Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1374 Rebellion?Who is afraid of whom!

Chapter 1374 Rebellion?Who is afraid of whom! (ask for order)

Seeing him calm down immediately, Chu Tian calmed down, and these Shenmie stones were trapped by some strange forces, and they could not be taken away by people, so he was a little embarrassed, "Master, look, these things seem to be taken away by people. What force pulls it."

Hearing this, the Palace Master stepped forward to touch these things, and soon these god-destroying stones bounced him away, which made his original excitement fade immediately, "No, it's impossible, this thing is mine. .”

The hall master started to attack wildly, but the results were the same. He couldn't remove a piece of God's Destruction Stone at all. He was about to go crazy and said, "I tried my best just to find it. How can it be possible! How can it be possible!"

This made the Palace Master very unwilling, he began to gnash his teeth, and even wished to take all these things away, but no matter what, there was nothing he could do, and he finally looked at Chutian.

Chutian had an ominous premonition, and suddenly a rope flew out of the palace master's hand, which locked Chutian at once, and Chutian frowned, "Hallmaster, what are you going to do."

The hall master said in a bad mood, "I originally wanted to rely on these god-killing stones to become stronger, but it seems impossible, so I have to speed up my pace and control you."

"Control me?"

"Yes, you have affected my status."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "I said Palace Master, I don't know what you are talking about."

The palace master stared at Chutian, "My meaning is very simple, you are too scary, so I want to control you and let you do things for me in the future, you understand?"

Chu Tian didn't want to, so he said, "Master, you are wrong, we agreed to come here together, but you are so good, you actually set me up."

The hall master sneered, "I'm going to set you up, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Then don't blame me for being angry and denying people."

"Haha, boy, with your ability, you still want to break free from my rope? You are kidding."

Chu Tian smiled, "Master, you really underestimate me."

The hall master didn't believe that Chu Tian could break free, but at this moment, Chu Tian grabbed the ropes and turned them into ruins on the spot. The hall master was shocked, "How is that possible."

Chu Tian looked at the Palace Master Weiwei and said, "From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. If you still insist on doing something, then I will not spare you."

The palace master laughed loudly after hearing what Chu Tian said, "Boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

But Chu Tian put one hand on the God Destroyer Stone at the side, then easily removed a piece of God Destroyer Stone and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

The face of the hall master suddenly changed, "You, why did you take it off."

"I have my skills."

Now the palace master became excited, "Boy, as long as you help me take it off, I won't make things difficult for you."


The palace master stared at Chu Tian's words, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and took away these God Extinguishing Stones one by one, but this place is really not small, even after absorbing those strange powers one by one with the help of Godhead, Chu Tian only took away some God Extinguishing Stones.

But the palace master immediately released a powerful momentum, trying to force Chutian, but Chutian laughed, "Don't waste your power, it's useless."

The hall master refused to accept and wanted to continue attacking Chutian, but Chutian's speed was so fast that even in such a small space, the hall master couldn't catch Chutian.

The hall master was annoyed, "You."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Master, don't forget, I got you in, if I don't take you out, you will be trapped here forever."

The hall master was shocked when he heard this, "You, you are going to threaten me."


The hall master ran away and continued to attack, but he still couldn't do anything to Chutian. Instead, Chutian entered the Immortal Mansion and said with a smile, "I won't play with you anymore. I will study these God Destroyer Stones carefully."

I saw that Chutian continued to slowly absorb the Shenmie Stone he had just obtained, and produced the fiery red flames from it, and these flames gradually grew larger in Chutian's place.

"It's not easy for this god to extinguish the fire."

Chu Tian called this kind of flame the God Extinguishing Fire. After all, it was taken from the God Extinguishing Stone, and after absorbing thousands of pieces, Chutian's Divine Extinguishing Fire was already as thick as a finger and could be manipulated at will.

"We have to keep trying."

As for the hall master outside, he looked around angrily, wary of Chu Tian coming out again, and Chu Tian knew that if he wanted to take down these God Extinguishing Stones, he had to take down the hall master.

So he took a deep breath, "Then compare with him."

So Chu Tian went out and stared at the Hall Master, "Hall Master, are you really going to leave?"

Seeing Chutian coming out, the palace master snorted, "Today, I must take you down."

Then the other party took out a hammer, intending to attack Chutian, and Chutian took a deep breath, opened the supernatural powers on his body, and then exploded in conjunction with the divine bone, while the palace master snorted, "You have the divine bone? I And there are many."

I saw that the aura on the master's body was more intense, and facing Chutian's sword skills, he was still able to resist one by one, and even the hall master laughed, "Boy, many of your bones are still from my Temple of God, you Think I don't know your skills?"

Chu Tian stared at the other party with fiery eyes and said with a smile, "The hall master is the hall master, and his strength is extraordinary."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"But even so, I still want to fight you hard!"

The palace master sneered, "If I pinch you, it's like pinching an ant."

While talking, the other party smashed it with a hammer, but Chu Tian quickly avoided it, and after thinking in this space of God's Destruction Stone, he directly began to release bursts of soul-eating white light in it.

The space in this enchantment is limited, so the soul-eating white light filled the entire enchantment at once, and the palace master felt very uncomfortable when he encountered the soul-eating white light, and scolded, "Bastard, what is this?"

"This is similar to the fire in the God Extinguishing Stone, but it is more powerful than that fire, and if you touch it directly, it will definitely be offensive to your soul."

Hearing this explanation, the hall master was annoyed, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "You still have time to run away, otherwise you won't have a chance later."

The hall master snorted, "Boy, I am the supreme god, my soul can disappear at any time, you can't kill me."

Chu Tian smiled, "It can't kill you, but it can make you uncomfortable, and I can deal with you as long as I find a chance."

The hall master didn't believe it, but more and more white lights from the soul devoured him, and he became more and more uncomfortable, and Chu Tian's sword continued to release sword energy, the hall master couldn't fight anymore, so he could only curse, "Boy, wait , if you have the ability, you never come out."

After the palace master finished speaking, he shouted loudly, and his whole body turned into a black light, and then the black light slowly disappeared, finally swallowing him whole, and Chu Tian was puzzled, "Are you running away?"

This made Chu Tian feel that it was not realistic, so he waited here for a while, and after confirming that the other party had left, he continued to absorb the remaining gods and stones one by one, until he saw a magical s things.

[Today's fourth change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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