1363 There Are Always People Who Don't Have Eyes (Determination)
As soon as the words came out, the people present were eager to move, wishing to get the stone into their hands and study it carefully, but the palace master glanced at the crowd, "Everyone, are you ready?"

Everyone nodded, and that Yan Xian'er looked at Chu Tian, ​​"You have to be careful, I think some of these people don't have good intentions."

Chu Tian is not a fool, he has already seen something, especially some people even wish to defeat others and then monopolize it for themselves.

As for the hall master had already arrived outside the main hall, everyone also came outside the hall one after another, and the hall master had already set up an enchantment outside.

And the palace master looked at everyone from outside the barrier, "Everyone, enter the barrier now."

Everyone entered the enchantment one by one, and the enchantment was closed afterwards, obviously because they didn't want people to come out at random, and the palace master said with a smile, "Two tests, one is to see who can get it, and the other is to see who can get it after getting it." Can you retreat completely and quickly come outside the barrier?"

Now everyone started to study this enchantment, after all, if you got it, you have to leave the enchantment.

So after everyone studied for a while, the palace master laughed and said, "Get ready to start."

Everyone started immediately, only to see the hall master throwing the God Destroyer Stone, and the God Destroyer Stone was at the top of the barrier. Seeing this, everyone shot out one after another, and at this moment, an afterimage grabbed the God Destroyer Stone and rushed out of the barrier again .

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and they all looked outside the barrier. It was Chu Tian, ​​who was underestimated by everyone, holding the Shenmie Stone in his hand and said with a smile, "Thank you everyone."

Those people stared at Chutian in disbelief, thinking it was unbelievable, and the palace master stared at Chutian in surprise, "Boy, how did you do it?"

Chu Tian said slightly, "Hall Master, I have my skills."

Then the hall master laughed and said, "Okay, now this God Extinguishing Stone is yours."

All the people present looked envious. After all, the God Extinguisher Stone was extraordinary, but there were also people who had resentment towards Chu Tian, ​​and even wanted to stop Chu Tian and clean it up.

The hall master looked at the crowd, "Everyone, that's all for today's performance. I'll invite you if there's something good some other day."

Everyone was disappointed and left one by one, but the palace master stared at Chu Tian, ​​"You stay."

Everyone wondered why the palace master asked Chu Tian to stay, and Chutian looked at this palace master in confusion, while the other palace master stared at Chutian, "Boy, do you want more God Extinguishing Stones?"

Hearing this tone, Chu Tian asked, "What? Do you have many?"

The palace master looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "Yes, I have a lot, but it depends on whether you have the ability to take it."

Chu Tian fixed his eyes on the palace master, "Speak."

"I found this thing in a place, and this place is extraordinary. There is a powerful barrier outside. If you can walk through the barrier I set up today, then it shouldn't be a problem for you to go there."

Hearing this, Chu Tian understood why the Hall Master set up this event today, so he said with a smile, "Hall Master, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"I'll take you there, but when the time comes, we'll each have half of the contents inside, how about it?"

Chu Tian stared at the palace master for a while and said, "Yes."

The hall master was overjoyed, "Okay, you rest here for three days, and I'll prepare for three days, and then I will go to the city to find you and take you there."


Afterwards, the lord sent someone to send Chu Tian away, and the butler stood beside the lord and said, "Master, this kid, can you really help me?"

The hall master laughed and said, "This kid has the ability to pass through barriers. I think it has something to do with his divine bone."

"You mean to say that he has a divine bone that can pass through barriers."

The hall master said excitedly, "Yes, and it's not bad."

The manager also looked excited, but Yan Xian'er on the street asked worriedly, "You, really want to go with them?"

"Just go, there is nothing to lose."

But Yan Xian'er frowned, "However, I always feel that this palace master is not simple, and might even attack you."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Don't worry, if he dares to do something to me, then all the things will belong to me, and I won't split with him."

That An Shi was stunned after hearing Chu Tian's domineering answer, "Brother, you are amazing."

Chu Tian smiled modestly and said, "It's nothing."

But at this time a few people walked out on the street, and these people were all the people from the Fighting God List that they saw just now, and the leader was a young man carrying a black sword, his eyes were still green, and he saw He stared at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, how about giving me the God Extinguisher Stone?"


The man laughed and said, "I, Hei Fenglong, the third in the God of Fighting list, everyone knows how powerful I am. If you give it to me, you will be my friend. In the future, if anyone wants to deal with you in the city, just tell me, I will give you a head start."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, my things are never given to anyone, unless they are my good friends. As for you, forget it."

The black wind dragon froze for a moment and then sneered, "So, you won't give it?"


Hei Fenglong signaled to the people around him, and then they surrounded Chu Tian and the three of them, and Chu Tian laughed and said, "Stop me? Are you not afraid of the guards?"

That Heifenglong said to himself, "I'm one of the top fighters on the God of War list, even if the guards see me, they have to be respectful, and even turn a blind eye."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen, and that An Shi said anxiously, "Why are you such scoundrels."

That black wind dragon laughed loudly, "I'm just such a rascal? Can you do something about me?"

That Chutian smiled, and at this time the surrounding guards fell, and the head guard frowned, "What happened?"

The black wind dragon took a look and said, "Guard Bai, it's nothing, just chatting with friends."

The chief guard Bai was puzzled, "Let's talk?"

"Well, yes, you go."

But the white guard hesitated there for a long time, as for Chu Tian, ​​he looked at the chief guard, "What about you, go to the Dou Shen Mansion and talk to your palace master about it."

But the black wind dragon glared, "If you dare to tell the palace master about this, I won't let you go."

The chief guard Bai was caught in a dilemma at the moment, after all, these two people came from the Dou Shen Mansion.

Chutian didn't expect that the guards would be useless, so he had to teach the people in front of him how to behave, so Chutian looked at the black wind dragon and said directly, "If you don't go away later, then I can Let's do it."

The black wind dragon laughed out loud, and then looked at the white guard, "White guard, did you hear that? He's going to make a move, he's going to make a move!"

[Today's first change, ask for a monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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