Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1380 This Island Is Not Simple

Chapter 1380 This Island Is Not Simple (Order)

That Hong Daozi didn't blame Chutian, but looked at Chutian, "Let's go."

Chu Tian was really curious about what kind of magic this Hong Daozi showed him, until they came to the bottom of this huge island, where there was an underwater space, and there was a palace in this space.

When the two came inside, the Hong Daozi said, "This palace has been here for a long time, and I built an island on it in order to prevent others from stepping in at will, and it has been here until now."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "What's so special about this magical technique? It needs you to guard it for so long?"

Hong Daozi explained, "This magical technique is too amazing. I haven't studied it thoroughly in my whole life, so I just want to know who can learn it. Let me have a look."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Is there such a thing?"


Then Hong Daozi came to a huge wall, pointed to the lifelike paintings on the wall, and a bunch of weird words, "Look, that's it, I can't see through the words alone."

Chu Tian glanced at the text and asked, "You can't even understand the text, how do you know that this magical technique is powerful?"

"That's simple. Look at those paintings. Isn't the picture magnificent? And if you look closely, you can see how it moves. Those who have learned this magical technique are very powerful."

Chu Tian didn't study these paintings, but let the system identify them directly, after all, he couldn't understand these words.

I saw a voice from the system, "Ding~Ni Godhead Condensation Technique, by beheading other people's Ni Godhead, gain the power of Niyuan to condense your own Godhead."

Chu Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the old man asked curiously, "How is it? Do you understand?"

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "I said Red Island Master, don't guard it, this thing, in fact, is used to condense the godhead."

"What? Condensing against the godhead?"


Hong Daozi was a little unconvinced, "Only people born in the sea area can condense the inverse godhead, and people like us on the mainland cannot become the inverse godhead."

"But this is it."

Hong Daozi hurriedly asked, "How do you know?"

"Because, I have almost realized it."

Hong Daozi stared at Chutian strangely, wanting Chutian to explain how to practice, but Chutian had a half-smile, "I can't tell this secret."

Hong Daozi was a little disappointed, but he was not angry, but said, "After studying it for so many years, at least I already know what it is for."

Seeing Hong Daozi like this, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry about it, you can't learn this thing, so it's useless to tell you."

Hong Daozi nodded, "It's so, I can leave this island now."

After finishing speaking, Hong Daozi felt blood dripping from his heart, but he was helpless. Unwillingly, he turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared here, while Chu Tian sighed, "It's really choking to guard the magic that can't be cultivated in a lifetime."

Afterwards, Chu Tian calmed down and stared at the wall, "Who left this?"

But there is no mention of who stayed here, so Chu Tian had no choice but to turn around and leave. Looking at the Red Sea Island, he turned around again, cast the teleportation technique, and disappeared from here.

Until a while later, came to the so-called Tianhai.

This Tianhai is indeed a place full of masters, even if everyone can get here, only first- and second-class reverse godheads, or supreme gods, or even island masters, hall masters, etc. dare to come here.

At the same time, there are no restrictions here, and he can kill as much as he wants, but Chutian doesn't understand what charm this Tianhai has, which can attract so many people.

Until he entered this sea area, saw piles of islands, and then landed, and it was very lively here, especially at the road stalls, where many people bought and sold some weird stones fished up from the bottom of the sea.

These stones can be big or small, the small ones can be the size of a fist, and the big ones can be the size of a person, but Chu Tian doesn't understand what these are, and why they want to buy and sell such stones here.

After everyone's discussion, Chutian knew that this kind of stone is called Tianhai stone, which is only found in Tianhai, and after opening the Tianhai stone, you can get some interesting things. If you are lucky, you can get the god bone, but the probability of that is very low very low.

And a Sky Sea Stone is very expensive, so only gamblers will buy this Sky Sea Stone.

As for Chu Tian's golden eyes, he can clearly see what is inside each stone, so after finding that many of these stones are hollow or some messy things, he shook his head helplessly, "Look These are of no value."

Just as Chu Tian was sighing, the square in front was bustling, everyone was running there, but Chu Tian strolled over in confusion, and happened to see a ring there, and on the ring, there were many people fighting in the ring.

At the same time, there is a banner on the arena, "Contest to recruit relatives."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Where is this place, there is such an ancient thing as martial arts competition to recruit relatives."

While Chu Tian was teasing, the people around were discussing in full swing.

"This heavenly family, it's true, why did you let your daughter come to set up the ring?"

"It's probably because her daughter didn't want to get married, which caused trouble for the Tian family, and the Tian family just pushed the boat along."

"So, it's settled?"

"Sure, it's another family in Tianhai, the young master of the Gu family."

"What? Is it him?"

"Yes, rumored to be the youngest first-class anti-godhead genius."


Hearing their discussion, Chu Tian turned around. Obviously, this had nothing to do with him. Instead, he was more interested in going around to see if there were any interesting Tianhai stones.

So as he walked, he opened his eyes with sharp eyes. On the way, he searched all the Tianhai stones that could be found in the shop, until in an inconspicuous corner, he found a piece of Tianhai stone, which was a divine bone.

So he stopped and looked at the person who set up the stall. It was a woman with a yellow and thin face, as if she had no nutrition, but Chu Tian wondered, no matter how miserable a person with godhead is, it would not be like this.

So he couldn't help asking, "I said girl, what's wrong with you."

As a result, the woman rolled her eyes, "If you want to buy it, buy it, if you don't buy it, go away."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the woman's tone was not small, but for the sake of the god bone, he said with a smile, "That's fine, I want this Tianhai Stone, how much is it."

"One billion divine stones."

Chu Tian's eyes widened immediately, "What? It also costs one billion."

"No money, hurry up and go."

Chutian is not short of the one billion yuan, but he didn't expect the sky sea stone here to be so expensive, but for the sake of the god bone inside, he had to take out one billion yuan, and when he was about to take the sky sea stone, the woman said, "It must be done in front of me. Open."


"This is the rule of buying and selling Tianhai Stone, are you going to break it?"

[The second update today, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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