Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1373 Maritime Dispute

Chapter 1373 Maritime Dispute (seeking revision)
The butler was surprised, but he understood that the value of Chutian was indeed great, so he nodded in response, "What the palace master said is that this guy is not simple."

The hall master said with a strange light in his eyes, "If I can subdue him, it will be easier for me to dominate this sea area in the future."

"Is the Palace Master still worried about others?"

"Of course, you also know that in the nearby sea area, there have been many rebellious sons. These rebellious sons have already turned their godheads. Do you know what is called a first turn? It is the rebellious godhead condensed after the tenth level. It is very scary. If it gets stronger, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to suppress them, and it will be possible to approach my sea area everywhere."

The butler nodded, "I understand."

"Well, it's good to know, so now in the city, if you can protect him, protect him, and go back to that place, if I can rely on him to find the God's Stone, then I can make good use of these God's Stones, and then Subdue him again."


As for Chutian, of course he didn't know what the two were talking about, but he was quietly studying the suction stone until a few days later, Chutian looked at An Shi and Yan Xian'er, "Go to the space and stay."

According to what Chutian said, the two quickly entered the space, and Chutian calmed down and walked into the city, and the palace master appeared soon. He looked at Chutian and said with a smile, "How about it, are you ready?"


The hall master nodded, "Let's go."

Then the two left the sea garden. On the sea, the palace master smiled and said to Chu Tian, ​​"Do you know how big the sea is in the God Realm?"

Chu Tian really didn't study this, so he said, "It should be very big."

"It's very big, and there are quite a lot of strength, especially this kind of sea garden, there are hundreds of them, big and small. Even though I am the strongest nearby, people from those sea areas will often come to provoke me s position."

Hearing this, Chu Tian said strangely, "Really?"

"Of course, in this sea area, whoever is strong will be the overlord."

Chutian didn't expect this to happen, and the palace master said with a smile, "So, I need the God Destroyer Stone urgently. If I have enough God Destroyer Stones, then when I deal with those people in the future, I can directly destroy their souls, and it won't cause them to go to the top. Because the divine spark cannot destroy the divine soul, it continues to live."

Chu Tian finally understood, and the Palace Master laughed after seeing Chu Tian's expression, "Why do you have any doubts?"

"No, no, no doubt, just thinking of something."

The hall master smiled and said, "Don't think about it, when we find those god-destroyer stones later, we will split [-]-[-], and then we will dominate the sea area, how about it?"

"Thank you, Hall Master."

"Haha, let's go."

The palace master was very happy, and then took Chu Tian away. After a few days, they came to a sea area, and the sea area looked very calm, as if no animals passed by anywhere.

But just as Chu Tian and the palace master approached the same sea level, many people appeared from the bottom of the sea. These people were dressed in different clothes, some used seaweed, some used animal skins, and some pretended to be fish.

But soon these people exuded their own auras, and when those people saw the Hall Master, they laughed and said, "So it's the Hall Master Bai."

"Master Baidian, why are you here?"

"Master Baidian, you seem to seldom come to this sea area."

"Master Baidian, this area belongs to our Qianri Island, please take your people and leave."

The palace master looked at them coldly, "What? You need your consent to walk in this sea area?"

After these people looked at each other, one of them said with a smile, "Master Baidian, we know that you are powerful, but this is not your area, please put away your power, otherwise our island master will come back and we will compete with you .”

"Come on, I'm not afraid."

These people frowned, and the palace master looked at Chutian, "Go, ignore them."

Afterwards, the palace master took Chu Tian and jumped into the sea. Those people didn't dare to stop them, they didn't even have the guts, so they looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Until they contacted their island master, the hall master under the sea said with a smile, "Don't pay attention to them, these people are just people from Qianri Island."

"Thousand Day Island?"

"Well, the nearby sea area, the people who control this area."

Chu Tian understood clearly, and the palace master pointed to the enchantment with black light below and said, "You see, this enchantment is full of God's Extinguishing Stones, and you, as long as you find a way, take me into it." This area is fine."

Chu Tian made excuses on purpose, "Well, Palace Master, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for me to take you down."

"Oh why?"

"I need a lot of power to walk the barrier, so I can do it myself, but it might be difficult if I bring you along."

The hall master had already figured it out and said, "Then you bring a magic weapon of space and let me go in."

"Well, you can try."

The hall master took out a space ring and gave it to Chu Tian, ​​"Here you are, I'll go in right away."


However, at this time, a powerful golden light flew over from the sea area, and then he shouted, "I said Lord Baidian, you can do it, they have all come to my sea area to make trouble."

The palace master stared at the golden light, and a bad old man appeared with a smile, "Master Qiandao, I just came to see this place."

"It's ridiculous. Everyone knows that this place is rich in god-destroying stones, and they all hope that one day a god-destroying stone will automatically fly out of this barrier to collect, but you say to come and see, do you think I'm an idiot?"

The hall master smiled slightly, "Master Qiandao, don't be angry, there is nothing to be angry about."

"These God Extinguishing Stones belong to me. If they fly out and you take them away, wouldn't I suffer a heavy loss?"

The palace master knew that continuing to argue with the other party would definitely lead to no good results, so he looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Don't pay attention to him, let's go."

After finishing speaking, the palace master entered the ring, and Chu Tian looked at the ring, so he had no choice but to turn around to enter the barrier, but the island master shrouded in a golden light in front of Chu Tian, ​​"Why? Do you still want to go in?"


The island owner sneered, "Boy, are you at the God King Realm? Or are you a non-rebel Godhead, do you think you have the ability to enter?"


The island owner laughed, "Let's not talk about your hall masters. No one can enter the current sea area. Do you really think you can enter?"

Chu Tian didn't want to listen to the other party's nonsense, but smiled slightly, and the whole person entered the barrier and disappeared in front of the island owner, but the island owner's smile froze, and he blinked, "No, it's impossible, what, what's going on. "

The island owner frantically surrounded there, and found that he couldn't get in at all, so he quickly mobilized the army to surround the barrier, and ordered that once someone came out, he must be stopped.

As for Chu Tian in the enchantment at the moment, he was overjoyed to see the countless God Extinguishing Stones everywhere. Just as he was about to put away these God Extinguishing Stones, the Palace Master suddenly appeared from the ring and laughed.

[Today's third update, please subscribe~]

(End of this chapter)

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