Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1369 Surrender?ridiculous!

Chapter 1369 Surrender?ridiculous! (ask for order)
Chu Tian suddenly fell into deep thought, guessing in his heart that the things left by the Creator God are probably the future flower and the suction stone that can swallow infinite power.

So he came back to his senses and said, "Then there is probably nothing here, let's go."

The master of the Dou Shen Temple was a little unwilling, "It's rare to come to the secret realm of the Creator God, so I have to look for it no matter what."

So the palace master continued to search around with people, but Chu Tian didn't think so much, he took An Shi and Yan Xian'er and left this secret place, and returned to the sea garden. That An Shi wondered, "Brother, why don't you continue?" Looking for something in there?"

"Nothing to find."


Chu Tian explained with a smile, "Because I got them all."

That An Shi was shocked, but Chu Tian smiled and said nothing, Yan Xian'er looked at An Shi with a smile, "Look slowly, you big brother, you are very capable."

An Shi was naturally full of admiration, and at this time a middle-aged man in wooden green clothes appeared, holding a fish bone in his hand, and the passers-by were all pointing at him.

As for An Shi, his face changed when he saw him, and then he whispered to Chu Tian, ​​"Brother, this is the beast master from the Mu family."


"Yes, they are people who specialize in training sea beasts. It is said that they are very capable. They can summon some sea beasts to fight for them at will, and their inverse godheads are also above the third class. They can create a sea area and let others enter there. It's hard to come out."

This Anshi spoke to the other party very badly, and passers-by were also full of fear of this kind of person, deeply afraid of being dragged into the so-called sea space by the other party.

At this time, the man took the initiative to say something deeply, "Beast master of the Mu family, Mu Qian, I am here on behalf of the head of my family, Mu, I hope you can listen to his words carefully."

Chu Tian looked at the other party calmly, wanting to see what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd. At this moment, the guy waved his hand, and a picture appeared in front of him. It was a tree, and a voice came from inside the tree, "Boy, I want to invite you to my Mu family as a guest."

Everyone didn't expect that the Mu family came to invite Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian was not a three-year-old child, he smiled slightly, "Please invite me, and then deal with me, do you people from the Mu family prevent others from being fools?"

But the other party said with a smile, "I see that you are good, so I will give you a chance, but if you don't want to come, then I will ask Master Muqian to bring you here, but if it scares you and hurts you, then you Don't blame me."

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian said, "He has no such ability."

That Muqian frowned suddenly, and the green clothes on his body began to change into different colors, as if a chameleon was about to explode, and people around could see countless bubbles around him, just like the bubbles spit out by fish.

The next moment, the area where Chutian was located flashed light, and the three of them disappeared, while Mu Qian turned and left as well. The people present exclaimed, "The beast master of the Mu family is just amazing."

"Yeah, so scary."

While everyone was discussing, Chu Tian was standing on a sea area, while Yan Xian'er was looking around, but An Shi was nervous, "It's over, it's over, this beast master is definitely not easy."

Chu Tian looked up at the sky, and after seeing the shadow of Mu Qian, he said with a smile, "Aren't you going to come down?"

That Muqian looked at Chutian proudly, "I don't need to come down to deal with you."

After saying this, green light flickered all over that Mu Qian, and then a giant mac suddenly appeared in the sea area, it was a huge fish, this fish was like a big whale.

But this is not an ordinary whale, but a kind of mythical beast in the sea. Its body has a huge aura. It rushed out of the sponge, and then opened its mouth. Countless bubbles turned into aggressive power, and all of them flew over.

An Shi and Yan Xian'er's expressions changed drastically, while the corners of Chu Tian's mouth smiled evilly, and the seal of the beast flew out. The summoned beast immediately closed its bubbles, dived into the water, and hid. This time it seemed to fail.

An Shi was dumbfounded, while Mu Qian became more and more annoyed, and finally asked Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, what have you done?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "It's nothing, just let it go back and have a good sleep."

Mu Qian snorted, "I don't believe it."

So Mu Qian continued to summon other sea beasts, but these sea beasts just made a fuss to show off, and then immediately dived into the sea, not daring to climb out, but Chu Tian smiled, "Is there any more? If not, then I'll let you see The rest of me is great."

"What do you mean."

Chutian chuckled, all the sea beasts under the sea flew out just now, but instead of attacking Chutian, they turned to attack Muqian. Muqian was so frightened that he ran away in a hurry, and finally the space was destroyed by itself.

However, the three of Chutian discovered that they had come to an unfamiliar mountain range, and the mountain range was surrounded by dense trees, and at the same time, there was an enchantment shining with green light in the sky.

Outside this barrier, there is a group of experts from the Mu family, including Mu Feng. He has obviously regained his physical body, laughing triumphantly, "Boy, I didn't expect that."

Chu Tian sighed, "It's you again."

Mu Feng was proud, "Of course, I am the young master of the Mu family, as long as you offend me, I will make you unable to walk in the sea garden."

"But if you do this, it will bring disaster to your Mu family."

That Mu Feng laughed loudly, and the surrounding Mu family masters also thought that Chu Tian was in the Arabian Nights, but Chu Tian had no choice but to shake his head, "Die."

At this time, after Chu Tian brought Yan Xian'er and the two into the space, a flicker appeared in front of these people at once, and he pierced through the godheads of many people with his sword on the spot, even the remaining people were shocked.

Mu Feng stepped back immediately and shouted, "Father, father, come quickly."

At this time, a huge tree fell from the sky, and a majestic voice still came from inside the tree, "Boy, do you still dare to kill people from my family?"

"It's you who want to trouble me, don't blame me."

"Hmph, my Mu family has been in the sea for many years, and you are not something you can bully."

After saying this, countless masters appeared in the air, and many of them were second- and third-class inverse godheads, and many of them were very powerful, and they quickly stepped forward, condensed a barrier, and trapped Chu Tian there.

As for the Mu Patriarch in the big tree, he threatened, "Boy, I will give you a chance to admit your mistake."

"Admit the wrong opportunity?"

"Yes, how about handing over your god bones and submitting to our Mu family, and you will be our Mu family's thugs in the future?"

It was the first time for Chu Tian to hear such a funny threat, so he smiled knowingly, "I think, you Mu family, if you act as my thugs, I think it's a fairy."

These words were simply mocking, and made those Mu family geniuses gnash their teeth, and the Mu family leader lost his patience, and snorted, "Destroy him, destroy his godhead, just keep his soul!"

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(End of this chapter)

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