Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1384 Competition

Chapter 1384 Competition
Under the guidance of several days, Chutian already had a preliminary understanding of most of the forces in Tianhai City, and Bai Li brought Chutian to the city. When the Lord was together, they all showed curiosity.

"This guy is not dead."

At this moment, many people thought that Chu Tian had already been arrested by the two wine barrels, but they didn't expect him to appear again, so they started talking about it.

As for that Bai Li said with a smile after hearing this, "I didn't expect you to be arrested by others."

"Yes, but they all surrendered to me."

That Bai Li froze for a moment, "Submit to you?"


That Bai Li stared at Chu Tian strangely, and Chu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk about that."

"Okay then, let's go to Tianhai Square in Tianhai City first."

After about a while, they came to a huge square, and it was very lively here.

I saw that people from various sects had already gathered, and there were other passers-by who came to watch the show. They obviously wanted to watch today's competition, and according to Bai Li's introduction, there were a total of ten sects in this competition.

Tianhaizong, Baiyouzong, and the other eight, and this day, Tianhai City has always been the strongest, so it has firmly ranked first in Tianhai City, and has occupied the Holy Land for many years.

As for Bai Youzong, he was second, so many people were curious about who Bai Youzong would bring today, but Chu Tian acted calmly, as if he had nothing to do with him.

When Bai Li brought Chu Tian to a place to report, the news spread instantly.

"What? That kid wants to replace Bai Youzong?"

"What kind of joke is this?"

"It's incredible."


All of a sudden, everyone was talking about it, and people from other sects were even more puzzled, especially those sects behind Baiyouzong were overjoyed, believing that defeating Baiyouzong was no longer a dream.

After all, in the past, only Tianhaizong could defeat Baiyouzong, but now Baiyouzong asked Chu Tian to come forward, everyone thought Baiyouzong was giving up on himself.

But Chutian didn't speak. As for that Bai Li, many sect masters ridiculed him, especially the Tianhai sect master, who was a man in black armor.

He stared at Bai Li and said with a smile, "Brother Bai, don't you want to do this?"

But Bai Li said with a smile, "Sect Master Tian, ​​what's the matter? Do you think I will lose?"

Everyone laughed even more when they heard this, and the Tianhai Sect master, Tian Yan, burst out laughing, "Brother Bai, don't tell me, you want to rely on him to win."

"Yes, I relied on him to win."

Tian Yan said with a smile, "I think it's better to give up, just him, not to mention the number one in your sect, even the second one can't keep it."

People from other sects laughed even more, but Bai Li ignored them and took Chu Tian aside to sit down. There was a huge ring here, and seats for ten sects had already been set up around the arena.

At the same time, outside these sects, there were countless people watching and waiting for the upcoming match, but the appearance of Chu Tian obviously made this match ridiculous.

Some people really think that Bai Youzong is wasting his time.

After going on like this for an hour, the competition is about to start, and the ten cases are naturally drawn by lot, and it is a one-off, the losing sect will give the god bone to the other party.

I saw Sect Master Tianyan, as the winner of the previous realm, so he said with a smile, "Today, I will continue to preside over it, and it will still be the same as before, the way of drawing lots."

After finishing speaking, the identity tokens of the ten sects were put together to draw lots. Many people from the sects hoped to match against Chutian. After all, Chutian was the weakest, only at the level of a god king.

But Bai Li just smiled and said nothing, he knew that Chutian's strength was much stronger than many people present, but Chutian never showed it.

Until the Heavenly Sovereign finished drawing lots, and that Chutian was overjoyed by the one named Feihaizong, the Sovereign of Feihaizong even said in the dialogue, "Brother Bai, I'm so sorry, I'm going to win against you today. "

But Bai Li said with a smile, "Sovereign Fei, if you win, I'm too happy, but if you lose, remember to take out the god bone."

That Sovereign Fei confidently smiled and said, "Don't worry, my people will never lose against him, and they are still first-class inverse godheads, supreme gods."

After finishing speaking, a middle-aged man walked out behind the suzerain, and the middle-aged man had a layer of brown leather armor on his body, as if his body was covered with a layer of mud, and everyone talked about him.

"This is the number one master of the Feihai Sect, and the earth exploded."

Soil Yibang was what everyone called him, and it was rumored that one punch could blow up a supreme god below the second-class inverse godhead, and at this moment Chu Tian was in the God King Realm, so everyone mourned for Chu Tian one after another.

Even Sovereign Fei laughed and said, "I said Sovereign Bai, you are going to let him die."

But Bai Li said with a smile, "Dead? It's not certain when the time comes."

Seeing that Bai Li still didn't give up, the Fei Sovereign smiled, "That's all right, wait until the game and take a good look."

As for the people from other sects, they were envious of Fei Haizong's match against Bai Youzong, but Bai Li acted as if nothing happened, watching quietly until the match started.

When it was Chutian's turn to have a blast with that soil, the soil exploded like a speck of dust, all of a sudden arrived on the ring and gathered a person, and stared at Chu Tian coldly, "Boy, you admit defeat."

"Why admit defeat?"

As a result, the other party said, "Because you are rubbish, I will attack you and lose my reputation."

"Don't worry, you won't lose your reputation."

As soon as the soil exploded, he didn't expect Chu Tian to ignore his warning, so he could only snort, "I'm courting death."

As for the people in the audience, they cheered and became lively, and some even shouted, "Kill him."

Under everyone's yelling, the earth exploded with a random punch, intending to smash Chu Tian into pieces, but the other party's punch couldn't touch Chu Tian's ghostly figure at all.

Everyone exclaimed, "What a speed."

Unwilling to be reconciled to the explosion, Chutian punched him again, but Chutian still avoided it quickly, and said with a smile, "What? Is it that powerful?"

That soil stared, "Boy, I just didn't use my strength just now."

The people present also thought it was useless when the soil exploded, so they were all curious, until Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Oh? Really? Then you should use more force, and don't make excuses later."

"Explosion!" The earth-exploding person couldn't bear to shout, and then the brown light burst from Chutian's body. Everyone thought that Chutian was going to die, and Chutian's body was opened.

The attack hit the god's hood, but did not cause any damage to Chutian, which made the people present dumbfounded.

"This kid, why does he have such a strong defense?"

"Yeah, how did you do that?"

The other suzerains also showed curiosity, and that Bai Li smiled.

[The second update today, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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