Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1368 Scary Future Flower

Chapter 1368 Scary Future Flower (Determination)
Seeing the black fish, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Became a sea beast?"

The fish suddenly shook its body, and the powerful force directly knocked Chutian's Xuanyuan Sword away from its original position, and after Chutian flew upside down, he looked at the big black fish and said with a smile, "If you do this, it will be even worse. "

"Hmph, I'm a beast body, with strong defense and power, you can't hurt me." The Heilin man said to himself, but Chu Tian sneered, and the beast mark appeared behind him.

In front of the seal of the beast, this Heilin man immediately became different, his eyes widened, he started to panic, and wanted to run away, but Chutian stopped him, "What are you running for?"

The Heilin man said in fear, "I, I was wrong."

Chu Tian smiled, "What? That's a mistake? It's not your character."

The Heilin man gritted his teeth and quickly turned into a human, but there was still a wound on his body, which was covered with blood, and his eyes glared angrily, "Hmph, if I turn into a human, that thing of yours won't affect me anymore."

"It doesn't matter, but you become a human, do you think you can fight against me?"

This Hei Lin was so angry that he stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, go away."

Chu Tian shook his head, "Sorry, I won't go away."

The Heilin people were annoyed, "Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Chu Tian laughed and teased, "Kill me? Do you think it's possible?"

The Heilin man went completely mad, all the scales on his body disappeared, and then gathered into a huge protective eggshell, and finally rushed towards Chutian, and Chutian looked at the flying eggshells, attacked them one by one, and finally smashed the eggshell. The shell shook.

But the other party disappeared. Chu Tian immediately opened the panorama of the secret realm, and found that he had disappeared in the secret realm. After that, he smiled wryly, "You escaped really fast."

Chu Tian had no choice but to release Yan Xian'er and An Shi, but this An Shi asked suspiciously, "Brother, disappeared?"

"Well, it disappeared, but I don't understand why this Heilin man has two godheads."

An Shi said incomprehensibly, "It's always been like this, and their lives are weird, and they only appear in the deep sea."

Chu Tian nodded slightly and said, "Forget it, let's leave it alone, let's go."

Then the three left, but after Chutian opened the panorama, he found an interesting place, so he laughed and said, "Let's go."

The two people saw that Chutian did not return the same way, but came to a strange place, and there were many small holes in this strange place, like a hornet's nest.

At this moment, many people from the Temple of Fighting are in this hornet's nest, and even the steward of the Temple of Fighting is there, and he is just like a wooden man in a daze, until he sees Chu Tian appearing suspiciously, "Why are you here?"

"I came here after walking around." Chu Tian smiled, and the wooden man felt weird, until Chu Tian said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about something else."

The manager was puzzled, "What are you talking about?"

"What about your palace master?"

The wooden man sighed, "Master, you went in, but you didn't come out, and you don't know what's going on inside."

Chu Tian looked at these hornet's nests and said, "I'll go in and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian settled An Shi and Yan Xian'er, and then leaped into the small openings. After entering, it was dark everywhere, and he couldn't see his fingers when he stretched out his hand.

However, Chu Tian had already opened his golden eyes and golden cudgel, and everything was clearly in front of his eyes, and even everything entered his mind one by one.

In order to better find the Hall Master, Chu Tian asked Xiao Tiangou to come out, and as soon as Xiao Tiangou came out, he felt very uncomfortable, "There is something wrong with this place."

"what happened?"

"My feeling will be controlled, and I can't judge the direction."

"Feeling controlled?"

The Xiaotiangou nodded, "Yes, there must be something here that has affected me."

Chu Tian comforted, "Don't worry, you can go back first."

After Chu Tian put him away, he frowned, "What can affect him?"

So Chu Tian opened the Celestial Eye. This day, the Celestial Eye can penetrate more powerfully, and he can scan as he likes, until Chu Tian saw that the Palace Master was somewhere, and there was a red plant in front of his eyes.

The plant released bursts of red light, and the hall master sat there in a daze.

After Chu Tian saw the Palace Master, he quickly jumped up, "Go and see what's going on."

When Chutian reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the hall master, and the hall master looked at Chu Tian curiously, "You, why are you here?"

"Your housekeeper and people are waiting outside. They said you were here, so I came in to take a look. I didn't expect you to sit here in a daze."

The hall master sighed when he heard this, "This thing is so powerful, I was almost seduced by it."

"This thing?"

"Well, this plant is a kind of thing that can make the gods and souls hallucinate. Even the Supreme God has to be tricked."

Chu Tian was stunned and said, "This is the secret realm of the Creator God, could it be that he planted it?"

"No one knows. I also found out when I came here just now, but I forgot the time as soon as I sat down."

Chu Tian really wanted to see if the plant had such a great ability, so he stared at the plant, but the palace master persuaded, "Be careful."

Chu Tian didn't worry about it at all, and when he looked at the plant, he could see many hallucinations, and these hallucinations seemed to be related to him, such as who and what happened, all emerged one by one.

Chutian even saw that one day in the future, he would be hunted down by a group of creation gods, and his relatives and friends would die one by one because of him. Seeing this, Chutian smiled wryly and regained his senses, "This thing, can you believe it?" ?"

"It's called the future flower. It is said that it can see what will happen in the future, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

Chu Tian smiled, "I don't believe it."

The hall master stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Oh? Why don't you believe it?"

"Because, I only believe that my own life belongs to me, not to anyone else."

The hall master showed a half-believing and suspicious expression, but at this moment the flower suddenly moved, and it opened suddenly, a black vortex appeared, and then a strong attraction wanted to suck the two of them in.

The hall master was shocked, "Run, this is the attraction of the future flower, once inhaled, it will disappear in this space."

Chu Tian didn't expect this flower to have such a skill, so he evacuated here with the hall master in a leap, and the hall master outside the hornet's nest was sweating, "It's terrible."

Chu Tian smiled calmly and said, "I didn't expect the Palace Master to have something to be afraid of."

The hall master couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't praise me, this is a secret realm left by the Creator God, everyone knows what's inside, it's very unusual."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Then the Creator God only left these things?"

The hall master shook his head, "It is said that there may be something good in this secret realm, but I haven't found it yet."

[Today's second update, I hope everyone can support the original version. Lao Yan is working hard every day, and it is uninterrupted every day. For a person who supports his family by writing novels, if he can't even support himself, how can he support his family? Thank you for your support . 】

(End of this chapter)

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