Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1378 The Divine Canopy

Chapter 1378 The Divine Canopy (For Order)

When the strength gathered by these five people disappeared outside little by little, the giant also disappeared. Chu Tian looked at the five people with a smile and said with a smile, "Is there any more? Continue."

The five people were scared, they never thought that this would happen, but Chu Tian looked at the five people, "You can't do anything, then, it's up to me to deal with you."

Then Chutian suddenly shot out one after another, and the five people were surrounded by the fire. The five people were shocked and went to resist the flames.

But these god-extinguishing fires are like flames, and as soon as they touch it, they will burn madly in the human body, and what burns is the soul.

These five people screamed one after another, and the leader roared even more, "Boy, move your flame away, or our Black God team will not let you go!"

"It's ridiculous, it's reasonable for you to bully me, and if I deal with you, it's as if I deserve to be dealt with by you."

When the five people heard this, they cursed all kinds of things, but they couldn't change the result. Moreover, Chu Tian also brought sword skills, which made them use their sword skills and Hercules legs when they were attacked by Shen Chuhuo. One made them all bruised and bruised.

In the end, the five people turned into a black light and entered a place in the Dou Shen Mansion, and Chu Tian opened his clairvoyance, just in time to see them disappear after entering the statue in front of the hall master.

This made Chu Tian smile bitterly, "A statue?"

So Chu Tian leaped to where the Palace Master was. At this moment, the Palace Master and the butler were already scared. After Chu Tian fell, the Palace Master put away the statue and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, if you have something to say, speak up."

"Hall Master, you probably didn't expect such a day to come."

The palace master's face was pale at the moment, "Is there really nothing to say?"


The hall master had no choice but to take a deep breath, "If this is the case, I will fight with you."

"You? What do you spell it with?"

The palace master looked at the housekeeper, "Hurry up."

The butler knew what the palace master meant, so the butler took a picture of a place in the room, and the surrounding space changed instantly, as if he had entered a strange space.

However, there are countless precious things placed around in this space, and there are also many divine bones.

The hall master hid in the dark and cursed, "Boy, this is where I hide my things, and only I know how to leave. You, stay here forever."

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Okay, I'll deal with you after I use up all these god bones."

"Hmph, let's dream."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, but flipped through these divine bones, and finally saw a divine bone, which was from the upper body, so after Chu Tian merged, a message flashed in an instant.

"Defensive god bone, god canopy."

Chu Tian wondered what the god hood was, so after activating the god bone, Chu Tian instantly felt that he had reached a certain relationship with the god world, as if he could absorb the spirit as long as he wanted to.

These airs can be gathered into a divine hood, which is a defensive hood that can resist any attack and trap people.

"This is a bit powerful, but I don't know how effective it will be."

So Chu Tian wanted to use it outside, but he had to find a way to get out of here.

He opened his Celestial Eye, and quickly found the loophole in this space, so he leaped outside, and the palace master and the steward were looking for a way to deal with Chu Tian at a certain place in the sea area.

As soon as Chutian came out, the two were frightened and wanted to run away, but Chutian said with a smile, "Don't go."

After finishing speaking, a powerful force in Chutian began to crazily absorb the air around them, and this air formed a huge translucent air shield around the two of them according to his idea.

The air mask became thicker and thicker, trapping the two people there at once, making it impossible for them to leave.

The hall master was shocked, "No, it's impossible, kid, what kind of ability do you have."

"I used a divine bone I got from your space, it's not bad."

The hall master suddenly became surprised, "It's the upper body of Shentian Creator God."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Shentian Creator God?"


Chu Tian stared at him with interest and said with a smile, "Tell me, where did you come from?"

"Want me to tell you? Then you have to let me go."

"think too much."

"Then you are dreaming, I will not tell you."

Chu Tian had no choice but to inject Soul Eater white light into them one by one and said with a smile, "You should know what this is."

The hall master was shocked, "Boy, are you going to force me to use that shuttle method again?"

"Then you use it, I'll see how many times you can use it."

The palace master was in a hurry. After all, if he used it once, his cultivation would fall back a little, and if he used it a second time in a short period of time, it would cause great harm to his body. He wanted to tear Chutian into pieces, but he couldn't help it.

Chu Tian smiled and looked at the other party, as if waiting for the other party to leave.

The palace master had no choice but to take out the black statue, "Boy, you wait, I'll go to the main island of the Black God team and find someone to help me deal with you."

After finishing speaking, the hall master and the black statue were absorbed by a black vortex, but the butler couldn't leave, which made the steward shout in fright, "Hall master, you, don't leave me behind."

But the palace master had already left, but Chu Tian looked at the housekeeper with a smile, "Tell me, what is that black statue, and what is the Black God team?"

The butler stammered, "Yes, it is the number one pirate hall in the sea area. They are in a remote place, but they have countless pirates. As long as you spend some money to invite them, they will help kill people."

"Oh? Pirate Hall?"

"Well, the Black Gods team is what they call them, and there are many terrifying people. They control the surrounding sea areas, and no one from any island dares to fight against them."

Chu Tian didn't expect that there was such a force in this sea area, but he was obviously not very interested in it, so he just smiled and said, "Okay, you are worthless."

The butler stared at Chu Tian strangely, "You, what do you want to do."

Chu Tian directly let these soul-devouring white lights devour him, and then sealed his soul. After everything was done, Chu Tian looked at the sea area and muttered, "This sea area has a lot of things."

After sighing for a while, there were bursts of thunder in the sky, and finally dark clouds covered it, as if some army was approaching, until finally the surrounding area was also covered by dark clouds.

Chutian looked through his clairvoyance and could see many people on the dark clouds, among which the palace master was among them, and he even smiled triumphantly to the middle-aged man in the red armor who took the lead, "That's him."

The middle-aged man had a pair of raised red eyebrows, and his lips were like thunderous mouths, staring at Chu Tian and said strangely, "I said, Lord Baidian, you came to us after all these hardships just to deal with a god king? "

"Brother Lei, you don't know, he is the one who drove away the dark team!"

[Today's fourth change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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