Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1381 You are the ones who cheated!

Chapter 1381 You are the ones who cheated! (ask for order)

Chu Tian was puzzled when he heard this, "Really?"


Chutian didn't believe it, but the people around came over and looked at Chutian strangely, as if Chutian was a person with different rules. As for Chutian, he smiled slightly, "Okay, I'll drive."

At this moment, everyone was laughing there as if they were joining in the fun.

"This kid is a bit stupid, buying the Sky Sea Stone here"

"It's not that there are any good things on this street."

"In my opinion, this one billion is in vain."

"what a pity."

When everyone thought that Chutian was going to suffer, Chutian had already opened the stone, and saw that there was a god bone inside, and it looked like a fist. The people present immediately exploded, "Look, look, it's a god bone."

"This guy is really lucky"

"No, I actually got it"

The woman stared at Chutian strangely. After all, she couldn't believe that someone could buy a god bone in front of her eyes. Chutian smiled slightly, "Okay, thank you very much."

After opening the stone, Chutian naturally wanted to find a place to merge, so he found an inn, and the news of Chutian's acquisition of the god bone spread, and many people came from everywhere immediately, and they naturally focused on Chutian. God.

Among them, the woman selling stones also came to Chutian's inn, which made Chutian smile bitterly, "What? You want to go back after selling the things?"

The woman smiled and said, "Young Master, you misunderstood, I just want to remind you that if you buy something good, you have to hide it quickly instead of staying in the city, otherwise your things will be snatched away soon. "

Chu Tian was half-believing, but soon many people gathered around him. The smiles on these people's faces were very strange. One of the men even teased, "Boy, God King, you're lucky, why don't you give it to me, I'll protect you."

"Give it to me, I will protect you." Another person also said.

As a result, other people also told them one after another, as if they were about to fight, but Chutian stared at them and said, "Sorry, this thing, mine, I won't give it to you."

These words made the original quarreling people stop, but some people stared at Chutian until one person made the first move to take Chutian down, and when Chutian left his original position for an hour, the other party caught him. .

Now everyone knows that Chutian's speed is not weak, and he can quickly avoid everyone, but some people still want to try, so they attack from the air, and some people even want to get him into their own fields, but none of them succeed. .

Until a voice shouted outside, "He is mine."

It was a drunkard who came in, and he was a big fat drunkard, holding a big cloth bag in his hand, staring at Chu Tian and laughing haha.

When everyone saw him, their faces changed drastically.

Many people retreated one after another, fearing to offend this person, but the woman was puzzled, "Dead wine barrel, why are you here?"

The man named Wine Barrel looked smug, "I like to come, why? I have an opinion."

"I have no objection, but I sold this thing to others, so I have to ensure their safety no matter what."

"Bah, I think you want other people's things too, Miss Hua, right?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was even more shocked, and the woman turned around, with many flowers floating on her body, and smiled with a startled face, "Dead wine barrel, why do you need to name me?"

"I don't want to see you staring silently, but thinking about taking other people's things."

The Hua lady smiled and said nothing but she turned her head and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Young man, you have also seen that there will be more and more scary people now, if you want to live, give that thing I."

Chu Tian smiled, "I said this senior, you sold my things, and now you want to rob me, how could you do business like this."

The lady Hua stared at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "I'm just talking about the facts."

Chutian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the wine barrel was already staring at Chutian, "Don't listen to her, as long as you give it to me, I can keep you safe here."

After hearing this, Chu Tian asked strangely, "Really?"

"Yes, really."

Chu Tian nodded slightly, "That's fine, I'll give it to you."

The wine barrel was overjoyed, and Chu Tian threw out a box and said, "I put it in this box, you go back and take it out."

When everyone heard this, they immediately stared at the box, and the wine barrel laughed after getting the box, "Thank you, boy."

After finishing speaking, the wine barrel was about to leave with the box, and the flower lady shot out countless petals, attacking the wine barrel frantically, and the wine barrel threw out a huge wine barrel, a thick liquid like wine Same, crazy hit on this petal.

In an instant, the two powerful forces in the inn were about to explode, but fortunately, the inn's special structure could not be destroyed, but the people here dispersed one by one to watch the show.

Chu Tian also watched with a smile on his face. After the two of them fought for a long time, the flower girl died with a unique move. Countless flower vines entangled the wine barrel, and no matter how hard the wine barrel struggled, it was useless.

The angry barrel cursed, "Damn it."

Lady Hua smiled and said, "Give it to me."

The wine barrel had no choice but to throw the box over, and the flower girl was overjoyed, but when it touched the box, the wine barrel fought back again, and a huge wave of wine fell in the air, hitting the flower lady, instantly soaking her body, and She was seriously injured in many places, and she was so angry that she cursed, "Damn Fat Ball! Get lost!"

Countless petals flew towards the wine barrel again, but the wine barrel was shocked and quickly avoided it, the flower girl seemed to be crazy, the wine barrel threw the box helplessly, the flower lady grabbed the box and quickly opened it, but she saw that it was just an ordinary stone inside. Furious, "Wine barrel, you actually changed it."

The wine barrel froze for a moment and immediately argued, "I didn't replace it."

Hua Niangzi asked, "Then how could this happen?"

The people present were also curious about why the god's bone turned into stone, but Chu Tian who was in the air laughed and said, "You two, are you having a good time?"

It was only then that everyone realized that it was Chutian who was causing trouble, and immediately aroused the anger of Lady Hua and Jiutong, and the people present knew that Chutian was going to be in trouble, but Chutian's speed was very fast, no matter how the two of them fought, they could not fight Chutian.

Not only that, Chu Tian still said with a smile, "You can't even keep up with my speed, and you are going to kill me. You are too confident."

The wine barrel snorted, a golden wine barrel fell from the sky, and then put Chutian directly in the space of the golden wine barrel, "Make you crazy."

Hua Niangzi looked at the wine barrel, "What about him?"

"In my magic weapon."

Hua Niangzi immediately argued, "You can't take it all by yourself."

Jiu Ke glared, "Wait until he is dealt with, and we will study the divine bones together, how about that?"

[Today's third change, continue to fight on the weekend. . .Ask for subscription support, thank you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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