Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1375 It's useless to form an alliance with two people!

Chapter 1375 It's useless to form an alliance between the two! (ask for order)
Chu Tian took a closer look, it was a small stone tablet, and it was black, and engraved on this black stone tablet were a few large characters, "Ten Thousand Miles Suppressing Soul Sealing Heaven Monument!"

Chu Tian looked puzzled, "Wanli? Soul suppression? Fengtian? What do you mean by that?"

Chu Tian didn't understand it very well, but he found that as long as the stele was there, a God Destroyer Stone would appear on average for fifteen minutes. This made Chu Tian overjoyed, "No matter what it is, put it away first and then talk about it."

I saw Chu Tian dug it out of the ground, and the stele was about as tall as a person.

But when Chu Tian lifted the stele from the ground, white smoke came out from the ground, and inside the white smoke, there was an old voice, still laughing, "I, I came out."

Chu Tian stared at the white smoke and wondered, "Who are you?"

That Bai Yan was proud there, "Young man, don't care who I am, you just need to know that you let me go, I have to thank you, but, I don't know how to express my gratitude, so I just If I can eat you, make up for it."

Then the white smoke enveloped Chu Tian's body, and he laughed triumphantly, "Boy, don't blame the old man for being ruthless."

But at this moment, the flames around Chu Tian spread out, and these flames were the god extinguishing fire condensed in the god extinguishing stone, and the god extinguishing fire instantly enveloped the white smoke.

That Bai Yan immediately cursed, "Bastard, how did you condense these things?"

Chu Tian said coldly, "You don't care how I condense."

That Bai Yan was furious, "You, wait, the old man will definitely clean up you."

A black vortex appeared behind the white smoke in an instant. After swallowing it, the whole white smoke disappeared, and Chu Tian wondered, "Who the hell is this guy, and why was he sealed under this stone tablet?"

Chu Tian really couldn't figure it out, but that God Extinguishing Fire was already the size of a fist, so it was still possible to deal with the supreme god who was generally against the godhead, so Chu Tian packed up his mood and prepared to leave here.

But when he walked out on the edge of the barrier, he happened to see the Thousand Island Lord sent someone to guard outside, not giving Chutian any chance to leave, even the Thousand Island Lord noticed Chutian instantly, and immediately shouted, "Boy, don't go! "

Chu Tian is not a fool, instead he said with a smile, "Dream."

Chutian then entered the barrier again, and the Thousand Island Master cursed at him. As for Chutian, he had to wait for all his magical powers to be reusable tomorrow before he could completely fight against everyone outside.

So Chu Tian sat cross-legged and sat quietly, but at this moment he felt that the air in this enchantment was extraordinary.

When these airs entered the body one by one and were absorbed by the godhead, Chu Tian could feel the godhead being extremely active, which surprised Chutian, "Could it be that the air here is better?"

Chu Tian hurriedly continued to absorb more, and sat for many days, while Qiandao Lord was walking back and forth anxiously outside the barrier until the Baidian Lord suddenly appeared.

Qiandao Lord was suddenly surprised, "When did you come out?"

Baidian Master saw the other party staring at him warily and said, "Master Qiandao, don't get excited, we have a common enemy."

"Common enemy? Are you kidding me?"

After the palace master explained everything one by one, the Qiandao master said half-believingly, "So, he tricked you."


"Then he can really get the God Extinguishing Stone?"

The hall master nodded, "If I'm not mistaken, he has already occupied the God's Extinction Stone inside."

This made Thousand Island Master displeased, "Damn it, those things belong to our island."

The palace master pretended to smile and said, "Master Qiandao, we can join forces. As long as he shows up, we will prevent him from entering the enchantment. Let him hand over the God Extinguishing Stones one by one, and then we will split them fifty-fifty." ,how?"

Qiandao Master stared at the Palace Master strangely, "I can't believe you."

The hall master laughed and said, "Do you think I'm going to lie to you like this?"

Lord Qiandao thought for a while and said, "That's right, so be it."

So the two began to discuss how to make Chutian unable to enter the enchantment once he came out, and Chutian didn't know what happened outside until half a month later, Chutian suddenly became sublimated.

The godhead began to spin crazily and expanded, and finally stopped. Chu Tian was surprised, "What does this represent?"

However, his cultivation did not break through, but Chu Tian felt a change in his strength, "It's strange, why the strength has increased, but his cultivation has not changed."

Chutian couldn't understand this, but Chutian knew that with increased strength, it would be easier to deal with those people outside, so he jumped and disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had already come outside, but it was empty outside at the moment, with no one there. Chu Tian curiously left step by step until he walked out of the sea.

Chutian instantly felt as if he had entered some kind of formation, and then his whole body flashed in front of his eyes the next moment, and he came to an island again, and the island was surrounded by people, and at the same time, there was an enchantment where he was.

The palace master and Qiandao master looked at him with weird smiles around them.

Chu Tian quickly understood and said with a smile, "You two, this move is not bad."

The palace master sneered, "Boy, we don't want to kill you either, we just want you to teach me the God of Destruction Stone."

Chu Tian stared at the palace master and smiled strangely, "You don't want to kill me? You're making a big joke."

The hall master stared, "I'm not joking with you."

"Oh? Really? Then I don't know who is going to surrender me, who is going to attack me?"

"That's the past."

Chu Tian was too lazy to tell them, but said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm not interested."

The hall master glared, "If you don't cooperate, then we will activate the formation and destroy you with the formation."

"It's just a formation breaking method."

As soon as the words came out, those people were dissatisfied, Qiandao Master snorted, "Break the formation? Boy, this formation can smash even the godhead. Don't say you are a god king, you are a god emperor, or someone more powerful. I can't stand it inside."

"Then try it." Chu Tian challenged without fear.

The thousand island master was completely angry, and immediately asked people to activate the formation, and in this formation, all kinds of attacks hit Chutian, Chutian was like a Vajra man, no matter how he attacked, he was fine.

This stunned everyone present, and Qiandao Master stared at the Palace Master strangely, "This guy, what is his origin, why is his body so hard."

The palace master didn't understand, "This guy is not from our sea area, and I don't know where he comes from."

Lord Qiandao became anxious when he heard this, but Chu Tian looked at them and said with a smile, "Is there any other way? Then, it's time for me to come out and take care of you."

When everyone heard that Chu Tian was about to come out, the first thing they felt was ridicule, but Chu Tian really rushed out of the formation for a moment, stood in front of them and said with a smile, "Look at me!"

[Today's first change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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