Chapter 1364

This Black Wind Dragon originally wanted to make a move by himself, but now that he heard that Chutian was going to make a move, he was even more happy. He wished that Chutian would make a move quickly, so that he would have more reason to deal with Chutian.

So Hei Fenglong took the lead in yelling at several other people, and provoked Chu Tian in various ways.

"Boy, come if you have the guts!"

"Yes, do it if you have the guts."

An Shi couldn't help cursing, "If you have the ability, you should do it first."

Hei Fenglong sneered, "He was the one who said he would do it first, so why are you scared now?"

Before Chutian finished speaking, he moved all of a sudden, came to the front of the black wind dragon, and then kicked it away. The people present were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Chutian to make a move.

As for Chu Tian calmly said, "Let's go."

The black wind dragon flew back uncomfortable and said, "Boy, you."

"You let me do it, can you blame me?"

The black wind dragon looked at the white guard, "Bai guard, you also saw that he did it first, so you can't blame me."

After finishing speaking, the black wind dragon was about to attack, and the white guard immediately led the people back to the side, pretending that everything had nothing to do with them, while Chu Tian smiled evilly, and then the two fought here.

Attracting countless people at once, until the butler of the Dou Shen Mansion appeared, he said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Hei Fenglong was overjoyed when he saw the steward coming, and hurriedly stepped forward to complain, "The steward, this guy dared to hit me on the street."

The steward looked at Chutian suspiciously, "You?"

Chu Tian explained, "He asked me to take action, and I just followed his wishes."

Hei Fenglong glared, "Boy, if I tell you to do it, you do it. Who do you think you are? You are so brave."

But Chu Tian looked at the steward, "Boss, you can figure it out yourself, I'll go first."

Then Chu Tian took the two of them away. Everyone was curious about what this Chu Tian was going to do. He was so bold that he dared to ignore everyone and was about to leave here. But the black wind dragon shouted, "Steward, look at him."

The steward looked at Hei Fenglong, "Tell me, why did you provoke him."

Hei Fenglong didn't expect the steward to ask himself, he was a little unhappy, "The steward, obviously he did it, you ask me what to do."

"I'll ask you now, why did you provoke him." The steward turned cold, apparently about to get angry, and everyone present wondered why the steward pursued this black wind dragon instead.

As for Hei Fenglong, who was suddenly frightened, he stammered, "Me."


"I want his god bone!"

The steward was immediately annoyed, and stared at the black wind dragon angrily, "You are very courageous."


At this time, the steward shouted to the guards, "Send him to Dou Shen Prison and supervise him for a month."

As soon as these words came out, everyone exclaimed, after all, Dou Shen Prison is specially used for detainees, and that Hei Fenglong became anxious, "Don't, don't watch me, I was wrong."


In the end, those guards took Hei Fenglong away, but Hei Fenglong didn't dare to resist. He knew that if he resisted, the consequences would be serious, but he didn't understand why the manager had to stand with Chutian.

As for Chu Tian and Yan Xian'er walking forward step by step, that An Shi laughed, "This guy, I didn't expect to be so unlucky."

Yan Xian'er said with a smile, "It seems that this palace master really wants to cooperate with you."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "That's using me."

Yan Xian'er thought it was reasonable, but she was still wary of the Palace Master. As for Chu Tian, ​​after returning to the inn, he took out the God Extinguishing Stone to study it, and when his consciousness penetrated into it.

It can be seen that there is a small space in the God Extinguishing Stone, and in this small space, there is a faint light, which is fiery red.

Chu Tian curiously tried to control this thing, and the fiery red flame was directly sucked into Chu Tian's body, which surprised Chu Tian, ​​and the God Extinguishing Stone in front of him had already turned into powder.

Then, that strange flame appeared in Chutian's hand, but it was very faint.

But when Chu Tian shot out the flame and touched An Shi, that An Shi immediately screamed, "Ah, it hurts so much."

Chu Tian took it back and said with a smile, "How is it? Is it comfortable?"

That An Shi wondered, "What is this?"

"The power in the God Destroyer Stone."

"So terrible."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "It's not enough. We need more God Destroyer Stones to exert greater power and play the necessary role."

An Shi looked at Chu Tian in disbelief, "Wouldn't it be terrible if it accumulated a lot?"


An Shi was very excited, but Chu Tian calmed down and said with a smile, "Okay, let's rest. I can go and see it in three days. If you can then, I will let you also have the God Extinguishing Stone."

That An Shi couldn't believe it, "I, do I have it too?"


"Brother, thank you."

Chu Tian smiled, "Let's rest."

An Shi hurried back to his room, but Chu Tian looked at Yan Xian'er, "You should rest too."

But Yan Xian'er said a little restlessly, "I always feel something is wrong."

"what happened?"

"The moment you shot the flame, I felt a strange power around me, and this power could affect me, as if it wanted to control my soul."

Chu Tian asked strangely, "Oh? Really?"


Chu Tian was puzzled and tried to hold the flame again, but this Yan Xian'er stared at the flame for a long time and said, "It's amazing."

But Chu Tian only found this fire, and didn't find other powers for the time being, so he said, "I didn't feel it."

"But I have, it seems that the soul is about to be controlled."

Chu Tian had no choice but to put it away, "I'll study it slowly."


So Chu Tian studied in the nine-pointed star by himself, and he did not come out of the nine-pointed star until the next day. That Yan Xianer asked worriedly, "How is it? How is it?"

"Still don't understand."

Yan Xian'er comforted, "Forget it, it might be my illusion."

Chu Tian didn't believe in any illusions, he always felt that the flame was indeed extraordinary, but now he couldn't get other God's Extinguishing Stones, and couldn't research anything.

I can only say there, "Forget it, let's not talk about this."

But at this time the street was very lively, and there were people flying out of the city from all over the sky, that Chu Tian wondered, "What happened."

At this time, An Shi came from outside and hurriedly said, "Brother."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "What happened?"

"The Twelve Secret Realms of the Sea in the Sea Garden have appeared."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "The Twelve Secret Realms?"

"Well, it is rumored that there are twelve secret realms on the sea, and each secret realm is left by the Creator God, so everyone guesses that each secret realm has a lot of good things, so every time a secret realm appears, it will be extraordinarily lively, No, everyone rushed to have a look, even the major battle gods, all went."

Chu Tian said with great interest, "Let's go and have a look."

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(End of this chapter)

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