Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1383 Divine Bone Illusion Technique

Chapter 1383 Divine Bone Illusion Technique (For Order)

Looking at the huge waves flying up, Chu Tian looked at the fist in surprise, "This punch is so powerful."

At this moment, a group of people passed by in the air. After seeing the situation at sea, they fell from the air and saw a small sea beast beside him.

This sea beast looks like a little dolphin, but at the moment it looks like a child, circling around Chu Tian.

Chu Tian stared curiously at the man in front of him. He had white hair, but his figure and age seemed to be a middle-aged man at most, and his face was pale.

At the same time, when he spoke, it sounded like a child's voice, "How did you make it just now?"

Chu Tian didn't know this person, so he didn't want to explain anything to him, but replied, "It was just made out of it."

Seeing that Chutian was unwilling to speak, the man smiled and said, "In Xiabai."


"Well, Baili, I don't know what your name is?"


Bai Li nodded and said with a smile, "I am from Tianhai City, Baiyou Palace. If you are interested, you can go to my Baiyou Palace."

Chu Tian shook his head, "I still like someone alone."

But Bai Li said with a smile, "Don't misunderstand what I will do to you, I just want you to go to my Baiyou Palace and see something interesting, maybe it will be good for you."




Bai Li replied, "I can feel that you have countless god bones on your body, but too many god bones will cause a burden to people, so everyone will find a way to change the god bones."


"Yes, the divine bone is transformed! The divine bone is separated from the body, but it is connected to the body. It can still be used, and the effect is even more powerful."

It was the first time that Chutian heard that the divine bones could transform into illusions. Seeing Chutian's expression, Bai Li smiled and said, "I'm not lying to you. If you're interested, you can go with me. I'll take you to have a look."

Chu Tian was really attracted, and said with a smile, "Then I'll go and have a look."

After Bai Li smiled, he looked at the dolphin, and the dolphin turned around, and a blue light appeared, covering them all, and they all disappeared at once.

When they reappeared, Chu Tian came to a huge palace, and there were countless people guarding it, and when those people saw Bai Li, they respectfully said, "Palace Master."

Chu Tian was surprised, "Palace Master?"

That Bai Li looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "I am the master of this Bai You Palace."

Chu Tian didn't expect the other party to have this identity, and he looked at it. The people here are all extraordinary, not ordinary people. As for Bai Lixiu, he can't see through it.

This made Chu Tian wonder why Bai Li wanted to help him, and Bai Li saw Chu Tian's doubts and said with a smile, "Why? Are you afraid that I will harm you?"

"I have nothing to do with you, why did you let me come?"

"It's very simple, your ability is terrifying, and it's this little guy who likes you."

Chu Tian stared at the dolphin curiously, "It?"

"Well, it is the number one intelligent beast in the sea area, with extremely strong intelligence, as long as it recognizes people, it must have a bright future, and it even asked me to bring you here."

Chu Tian didn't expect this sea beast to have such a background, and Bai Li said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you to see it."

After about a while, they came to the bottom of a staircase, and after walking up the stairs, a small palace was printed in front of them, and inside this small palace, there was a huge crystal ball.

There was a white mist on the crystal ball, and there were dragon shadows flickering around the white mist. In addition, there were countless shadows of god bones in it, and these god bones could all be fused together.

In the end, these gods turned into human beings and stood there.

Bai Li, who was beside Chutian, introduced, "This is the magic bone illusion, but I have studied it for countless years, but I still haven't figured it out, but this little guy said, you can."

Chu Tian really wanted to try it, but he stared at the ball and ordered the system, "Learn."

"Ding~ divine bone illusion."

After Chutian learned one by one, all the bones in his body suddenly fused together, and after a while, a shadow appeared behind Chutian.

This shadow has one wing, two arms, one fist, two feet, the upper body, but no head, no neck, no soles of feet, no other fist, just like a disabled person.

Chu Tian knew that it was because of his own divine bones, and he didn't have those. However, after these several divine bones were fused, the power of all the divine bones could be used at the same time, and the power was greatly improved.

This made Chu Tian amazed, and he could retract the body at will, so that others could not see the existence of the god bone, just like a clone, and Bai Li on the side was stunned, "It's done, it's done."

Chu Tian returned to his senses and said with a smile, "Thank you for your magical skills, senior."

Bai Li envied, "I've studied for so many years, and I don't know anything about it, but you learned it all at once, which is amazing."

Chu Tian smiled modestly, and Bai Li said, "I see that you have quite a few god bones, but there are also some who haven't gathered together. If you want to get the rest, I can take you to a place, but just Let's see if you have the guts."

"Oh? Where?"

"Tianhai City's once-in-a-hundred-year Divine Bone Conference."

Chu Tian didn't quite understand, "The Divine Bone Conference?"

"Yes, when the time comes, all major forces will take out a divine bone, and then all parties will fight for it. If you defeat each other, you can get the opponent's divine bone."

Chu Tian thought it was very interesting, but Chu Tian stared at Bai Li with some confusion, "Aren't you afraid that I will lose?"

Bai Li pointed to the little sea beast and said, "It said, you can, and the major power competitions, except for the person in charge, everyone else can participate, so I plan to let you represent our Baiyou Palace, how about it?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian stared at the sea beast strangely and said with a smile, "It has really good eyesight."

After hearing this, Bai Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "So, you agreed."


"Okay, let's prepare right away. We have to start in three days. During this period, I will give you a good introduction to some forces in Tianhai City, who should pay attention to, and who should be careful. I will give you an explanation. "

Chu Tian said gratefully, "Thank you."

Bai Li laughed and said, "It's for my own selfishness too, so don't thank me."


"Yes, I want to become the most powerful force in Tianhai City, so that I can have the opportunity to step into the rumored Holy Land of Skysea City, but I must defeat the other forces one by one at the Tianhai City Centennial Conference."

Chu Tian didn't expect this incident and said afterwards, "So that's how it is."

Bai Li smiled, "Come on, let me introduce to you, who are there in Tianhai City."

Then Bai Li took Chutian to a quiet place, and took out some materials, introduced them to Chutian one by one, and reminded Chutian that Tianhaizong should be the most important thing in Tianhai City.

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(End of this chapter)

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