Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1367 Competing for the treasure

Chapter 1367 Competing for the treasure (to be determined)
Chu Tian was surprised when he saw the panoramic map, and Yan Xian'er saw Chu Tian who was surprised and asked, "What's wrong?"

Then Chu Tian came back to his senses and said with a smile, "It's nothing, it's just something interesting."

This made Yan Xian'er and An Shi puzzled, they were all curious about what happened, but Chu Tian said with a calm smile, "Come on, there are really some good places here."

The two were puzzled, as Chu Tian came to his back garden and began to walk in this secret place.

About half an hour later, they came to a stone gate, that Yan Xianer stared at the stone gate and asked, "What is this?"

Chu Tian looked at the stone gate and said, "Behind this stone gate, there is another cave."

The two were puzzled, wondering how Chutian knew, and Chutian wanted to open the stone gate, but found that the stone gate was resisted by a powerful force, which made him mutter to himself, "From a panoramic view, you can only see this stone gate." Outside, and inside the stone gate, there is indeed a white mist, but why is there such a great power?"

After Chutian thought for a while, his right hand began to accumulate power. After a while, the power of the god bone in his right hand exploded and hit the stone gate directly. The stone gate was broken, and then it was printed in mist in front of the three people.

Seeing the mist, the two of them were startled, but Chu Tian was very calm, as if he knew it already, and walked in. After a while, a stream of mist came from inside, and he could feel the strong breath inside .

These breaths are aura, and it is a strong aura. As soon as An Shi entered, he said excitedly, "Okay, so strong."

Yan Xian'er also nodded feelingly, while Chu Tian walked forward step by step. At the same time, his piercing eyes opened, and he could see a statue of four people, and the statue of four people stood standing around here.

"What do these four portraits represent?"

Then Chu Tian came under a statue, and the lower body of the statue was a pillar, and the upper body was a person. Seeing this, Chu Tian leaped to the top of the statue.

An Shi, who was below, also wanted to go up, but found that there was an infinite force pressing him down here, preventing him from going up, which surprised him, "This."

Chu Tian was very calm, and even squatted down, looking at the stone statue, "It seems that this stone statue is not simple."

Yan Xian'er was puzzled from below, "How did you get up there?"

Chu Tian came back to his senses and said with a smile, "I have special abilities, so I ignore the power here."

This made An Shi a little shocked and couldn't believe it, but Chu Tian found a small groove on the stone statue, and in this groove, there was a transparent crystal, shining with a faint white light.

Chu Tian picked up the transparent crystal, and the surrounding fog disappeared immediately, and appeared in front of everyone like a small square.

An Shi was shocked, "This."

Chu Tian knew that it must be the problem with the crystal, and he tried to inject power and found that the power was absorbed by the crystal. No matter how he tried, the crystal had a strong absorption power.

Chu Tian hurriedly asked the system to appraise, "Ding ~ Suction Stone, any force that touches this stone will be absorbed, endless."

Chutian didn't expect this stone to have such a background, so he flew to the other three stone statues, and took the crystals from the three places above. After everything was done, Chutian put away the three stones and smiled slightly, "It seems, not simple."

After Chutian was done, Chutian was about to put away the four crystals, but at this time there was a person standing outside the stone gate. This person's hair was loose and curly. At the same time, his skin was a little dark, and in some places, there were scales.

An Shi was shocked when he saw this man, "Yes, it's from Hei Lin in the sea area."

Chu Tian wondered, "What is a Heilin man?"

"A kind of people, people who live under the sea, they have the body of a beast, and the wisdom of a human, their strength is even more terrifying, and they have two godheads."

It was the first time Chutian heard that there were two godheads, so he looked curiously and found that there were really two in his body, one was human and the other was beast.

At this time, the Heilin man said coldly, "Give me those four stones."

Chu Tian returned to his senses and said with a smile, "This thing belongs to me, why should I give it to you?"

Hei Lin was too lazy to talk nonsense, turned into a black afterimage, and came to Chutian. Just as he was about to reach out to catch Chutian, Chutian disappeared from his original position in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the Heilin people here were shocked, he looked at Chu Tian in disbelief, "You."

Chu Tian was already standing on another stone pillar and said with a smile, "You want to catch me? Let's save it, it's impossible."

This Heilin man was not reconciled, and planned to try again, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with Chutian, and that An Shi shouted excitedly, "Brother, come on."

Chu Tian smiled, but the Hei Lin man was annoyed, he never thought it would be like this, so angry that he cursed there, but Chu Tian didn't care, and moved there one by one.

Until the Helin man snorted, "If you can get away, then these two people can't."

After finishing speaking, the Heilin man stretched out one hand, and a powerful airflow suddenly grew bigger, and he shot out directly. Chutian knew that if the airflow hit the two people directly, they would definitely be seriously injured and die.

Chu Tian immediately made a leap, and directly took the two people away from the original place, and the air current hit the ground, and the whole secret realm trembled, one can imagine how powerful the other party was.

But when the Heilin man saw that he missed the shot, he was out of breath, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian turned cold, "I don't like others to attack my friends, so you offended me!"

Chu Tian held the Xuanyuan Sword with his right arm, and a powerful sword energy shot out, hitting the Heilin man hard. One of the Heilin's godheads was seriously injured, but the other godhead was intact.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!" The Heilin man seemed to be completely enraged, and his good godhead repaired the unnecessary godhead at once, which shocked Chu Tian secretly, "It seems that to kill him, he has to attack two godhead."

Chu Tian knew that it was very difficult to have two godheads at the same time, but he still took a deep breath, locked on to the opponent, and kicked him.

That kick has the strength of Hercules' legs, and the black man was blown away, but this black man has a powerful armor and strong defense, so he still can't hurt the opponent, but it just makes the opponent uncomfortable and then hum Voice, "Overestimate one's abilities."

After the Heilin man finished speaking, black scales appeared all over his body, and these black scales turned into sharp blades, and these blades flew out one by one, trying to penetrate Chu Tian.

But Chutian disappeared from his original position in the blink of an eye, and the Heilin man said solemnly, "Boy, don't hide if you have the ability, come out for me!"

Chu Tian suddenly came behind the Heilin man and said with a smile, "Here."

As soon as the Heilin man turned around, he was pierced by Chutian's Xuanyuan sword, but the Heilin man had a ferocious face, he grabbed the sword with one hand, a black light flashed on his body, and then he roared and turned into a huge black fish.

[I heard that there was an earthquake in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, I hope the readers there are safe. 】

(End of this chapter)

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