Chapter 1382
Hua Niangzi thought it was okay, so she said, "Go, find a place, and force him to hand over his bones."


Afterwards, the two co-patted and left here, but everyone looked at each other and did not dare to go forward. After all, they dare not provoke the strength of these two people.

As for the two of them coming to a remote and uninhabited place in Tianhai City, the wine barrel said, "That's it."

Hua Niangzi said kindly, and then the wine barrel took out the golden wine barrel, and said to Hua Niangzi, "Let's go in together."

The two of them leaped into the magic weapon, and inside the wine barrel, there was indeed another world, and Chu Tian was sitting in piles of wine, until the wine barrel appeared, looking at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, Have you figured it out?"

"Thinking about what?"

"Give us the god bone, and we will let you go."

But Chu Tian teased, "You are all like this, and you still want to ask me for it."

The barrel stared, "What happened to us?"

Chu Tian laughed, "You were injured in the fight with each other just now, but I can easily finish you off."

As soon as the words came out, the two laughed, especially the Hua lady said, "Boy, stop joking, it's useless."

Jiu Ke also said, "That's right, with your ability, you still want to fight against us? You really think too much."

But the next moment, Chu Tian suddenly came to the wine barrel, without saying anything, he punched him, and the wine barrel flew out like a gust of wind, and then hit the space barrier, bleeding from his mouth.

That lady Hua was startled, but just after she realized it, Chu Tian leaped out of her eyes again and knocked her away, the two of them felt very uncomfortable immediately.

The barrel even cursed, "Damn, this guy, hide his strength!"

Chu Tian smiled, "You two, do you still dare to ask for my god bone?"

The barrel snorted, "Boy, this is my magic weapon. I want to show you how powerful I am."

After finishing speaking, the surrounding liquid began to overwhelm Chutian, and then quickly surrounded Chutian, engulfing Chutian without giving him any chance, and the wine barrel proudly said, "Against me? Thinking too much."

The flower girl wondered, "How is he?"

"Now surrounded by those wines, soon his body will be invaded by these wines, and then he will be fascinated, and finally he will be controlled by me."

Hua Niangzi admired, "Amazing."

But at this moment, Chu Tian laughed behind the two of them and said, "It's quite powerful, but it's on the wrong person."

The wine barrel was shocked, and Chu Tian's sword had pierced into his body at this time, the wine barrel turned pale with shock, but fortunately, the Nishen Deity was strong and resisted Chu Tian's attack until he quickly turned into a liquid and merged with the liquid middle.

But Mrs. Hua couldn't do it, she stared at Chu Tian in shock, "You."

Chu Tian looked at her with a smile, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you."

Chu Tian also passed with a sword, and countless flower petals gathered in front of the Hua Niangzi to resist Chu Tian's sword, and that sword was so powerful that it shattered the petals, and Chu Tian's sword was still heavy. stabbed into this flower lady
Hua Niangzi's face was ugly, and she immediately flew backwards, but Chu Tian was faster, and came behind her and said with a smile, "Compared with my speed, you are far behind."

Hua Niangzi was shocked, "Boy, you can't kill me."

"Why not."

"I am the largest force in Tianhai City, the Tianhai Gang. You'd better not mess with me, otherwise countless people will take your life."

Chu Tian sneered, "It's ridiculous."

Then Chu Tian made a move and didn't give the opponent a chance at all, and the Hua Niangzi was covered in bruises after a while, and shouted at the wine barrel in the sea area, "Wine barrel, come out and help."

The wine barrel didn't dare to come out at the moment, so it could only hide in the sea area where the wine turned into, and said, "I won't go out."

That lady Hua was so angry that she finally compromised and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I promise you that I will never make things difficult for you again, how about it?"

"Is your word credible?"

"I made a covenant with God."

After thinking about it, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Yes."

That lady Hua obediently made a promise, and Chutian also agreed that she must listen to him. The lady Hua had no choice but to listen to Chutian and deal with Lady Hua. Chutian looked at Hai Yu, "Aren't you coming out?"

The wine barrel said airily, "I will not compromise."

"Oh? Uncompromising? Very brave."


At this time, Chutian began to cast ice flowers, and the sea area began to freeze. The wine barrel was shocked, crawled out of the wine, and looked at Chutian angrily, "You are really hateful."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'll ask you now, whether you agree or not."

The wine barrel gritted his teeth, "I don't agree."

After finishing speaking, the wine barrel wanted to leave this space, but Chu Tian sneered, "You still want to escape under my nose? How ridiculous."

Afterwards, Chutian used all kinds of abilities to subdue the wine barrel, and the lady Hua stared at Chutian in disbelief, and was even more shocked in her heart, "What is the origin of this guy, he can be so scary."

At this moment, the wine barrel also compromised and made a promise. In this way, Chutian subdued them and walked out of the space. The wine barrel said awkwardly, "You, what orders do you have?"

Lady Hua also looked at Chu Tian curiously, and Chu Tian said, "I don't have any orders for now, but you don't want to wander around, just follow me."

The two were shocked, but Chu Tian smiled and said, "What? Is there a problem?"

The two showed embarrassing expressions and felt embarrassed. After all, everyone knew their identities, but now they had to follow a god king, which made them a little embarrassed. Chu Tian smiled, "Why? Don't say it?"

The Hua lady immediately explained, "I belong to the Tianhai Gang, and there are people from our gang everywhere here, if I follow you and this matter spreads to the Tianhai Gang, you will be punished, and your life will be in danger. "

Chutian looked at the barrel in disbelief, "Is that so?"

The barrel nodded and said, "Yes, it will."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's fine, you two, go about your own business, and I'll come to you when I have something to do."

The two were overjoyed and quickly turned around to leave, while Chu Tian smiled wryly, "These two guys."

Then Chu Tian simply fused with this fist, and soon the message of the divine bone flashed, "The Divine Star Fist, through the divine spark, can arouse powerful fist shadows, and can blow up a star field."

Seeing this description, Chutian thought it was quite powerful, but Chutian didn't know how powerful his punch could be at this moment, so he flew out of Tianhai City and came to the deserted sea area. Chutian took a deep breath and began to accumulate strength .

Infinite power was released from the godhead, gathered on the fist one by one, and then punched out, and a huge wave exploded instantly in the sea area in front of him.

[Today's fourth change, please recommend tickets, monthly subscriptions, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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