Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1377 The invited experts are nothing more than that!

Chapter 1377 The invited experts are nothing more than that!
The hall master said anxiously, "Now I don't have the time to care about this, I just need to kill this kid first."

The butler hummed, "That's fine."

So the hall master sat down cross-legged, and then closed his eyes. At this time, a black statue appeared in front of the hall master. The statue stood standing there and shone with black light, and the hall master tried to release a powerful force to reach the statue.

After about a while, the black light of the statue flickered frequently, and a voice came from inside, "Who is calling the Black Gods of the Sea!"

"Your Majesty, the master of the Dou Shen Temple in the Sea Garden, I would like to ask the Sea Territory Black God Team to come and help."

As soon as these words came out, there were all kinds of laughter, "It turns out that the master of Baidian also wants our help."

"Master Baidian, are you kidding me, do you need our Sea Region Black God Team?"

"Master Baidian, do you know our rules?"

The master of Baidian gritted his teeth and said, "I know, if I let you go over once, I must give you all the resources on the island!"

"Yes, are you willing?"

"Here, what god bone, I will give you everything I have on the island, but."

"But what?"

"I want you to come and help me kill a person, and I will deal with this person afterwards!"

"no problem."

All of a sudden these people talked about it properly, and the Lord of the Hundred Palaces knew that the value of Chutian was much higher than that of the Battle God Hall, so he was so straightforward, and these people who called themselves the Black Gods of the Sea, appeared one by one from this black statue .

There were five people in total, and these five people were wearing black armor, holding a black spear in their hands, and wearing a black sphere-like helmet on their heads.

One of the leaders said with a smile, "The five of us are the ground team of the Black God team."

The palace master frowned, "Only team?"

"What is talent? We are the strongest in the ground team. The five of us can easily defeat you. Believe it or not?" the man said to himself.

The palace master didn't care about it, so he had to say, "That person is outside, it's up to you."

This person looked outside and saw a person walking slowly outside the formation, and this person was none other than Chu Tian, ​​but that person showed a strange expression when he saw Chu Tian's cultivation as the God Queen, " A king of gods, I said Lord of the Hundred Palaces, you are kidding."

The hall master knew that these five people would be surprised, so he reminded, "Don't underestimate him, he is not simple."

But these five people looked at each other in blank dismay, always feeling that no matter what Chutian was, he was just a god king, so they didn't feel at ease at all, so these five people went out triumphantly, planning to solve Chutian, so that the island could be destroyed. Resources were taken away.

As for the hall master, when he saw the five people leaving, he suddenly became happy in his heart.

"Let's see them fight." The hall master sneered, and the steward was also watching silently. As for Chu Tian who was in the Dou Shen mansion, he just came in and wanted to make sure where the hall master was.

However, five people flew out at this moment, and the aura of these five people was stronger than anyone on the Fighting God List, which made Chu Tian wonder, "Are you from the Fighting God Palace?"

The leader sneered, "Us? Just kidding, how could the Dou Shen Mansion be as powerful as us."

"Then who are you?"

"Sea Territory Black God team belongs to the local team."

Chu Tian didn't understand very well, but the man said, "Okay, you don't need to know, as long as you know, you are going to die soon."

After finishing speaking, this man held a spear in his hand and pointed at Chutian, trying to pierce Chutian, but Chutian moved away and got rid of the opponent's spear, and said, "You, this is too weak."

The man's face suddenly changed, and he even became gloomy, "Boy, don't be complacent! I haven't done anything yet!"

Then the man threw out his spear, and immediately countless shadows of the spear flew towards Chutian in the air. It looked fierce, but Chutian moved quickly and grabbed one of the spears with one hand.

As for the spear that was the real one, the rest were its shadows. It was just that everyone didn't understand what Chutian was going to do until Chutian grasped the spear and directly activated the refining mode.

The spear on the spot had already been refined by Chu Tian, ​​and he said with a smile, "This artifact is not too bad."

But the next moment, the long spear turned into powder again, leaving everyone stunned, and the leader roared, "Everyone, why are you in a daze, shoot."

"Yes, Captain."

The spears in other people's hands flew out one by one, with only one purpose, and that was to get rid of Chutian, and Chutian seemed to have nothing to do with him.

One by one, they swam around with ease, and finally grabbed these spears one by one, and then they all turned into powder.

These five people were dumbfounded. They have never seen such a weird person in all these years in the sea area, and the leader of the person snorted directly, no matter how capable Chu Tian is, "Today, I will let you see our black man." Team God is amazing."

Then the helmets of these five people began to flash with black light, and in an instant Chutian saw countless auras gathering on the helmets of the five people in the sky, and then a black barrier formed around the five people.

Soon the black solution condensed into a giant appearance, that giant roared, with streams of water rushing towards Chutian, wishing to blow Chutian away.

But Chu Tian immediately came behind the giant and said with a smile, "This giant is quite heavy."

"Bulky? Boy, you'll have to kneel down later!"

After the leader finished speaking, the giant suddenly concentrated his punches and hit Chutian's position, and Chutian's place was about to explode immediately. At this moment, something unexpected happened.

Chutian suddenly moved away from his original position, as if he had disappeared. The five people wondered where Chutian had gone, while the giant stood there deadlocked.

The housekeeper in the dark looked at the hall master, "Hall master, do you think these five people can solve this kid?"

"After all, they belong to the Black God team. Their strength is extraordinary, and they can also use the mysterious power of the sea area. I think it is possible."

The butler was surprised when he heard this, "Mysterious power."

"Well, it's the air of the rumored Hai Yu, and now the helmets of the five of them are quoting a little bit."

The steward immediately envied, "One point is so powerful, if all these powers are used, the entire sea garden will be destroyed in an instant."

The hall master said with a strange light in his eyes, "Sooner or later there will be a bomb, and I will control this power, command the sea area, and become No. 1 in the God Realm."

However, at this moment, a scream came from outside, and the two quickly looked outside, just in time to see that Chu Tian was already standing on top of the giant, with one hand on the giant's head, and the giant couldn't bear it anymore.

This shocked the five people, especially the power they had gathered, which disappeared one by one.

[Today's third update, please recommend monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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