Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1379 Mysterious Island Master

Chapter 1379 Mysterious Island Master (For Order)
The man named Brother Lei said disapprovingly, "Is it such an exaggeration for a god king?"

The Lord of the Hundred Palaces pointed to Chu Tian, ​​"There are many divine bones on him, and these divine bones are more powerful than mine. In addition, he has some magic weapons and various abilities, which are very terrifying."

"What are you afraid of? Let me help you teach him a lesson."

After the man finished speaking, he shouted to the surroundings, "Who, go up and destroy this trash for me."

"I come."

A man with a big knife flew out, glanced at Chutian, turned the knife in his hand again, a blue light flashed, and instantly the blue light hit Chutian, and Chutian's body was opened.

The opponent's blow directly hit the cover and disappeared. The people present looked at each other in blank dismay, and the master of Baidian pointed at him and said, "You see, his defense is terrible."

The man in the red armor had a strange light in his eyes and said, "Sure enough, there is a magic weapon!"

"Brother Lei, don't worry about the magic weapon yet, and find a way to deal with him."

"Look at me."

The man in the red armor was full of confidence. He took out a stick in his hand. The stick was shining with golden light, and he waved it towards the sky. Thunder and lightning appeared in the thunder cloud, and it flew towards Chutian.

But Chutian remained motionless, allowing the thunder cloud to attack, but Chutian said helplessly, "I don't want to waste time with you."

Chu Tian rushed in front of those people all at once, and even knocked the man in red armor flying with a punch, leaving only the stunned people present, and Chu Tian glared at them, "Who dares to meddle in other people's business? Let him die now."

All of a sudden, the people around dispersed, leaving only the Baidian master, and the Baidian master said angrily, "Boy, go to Tianhai if you have the guts, I'll wait for you!"

After Baidian finished speaking, he threw out a blueprint and ran away in fright. Chu Tian took the blueprint in one hand, looked at the label on it, and muttered, "What is Tianhai?"

Chu Tian didn't understand very well, so he invited An Shi out, and An Shi was surprised when he saw this picture, "The rumored Tianhai is a place where only the palace masters, the island masters, are qualified to go."

"Oh? Is it amazing?"

"Well, it is rumored that there are many god bones, or some magical arts left by the creator god, which can be explored in it, but there is also fierce competition in it. It can be said that it is a sea of ​​​​death, and anyone can fight there, so don't worry about it. Be careful, you will be killed."

Chu Tian said, "Go and see first."

"What? Are you going?"

After Chu Tianen made a sound, he sent An Shi back to the space, and Chu Tian was about to leave, the man in the red armor ran back angrily, and after seeing everyone leaving, he glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you."

Seeing the other party coming back, Chu Tian smiled and said, "You still dare to come back?"

"I'm from the Red Sea Palace, and I never back down. Today I must send you to die."

After the other party finished speaking, he waved the golden stick in his hand again, but Chu Tian immediately came to him and asked, "Do you still want to be blown away?"

The man stammered in fright, "I, I was wrong."

Chu Tian didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he wanted to attack again, but the golden stick in the man's hand suddenly spun, and a huge vortex appeared, Chu Tian was swallowed by the vortex.

That person held the golden stick and snorted coldly, "Do you really think people in my Red Sea Palace are easy to bully?"

After speaking, the man disappeared from the spot, and Chu Tian was in a strange sea at the moment, but this didn't scare him, he opened his clairvoyance to look around.

Discovering that there is a barrier in the surrounding space, Chu Tian leaped out of the barrier.

When he came outside, he came to an island, and many of these people were wearing red armor, and the person who captured him before was not among them, obviously he had not returned yet.

So after Chutian landed, he took a leap and planned to leave the island, but a majestic voice said in the air, "Who dares to trespass on the Red Sea Island."

Then a red light appeared in the sky, and behind a huge red bird stood an old man. Beside this old man was the person who brought Chu Tian. Just listen to his introduction, "Island owner, that's him, a strange person."

The old man fixed his eyes on Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you?"

Chu Tian ignored him, "Don't mess with me, otherwise, I will sink this island."

Chu Tian's words made the old man annoyed, "Boy, do you really want to die?"

Chutian turned around and was about to fly out of the island, but the old man took out a red crystal stone in his hand, and the red crystal stone released a powerful red light, trapping Chutian inside the crystal.

The old man came outside the crystal and hummed, "Do you really think you are invincible?"

The man in the red armor next to the old man was even more proud, "Boy, isn't it very powerful? Now that we meet our island owner, do you lose all your abilities?"

Chu Tian shook his head helplessly, and immediately the godhead began to absorb the power of the crystal, and the old man suddenly felt the power of the crystal decrease little by little, and his expression changed, "This."

Until Chu Tian snorted, the crystal suddenly shattered, the old man and the man in red armor were startled, and Chu Tian looked at them coldly, "It seems that if I don't show you some color, you really think I'm afraid of you!" .”

After speaking, Chu Tian kicked the man in red armor away with one kick, and the old man's face changed and he said immediately, "Wait! I have something to tell you."

"say what."

"You are the person I am looking for." The other party said these words suddenly, and Chu Tian rolled his eyes, "I said old man, are you kidding me, I don't know you, who is the person you are looking for. "

The other party said calmly, "My name is Hong Daozi, and I have been in the sea area for many years, and I used to be from the mainland, so I don't have a reverse godhead, but I know a kind of magic that requires a non-reverse godhead and a good talent people learn."

Chu Tian was dubious, "Why did you choose me?"

"You are not a godhead, and you are very talented."

Chu Tian silently stared at the other party for a while and said, "I'm just looking for some kind of magical technique. If it doesn't satisfy me, I'll still do it."

That Hong Daozi said to himself, "Don't worry, I will definitely."

However, at this time the man in red armor ran back and said, "Island owner, you, you must kill him."

But the island owner gave him a blank look, "From today onwards, he is the distinguished guest of Red Sea Island."

The man was dumbfounded, "What?"

"I said, starting today, he is our distinguished guest, do you understand?"

The man was stunned, while the island owner looked at Chutian, "Don't pay attention to him, let's go."

But Chu Tian said, "Abolish him, let's go."

In front of Hong Daozi, Chu Tian directly crippled the man's godhead, and a howl of ghosts and wolves spread over the entire island. Everyone was curious about what happened.

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(End of this chapter)

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