Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1370 Three Shadows

Chapter 1370 Three Shadows (Order)
Those Mu family members received the order one by one, "Yes!"

At this time, there are overwhelming attacks, including swords, arrows, guns, and knives. .

These attacks turned into huge air currents and rushed towards Chutian, as if they were going to cover Chutian in an instant, and Chutian's four suction stones gathered together, planning to use these four suction stones to absorb these attacks.

But a strange thing happened. After the four suction stones collided together, they formed a light shield, and the light shield was transparent, covering Chu Tian inside. absorbed.

Chu Tian was suddenly delighted, "It's amazing."

Those people were dumbfounded, and they were all curious about what happened, while Patriarch Mu became excited inside the big tree, "This, this kid has a magic weapon!"

"A magic weapon? Why is the magic weapon so powerful?" Some people were puzzled, while some were more courageous, leaping to the side of the cover, and stabbing the cover with a sword.

He thought that the sword was a divine tool, so sharp, it could be pierced through, but what happened next made him dumbfounded, because this sword was directly blocked from the outside, not only that, Chu Tian stretched out one hand to grab the sword .

The sword instantly turned into countless powders, and the person holding the sword turned pale with shock, "I, my sword!"

Others present couldn't figure out what happened, why the man's sword turned into powder, but Patriarch Mu was shocked, "Rewind."

But that person was still too late, Chutian Xuanyuan sword pierced the opponent, and also hit the godhead, the strength of his right arm increased instantly, and the godhead shattered on the spot.

The shattering made everyone present dumbfounded, and the soul was sealed by Chu Tian, ​​who also smiled, "Everyone, are you still here?"

The people who were extremely arrogant just now stood there stupidly, not knowing what to do, and Patriarch Mu's momentum became weaker, "Boy, are you really going to fight against us?"

Chu Tian looked at the big tree with a smile, "I said Patriarch Mu, you are good at fooling around."

"What do you mean."

"Just now you wanted to fool me into joining you, but then you did it, and now you want to fool me again, don't you think you are thick-skinned?"

Patriarch Mu got annoyed on the spot, "Boy, don't think that you are a big deal just because you killed someone just now."

"Don't tell me, I'm really amazing."

The head of the Mu family broke out completely, "The Mu family locks the soul and suppresses the formation!"


Suddenly the sky changed color, and then green lights flickered everywhere, and those people disappeared, but countless leaves appeared, all of a sudden blocking the way around Chutian, and outside, Patriarch Mu laughed, "Boy, this is a kind of seal. Can keep you inside forever, unable to see the dawn."

Chu Tian teased, "Are you sure I can't go out?"


Chu Tian smiled strangely, "In the end, it's still a formation, but you want to trap me like this? Are you kidding me!"

After saying these words, Chu Tian walked through the leaves as if he was not restricted at all, which shocked Patriarch Mu, "You."

Chu Tian stared at the big tree at this moment, "I think, I'd better go in and take care of you."

I saw Chutian leap forward, came to the front of the big tree, punched casually, a hole appeared, and then Chutian rushed in, trying to find the trace of the Mu Patriarch.

But there is a hole in this wooden tree, like an independent world, and the Mu Patriarch laughed in the dark, "Boy, do you know what this is?"

"do not know."

"This is a supreme artifact, let alone you, even the Supreme God, can't break it."

"But I'm in."

The other party laughed, "That's because I deliberately opened a hole to let you in."


"Of course, if you don't believe me, try it."

Chu Tian tried to attack the surrounding tree trunks, but found that the tree trunks were really hard, and Chu Tian put one hand on it, intending to let the system refine it, but the system prompted, "Ding~refinement will take three days, do you want to continue?"

"This supreme artifact will take three days? So long?"

Chu Tian didn't expect this thing to take so long, but he was not in the mood to sit here refining, so he temporarily stopped refining, but looked around and smiled, "It's quite powerful, but I can find you."

"Find me? Then don't think about it, it's impossible."

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Chu Tian directly got the Roaring Dog out, and then started flying in the maze of tree trunks. After a while, Chu Tian came to a door.

The Mu Patriarch inside was shocked, "Boy, you."

"Well, believe it."

Patriarch Mu became anxious, "Boy, don't let me in, or you will regret it."

"Sorry, I'm a person who never regrets."

Chutian then pushed open the stone door with one hand, and a white light flashed in front of his eyes. Chutian quickly closed his eyes until he opened them again, only to find that he was in a place full of ruins.

Chu Tian frowned, "What's going on?"

Xiao Tiangou looked around, "It should be a ruined space."



After Chu Tian was very quiet, he looked around, "What about him?"

"He should be hiding somewhere in the ruins, but I can find him soon."

After the Xiaotiangou finished speaking, he began to look for the Mu Patriarch here, and at this moment, the Mu Patriarch was in a hall under the ruins, beside him, there were three men in black.

The three men in black stood there motionless like wooden figures.

The Mu Patriarch ordered them, "Go, kill him for me."

These three wooden figures, like shadows, disappeared with a swipe, and the Mu Patriarch said coldly, "Boy, let me let you experience these three extraordinary people."

As for Chutian, he was still on the way to find the Mu Patriarch, until three men in black suddenly appeared in the air, all wearing green masks. Not only that, there was no breath fluctuation on the three of them, and each of them was like a piece of wood.

Xiaotiangou also reminded Chutian, "There is a problem with these three people."

Chu Tianen said, "I know."

Xiao Tianquan said anxiously, "Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry, I'll take a look."

At this moment, Chu Tian kicked him over, and the three of them moved very fast, and they came to Chu Tian and Xiao Tiangou in no time, and were about to attack Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian grabbed Xiao Tiangou and moved quickly. leave.

The three continued to chase, but Chutian Xuanyuan sword drew out, and before they arrived, the sword pierced through them, but they were like shadows, the sword passed through them, but missed.

This made Chu Tian frowned, "It's really weird."

However, at this moment, Patriarch Mu laughed in the dark, "Boy, don't waste your efforts. These three are actually a kind of shadow. They don't have a physical body, but they have powerful attack power, and the source of power is the aura accumulated by this supreme artifact over the years." !"

[Today's fourth change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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