Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1387 Giant Spirit God

Chapter 1387 Giant Spirit God (For Order)

Chutian and Baili had already left, and when they reappeared, they had come to a sea area in the center of Tianhai City, and this sea area frequently bubbled like hot springs.

Bai Li pointed to the pool and said, "From here, you can reach the rumored Holy Land."

"Holy Land, is it really that magical?"

Chu Tian asked in doubt, and Bai Li replied, "The Holy Land is the most magical place in Tianhai City, and it contains very powerful power, as well as some unexpected divine bones and magical arts."

Chutian wondered why a seabed holy place could be so miraculous, until Bai Li took Chutian down and saw a door there, which could only be opened with a key.

When the door was opened, the two entered, and the door was then closed.

As for the first time Bai Li came here, he was not familiar with it. He could only see a long staircase in front of him, and the two of them went up step by step. After a while, something unexpected happened.

I saw that the ladder in the middle was broken, and there was a crack in front. Seeing this crack, Bai Li was curious and wanted to go there, but found that the crack had a big opening.

"This crack is not simple."

Chu Tian also tried to touch this gap and found that it was attractive, as if whoever walked on it would be sucked into it.

Bai Li had no choice but to take out an iron plate and throw it on it. Soon the iron plate became bigger and covered the crack. He thought it could resist the attraction, but who knew that the iron plate was sucked through on the spot and then broke.

This surprised both Chutian and Baili, until Chutian came back to his senses and said, "I'll try."

I saw Chutian's wings spread out, and the speed was very fast, and he rushed to the opposite side in one hit, and the powerful attraction halfway was purified by Chutian.

Seeing Chu Tianneng pass by, that Bai Li admired him, "Amazing."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I'll come and take you."

Chutian then turned around and came back again, and Chutian threw Baili into the space, and then leaped to the opposite side to get Baili out.

Bai Li turned around and looked behind him and took a breath, "You still have the ability, otherwise you don't know how to get here."

Chu Tian was curious, "I can come here, but how did that person from Tianhaizong come here?"

Bai Li was also puzzled when he heard this, "By the way, what you said is, how did they come here?"

Chu Tian thought for a while and couldn't figure it out, so he said, "Forget it, let's move on."

Bai Li had no choice but to listen to Chu Tian, ​​and then the two continued to move forward. After a while, two huge pillars appeared on both sides of the stairs, and there were countless flames wrapped around the pillars.

Bai Li stared at the two pillars and said in surprise, "There really are."

"what is this?"

"This is the guardian pillar of the Holy Land. I heard that as long as you pass through this sacred pillar, you can step into a magical land, and here, you may find so-called divine bones, divine spells, and all kinds of unexpected things."

Chu Tian really wanted to know what could be in such a place. After a while, what appeared in front of his eyes was a barren mountain, and this barren mountain looked different from ordinary mountains.

I always feel that there is something staring at them in this mountain, and Bai Li is intoxicated here at the moment, unaware of the crisis, which is approaching them until a while.

A huge mountain in front of him suddenly turned into a man. This man was like a giant, holding a mace, and looked at the two of them coldly, "Lowly human, go to death."

As soon as the opponent swung the mace, the sky changed color, and countless forces gathered at the place where the two were. If the two hadn't avoided it quickly, they would probably be the ones who were seriously injured at this moment.

It's just that Bai Li was puzzled, why there is such a big giant here, and at this moment, a familiar voice appeared above the giant's head.

That person is none other than Tianyan Sect Master, Bai Li was shocked, "It's you."

The suzerain said with a smile, "This space has always belonged to our Tianhai Sect, and many things in it have been surrendered by us, so even if you can come to this holy place, you can never leave."

Bai Li was out of breath, "You!"

Sovereign Tian laughed and said, "How is it? Are you depressed?"

Bai Li glared, "You are really hateful."

"Don't say I'm hateful, this is the Holy Land, whoever comes first will take control first, so you better give us the key, it's useless if you come anyway."

Bai Li snorted, "At least, your people can no longer come in."

Sect Master Tian replied, "They can't come in again, but our sect has controlled many of these giants, and we have left all our clones here, so it is impossible for you to hang out here."

This made Bai Li anxious, but as soon as the other party finished speaking, suddenly a person appeared on top of the giant. This person was Chu Tian, ​​and he extinguished the fire one by one, swallowing the top of the giant in an instant.

A clone who was still standing there immediately screamed and even begged for mercy, "Ah, I was wrong! I was wrong! Let me go!"

Chu Tian smiled, "Aren't you awesome? What are you begging for?"

The man became anxious, but he had no choice but to say to Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, let me go, I can let you move around in this space, otherwise you will never be safe here."

"What? Threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening you, I'm telling you the truth. In this space, we control many giants, so it's impossible for you to stay safe here."

Chu Tian didn't speak any more, but directly increased his power to extinguish the fire, the clone screamed, and finally the clone was swallowed directly, and the giant started to go crazy as if he had lost control of a human being.

Bai Li said anxiously, "No, this guy lost control and started to recover."

Chu Tian also noticed that this giant gradually had his own consciousness, and finally roared, "You hateful humans, dare to control me for so long, I will kill you and destroy you."

Then countless thunderclouds appeared in the sky, and countless lightning bolts in the thunderclouds hit Chutian and Baili one by one.

Chutian was fine, but Baili's face was pale, and he was still trembling uncomfortably. It was not until Chutian threw him into the nine-pointed star that he avoided it, but the giant snorted, "You boy, you are not afraid .”

"I'm not afraid, I can kill you."

"It's ridiculous. I'm an ancient giant spirit god. You tiny humans can't compare to me."

"Stop bragging, if it weren't for me, you would still be controlled by someone."

Chu Tian's ridicule made the other party feel ashamed, and even more resentment broke out, "Go to hell."

The other party smashed Chu Tian with a mace, and the speed was very fast. As for Chu Tian, ​​he was even faster, he dodged it all at once, and then disappeared suddenly.

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(End of this chapter)

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