Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1371 A group of old guys, self-righteous!

Chapter 1371 A group of old guys, self-righteous! (ask for order)

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Oh? Really?"

"Boy, what's the matter? You still have a way to deal with it?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, took out four suction stones in his hand, looked at the three shadows and said, "If you have the ability to make them continue to come, I will definitely make you regret it."

"Ridiculous, do you think your broken stone can deal with it?"

Chu Tian smiled, and didn't explain much to the other party, but the Mu Patriarch was puzzled, "This guy, is he fooling me?"

Thinking of this, Patriarch Mu tried to use a shadow, only to see the shadow rushing towards Chutian, gathering strength to attack Chutian, but Chutian laughed and said, "Do you want to hurt me like this? Naive!" .”

But that shadow rushed over madly under the control of Patriarch Mu, and Patriarch Mu still smiled inwardly, "Go to hell."

However, when the shadow touched the mask formed by the four stones around Chu Tian, ​​it instantly turned into nothingness. The Mu Patriarch was dumbfounded, "How is this possible?"

Chu Tian looked at Patriarch Mu calmly, "Patriarch Mu, is there anything else you want to say?"

Patriarch Mu was not reconciled, and said angrily, "Boy, you killed one of me, but I still have two."

"No matter how much you come, it's the same."

The Mu Patriarch got annoyed and controlled the other two, and the two figures began to change and overlapped to form a huge shadow. The big shadow hit him with a palm, and a huge force flew in front of Chu Tian.

Chu Tian immediately dodged quickly, and then took the initiative to rush towards the huge shadow, and this huge shadow suddenly turned into a small shadow, turned into a black light, and entered Chu Tian's body with a swish.

The voice of Patriarch Mu immediately burst into laughter in Chu Tian's body, "Boy, you've been fooled."


"That's right, these two shadows have entered your body and can absorb your body's strength for them to use, so you will soon be left with bones."

Chu Tian sneered disdainfully when he heard Patriarch Mu's words, and Patriarch Mu snorted when he saw that Chu Tian dared to ignore what he said, "Just keep showing off your abilities, and you will know how terrible I am later."

That Chutian smiled slightly, and the godhead in his body was activated, and this godhead can crazily absorb the power of the shadow in his body, and these two shadows are connected with the power of the surrounding supreme artifact.

This means that Chutian absorbing them is equivalent to absorbing the condensed spirit of the Supreme Divine Artifact. As a result, the entire Divine Artifact began to tremble, and Patriarch Mu was shocked, "Boy, what are you doing?"

Chu Tian teased, "You two shadows are condensed through this air, and they are related to this artifact, but I didn't kill them immediately, but let them absorb it on the spot."

"Media absorption?"

That Patriarch Mu didn't understand very well, and Chu Tian didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he just continued to absorb madly there, and Patriarch Mu became anxious, because this space was his hiding place, and if there was a problem with this space, he would be exposed .

So Patriarch Mu cursed there, "Boy, you are ruthless, just wait for me."

After the Patriarch Mu finished speaking, he turned around and leaped away, while Chu Tian remained calm and watched quietly. After a while, something unexpected happened, the artifact was completely shattered.

Chu Tian came outside, looked at the surrounding mountains and sneered, "Can it be hidden?"

Chu Tian immediately looked around, looking for the Mu Patriarch's trace, but the Mu Patriarch seemed to have disappeared until Xiao Tiangou appeared, and he immediately led Chu Tian away from the original place.

When he reappeared, he had come to an ancestral hall, and this ancestral hall was naturally the place where the Mu family made offerings to those ancestors and the deceased.

So when Chutian walked in, he could feel some old monsters, and these old monsters were discussing in the dark. As for the ancestral hall, it was like an independent space, and the exit was immediately closed.

This made Chutian stand on a pile of barren hills, and there were many tombs around the barren hills. At the same time, in front of the tombs, there were countless trees, and an old man was sitting cross-legged on each tree.

Each of these old men seemed to be passing away, and the Mu family leader stood behind these people and said in horror, "Old ancestors, it is him, this guy destroyed our Mu family."

When the ancestors saw that there was only one god king, and even the godhead was an ordinary godhead, they all showed puzzled expressions, until one white-browed ancestor was puzzled, "I said young man, who are you?"

"I, Chutian, if you don't want you old fellows to be disturbed, then give him to me."

These words immediately aroused their anger, and the white-browed old man said, "Boy, our Mu family is a family that has stood in the sea garden for thousands of years. It has experienced countless storms and waves. I have never seen such a crazy young man like you."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Being old doesn't mean you're good, just because you've experienced many storms doesn't mean you can look down on me."

These words completely irritated them, and these people ran away immediately, wanting to arrest Chutian and deal with it properly, but Chutian was very calm and didn't take it seriously, while the Mu Patriarch yelled very loudly, "Boy, how dare you be in our wooden house?" Are you courting death for doing this?"

Those old fellows looked high above them, staring at Chu Tian coldly, and even the white-browed old man became majestic, "Boy, I'll give you a chance to admit your mistake, otherwise you won't have the chance to admit your mistake later."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, but under everyone's comment, he suddenly came in front of Patriarch Mu, and before everyone could react, Chu Tian kicked him away, leaped again, and stabbed him with his sword Godhead, in the end directly shattered his godhead.

The Mu Patriarch screamed, his body was torn apart, and finally disappeared, and Chu Tian knew that the soul of the Supreme God was hidden in a place and would return soon, so he waited there.

As for those members of the Mu family who were very angry, the white-browed old man snorted, "If you dare to ignore us, then accept our anger."

After finishing speaking, the white-browed old man released countless white mist, and these white mist entangled Chutian, trying to turn Chutian into cotton candy, and when Chutian wanted to come out, he felt as if he was being rebounded by various forces.

The white-browed old man sneered, "Don't struggle, your power, in my magic, can't escape at all."

But when the Chutian purification system was turned on, the whole person came out of it, and even teased, "With your strength, you still want to trap me?"

The white-browed old man stared at Chutian in shock, and the others were also curious about what was going on, why Chutian was so powerful, but Chutian ignored it and looked at everyone, "Everyone, you actually chose to fight against me, then, I Don't look at you as old people."

After finishing speaking, Chutian's aura soared, and the sword in his right hand began to accumulate power. Not only that, but the power of the divine bone also exploded. Rushing into the body of the white-browed old man.

[Today's first change, please recommend a monthly ticket, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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