Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1389 Worse than the God of Creation?

Chapter 1389 Worse than the God of Creation? (ask for order)
The next moment, Chu Tian came to the skeleton man, "It's my turn."

At this time, a unicorn releasing lightning appeared behind Chutian, and there was also the Mother of Lightning, which triggered powerful lightning one by one and gathered on the skeleton, and the skeleton was most afraid of lightning.

When these powerful thunderbolts hit the skeleton one by one, the skeleton fell apart and the surrounding space disappeared. Chu Tian came outside the stele, looked at the hall in front of him and smiled slightly.

I saw Chu Tian walking into the main hall, and what imprinted in front of him were piles of divine bones. These divine bones were all intact people, and these people were naturally the creator gods.

When Chutian saw so many creation bones lying there, he was stunned, "This is it."

At this time, a surrounding voice came out of the hall, "The God of Creation must die."

Chu Tian frowned, and at this moment a black shadow appeared, and that black shadow entered Chu Tian's body all of a sudden, still laughing wildly there, "It's boring to be a god king, but I want all the god bones on your body. "

The black shadow wanted to get rid of all of Chutian's divine bones at once, and Chutian hurriedly performed the illusion of divine bones to separate from his body. The black shadow froze and said, "How dare a little god king Arrogant in front of this king, courting death."

The black shadow then rushed out of Chu Tian's body, trying to get those god bones. Chu Tian immediately surrounded him with a fire extinguisher to prevent the other party from approaching, but he was shocked in his heart, "It's so fast, even the other party can't see anything .”

The black shadow sneered in the dark, "This kind of divine fire is trying to stop me, you really underestimate me."

At this moment, an extremely strong cold air flew from the surroundings, causing Chutian's fire to go out instantly. This was something Chutian never dreamed of, so Chutian hurried into the Immortal Mansion.

The black shadow tutted outside, "Interesting, there is such a magic weapon."

Chu Tian asked, "Who are you?"

The black shadow became proud there, "I? I am the shadow king most feared by the creation gods, or, you can call me, the ten kings of darkness."

"Ten Dark Lords?"

"That's right, the God Realm has been born for countless years. From ancient times to the present, there have been ten kings of darkness, and the kings of darkness are the nemesis of the Creator God. Any Creator God must surrender, understand?"

Chu Tian sighed secretly when he heard this, "What a crazy tone."

The King of Darkness laughed when he saw that Chu Tian didn't say anything, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense with you, I'll force you out."

At this time, the main hall outside began to dim, and one could not see his fingers. Then a ray of light wandered around in the main hall, and when he finally passed through the Immortal Mansion, the Dark King laughed loudly, "I found it."

At this time, the Dark King leaped into the Immortal Mansion, and in the Immortal Mansion, he stared at Chu Tian with a strange smile like a black shadow, "Little God King, don't struggle, just accept death obediently."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the other party could reach here, so he hurriedly left the Immortal Mansion, directly activated the teleportation ability of the other leg, and disappeared from this hall at once.

The Dark Lord said angrily, "Damn it, don't let me catch you."

Chutian took a deep breath, and after coming out of the great hall, he returned to the giants waiting in the Holy Land, and when Bai Li saw Chutian's sudden appearance, he wondered, "What's wrong?"

Chu Tian only said a few words, "It's terrible."

"what happened?"

Chu Tian told what he saw one by one, and Bai Li was shocked, "The rumors are true."

"What rumor?"

"In the sea area, there is a kind of god called the King of Darkness. Their strength is very terrifying. They are stronger than ordinary creation gods. They can even easily destroy the creation gods. At the same time, they like to collect creation god bones."

Chu Tian was shocked, "So powerful?"

"Well, but it was sealed many years ago."


"Yes, no one knows who the specific person who sealed them is. After all, people who are more powerful than the God of Creation and the King of Darkness can't be figured out. They can only be regarded as rumors."

Chu Tian was already shocked, especially since he never thought that there are people in this God Realm who are more terrifying than the Chuangshi God, and this King of Darkness is obviously not the strongest, and there are more powerful people behind him.

So he quickly calmed down and said, "Don't go in for now, it's probably the seal inside."

Bai Li hummed and said, "Forget it, let's get out of here."

So the two left, and the giant spirit god continued to guard the holy land until Chu Tian and Bai Li opened the holy land. As soon as they walked out of the holy land, the air changed, and Bai Li frowned, "Damn, someone activated the forbidden bone formation!" Law."

"Forbidden Bone Formation?"

"Well, it's a formation that can make the divine bones lose their power."

When Chutian didn't use the purification system at the beginning, he really felt that the divine bone was bound by something, which made him dumbfounded, "Interesting."

At this time, the Heavenly Sect Master, the Hundred Hall Master, and other suzerains all appeared one by one, and the Hundred Hall Master said proudly, "Boy, long time no see."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "I said I have been in Tianhai City for so long, but I haven't seen you, so you are here."

The master of Baidian smiled, "I was looking for an opportunity, and now the opportunity has come."


"Yes, it's this formation. Once activated, all the bones on your body will lose their effect. How about it? Isn't it exciting?"

Chu Tian nodded, "It's very exciting, but don't you also lose your divine bone?"

The master of Baidian explained proudly, "We are all supreme gods, and we are still godheads. Even if our god bones fail, with our strength, we will be more than enough to deal with you."

Chu Tian smiled, "Then let's try."

The Lord of the Hundred Palaces stared at Chu Tian for a while and said, "It's so, then, I'll give it a try."

Seeing the Lord of the Hundred Halls launched an attack, and the canopy of the Chutian God continued to open, the Lord of the Hundred Halls was puzzled, "You."

"Why? I'm very confused."

At this moment, not only the Lord of the Hundred Palaces, but also many people present are curious about why Chutian is still so powerful at this time. Only Chutian is there smiling and looking at everyone, "Do you all think that my god bone is not good enough?"

These words made everyone frown, and Sect Master Tian looked at Chutian even more strangely, "Boy, don't tell me, your divine bone will not be affected."

The master of Baidian didn't believe it, "Impossible, this kid's divine bone must be restricted."

As for Bai Li, he stared at Chu Tian strangely, and Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Then I will let you ignorant people know how powerful I am."

After finishing speaking, Chutian moved, and saw Chutian's divine bone illusion technique, all the divine bones formed behind him at once, and then said with a smile, "Did you see it clearly?"

Everyone was shocked to see that Chutian's divine bone was fine, but Chutian looked at them with a smile, "Now this formation is effective for you, but not for me. Therefore, I have to let you experience what it means to be cocooned!"

[Today's third update, please recommend monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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