Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1388 Death Stele

Chapter 1388 Death Stele (For Order)
The giant spirit god was upset, and started to look around, and finally roared, "Boy, if you have the ability, come out!"

"Come out, definitely come out, but when I come out later, I hope you will be well."

The giant spirit stared, "Boy, what do you mean!"

"I mean very simple, look at this."

At this moment, Chu Tian suddenly came to the top of the opponent's head, and there were streaks of soul-eating white lights coming down from the top of the opponent's head. Even if the opponent was a giant, the soul could not bear these soul-eating white lights.

The giant spirit god immediately screamed, unwilling to reconcile, and slapped Chutian with one hand, but Chutian teased, "You want to kill me like this? Naive."

Chu Tian was covered with a god, and the opponent seemed to be hit by some hard object. The giant was unwilling and tried again, but the result was the same, but Chu Tian continued to inject the soul-devouring white light instead.

This made the giant frantically shout, "Damn! Die!"

However, this palm, going down again, was still useless to Chutian. Instead, the opponent finally knelt down screaming, and finally fell to the ground and rolled, and Chutian said with a smile, "If you cooperate with me, I will not hurt you, but if you If you don't cooperate with me, I will kill you now."

"You, what do you want."

"Tell me, what's your name?"

The man stammered, "My name is Hanba Lei."

"Hanba Lei? Your name is quite magical."

The other party didn't dare to say anything, but Chutian asked him to make a promise. After everything was settled, Chutian let him go, and then Chutian got the Baili out, and Baili saw Chutian, and then looked at the giant on the other side. , puzzled, "This is."

"He was surrendered by me."

That Bai Li looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "Really?"


Bai Li dubiously stared at the giant, and although the giant was very depressed at the moment, he didn't dare to attack, so Bai Li could only treat him like a monkey.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he said with a smile, "Okay, don't look at it, let's let him lead the way, and see what's good here."


So Chu Tian looked at him, "Han Yanlei, take us to find good things like god bones or magic spells."

But Han Yanlei said, "It's only in the center of this holy place, and the ones that occasionally fly out from the periphery were taken away by that person just now."

Knowing that it was the Sovereign of Heaven, Chu Tian asked, "Where is that center?"

"In the center of the Holy Land, there is a huge barrier outside, even if we can't get close."

Chu Tian didn't believe that anything could stop him, so he let this giant lead the way. However, there were countless giants on the road, and Chu Tian and the two were not allowed to get close. After all, they were all controlled.

Chutian concocted according to the law, knocked out these people one by one, and subdued them, all of a sudden these giants became Chutian's guides.

However, in Tianhai Sect, the suzerain and some elders were yelling at each other, until the suzerain said coldly, "No, this kid, destroy our clones, we must find a way to destroy him."

These elders expressed their helplessness. After all, Chu Tian was too scary. At this time, a figure fell down. Method."

"Oh? Master Baidian? What can you do?"

The Lord of Baidian knew Chu Tian very well, so he looked at everyone, "This kid has a lot of god bones on his body. If you can make these god bones lose their power, then he will be like an ordinary god king."

The suzerain frowned after hearing this, "The god bone is on him, it's not easy to make him invalid."

"It's easy, Tianhai City, it is rumored that it has the power of forbidden bones."

As soon as the words came out, the suzerain frowned, "Forbidden bone power, that is the huge formation of Tianhai City, it must be activated by many people, and our Tianhaizong alone can't do it, unless we can attract more people from the sect."

"Then pull, otherwise this kid will no longer be able to control it."

This day, the suzerain's eyes flashed with a strange light, "Okay, I'll contact you right away."

Afterwards, the Sect Master Tian left, and the Master of the Hundred Palaces sneered in his heart, "Boy, when you come out of the Holy Land, you will find that your divine bone has failed, and you are just an ordinary divine king."

As for Chutian, of course he didn't know what happened, he was still looking for that place at the moment.

After a while, they came to a huge barrier, and the barrier was covered with white mist, so they couldn't see what was going on inside, and Bai Li worried, "Will it be very dangerous inside?"

Chu Tian looked at him and said, "Wait here, I'll go in and have a look."

I saw Chu Tian began to touch the barrier, and then his whole body was swallowed by the white mist one by one, and finally Chu Tian disappeared in the white mist.

In this white mist, Chu Tian walked farther and farther, and finally saw a huge palace.

There is also a stone tablet blocking the door outside the palace, "Whoever enters will die!"

Chutian didn't expect that someone would erect this stele at the entrance of the palace, which made him sneer, "I'm sorry, I still want to go in."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian bypassed the stele, but just as he passed, an infinite force from the stele directly sucked Chu Tian into the stele, and the stele was instantly dark.

At the same time, inside the stele, countless breaths of death emanated, and at the same time, a faint purple light gathered in front of Chu Tian to form a person. This person was wearing warrior armor, holding a hunting knife, and inside was a skeleton.

The skeleton's eyes were shining with blue light, and its mouth was coldly staring at Chutian, "Trespassers, die."

But Chu Tian replied, "It's so fierce!"

The skeleton man snorted immediately, and the hunting knife in his hand spun around, and the death aura around Chutian grew more and more, and these death auras turned into countless sharp knife shadows.

These knife shadows flashed across Chu Tian's body like no shadow, and Chu Tian felt the energy as if it could penetrate the flesh.

And it hit Chutian's soul hard. If he was an ordinary person, he would definitely be out of his wits at this moment, but Chutian is not an ordinary person, and his soul is even more terrifying, so this attack hit him, and he was fine.

Not only that, that Chutian also stared at the skeleton man and said with a smile, "Your move is useless, change it."

The other party was stunned, so he had to say coldly, "Then let you see what it means to be terrible!"

Then countless big black birds around rushed towards Chutian frantically, and they had only one purpose, that is to destroy Chutian's body.

The canopy of Chutian God opened, and these big birds disappeared one by one after colliding with it, and Chutian teased, "What? Is it just this little ability?"

The skeleton man was not reconciled, and created countless airflows again, and these airflows gathered around Chutian one by one, surrounding Chutian, as if trying to swallow Chutian.

But Chu Tian said, "You want to swallow me? That would be naive."

The skeleton man didn't know what Chutian said, but Chutian had already absorbed all the air currents.

[The second update today, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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