Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1398 Hiding the Black Temple

Chapter 1398 Hiding the Black Temple
The leader didn't think that Chutian had this ability, but Chutian moved and subdued these giant spirit beasts one by one, but the leader was already dumbfounded, he never thought that Chutian was so terrifying.

But Chutian still said with a smile, "I'll wait for me to come out later, and I'll clean you up."

Only then did the leader come back to his senses, "You still want to come out? You are dreaming."

Chu Tian ignored the other party, and came directly to a high mountain, and the height was all the god-gathering stones. Chu Tian was overjoyed when he saw this, and absorbed them one by one. Yes, you, you don't want to touch it."

"It's mine now." Chu Tian ignored the other party, and the leader gritted his teeth angrily, cursing all kinds of things, and it took Chu Tian several days and nights to absorb all these things.

After Chu Tian finished absorbing it, his whole body regained his composure, and his cultivation level suddenly entered the God Emperor realm, and a voice flashed across the system, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host, the first-rank God Emperor."

"Tier one god emperor? Isn't it tenth?" Chu Tian was a little puzzled. Not only that, the system no longer prompted the character's level, and at the same time, the system flashed a message, "Ding ~ activate the sealing stone system."

"Sealing stone system? What?"

Chu Tian looked curiously, and then he realized that there is a new sealing stone system, as long as people are sealed inside, those people will become stones, and they are sealed in a stone.

This stone is called the seal stone, and these seal stones can be used to exchange for the godhead evolution pill.

"Divine Evolution Pill? Is it very powerful?"

Chu Tian really wanted to know what the Divine Evolution Pill was like, so he wanted to try it out with the lord, and Bai Li congratulated Chu Tian after he had broken through to God Emperor, "Congratulations."

Chu Tian smiled, "Let's go."

I saw Chu Tian took Bai Li and walked out of this space at once, and the leader and everyone present were shocked, especially those elders and masters, who never thought that Chu Tian could escape.

As for Chutian, he looked at them with a smile, "I'll use you as an experiment."

These people didn't know what Chutian was thinking, but Chutian had already moved. He came to some people and sealed them into the sealing stone system one by one. Afterwards, Chutian replaced these sealing stones with godhead evolution pills.

I saw Chutian swallowed these godhead pills, and instantly felt his body swell. Although his cultivation base has not changed, the system has an additional message, "Ding~Host godhead level: ordinary godhead, godhead evolution value 5."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "5? Isn't it the 5 I just took?"

This made Chutian curious about what would happen after swallowing enough Godhead Evolution Pills, so he started to take the initiative to attack again, and there was chaos here, and the leader couldn't stop Chutian at all.

Even the leader ran away in fright, and threatened, "Boy, wait, I won't let you go."

Then the leader disappeared, and Chu Tian looked at the remaining people who were still fighting, and directly sealed them up.

In the end, Chutian's godhead evolution value has reached 80, and he is still an ordinary godhead, but after the strength in his body is still increasing, Chutian looked at Bai Li and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

Bai Li was dumbfounded, he didn't expect the Eastern Sky Union to be so deserted.

But not long after walking out of the hall, something happened on the surface of the sea, and there was a sudden rumble under the sea, countless large bubbles were released, and then a huge black hall appeared in front of Chutian and Baili.

Bai Li immediately frowned, "The hidden black palace of the Eastern Sky Alliance."

"Black Palace?"

"Well, this black palace has always been the foundation of the Eastern Heavenly Alliance. I even heard that there are many old guys in it, and they have been the leaders of the Eastern Heavenly Alliance for generations, but no one knows what they have become. They only know that they come here to make trouble. People who entered this black palace never came out again."

Chutian didn't believe it, but the black hall had already been opened, and the leader standing on the gate looked at Chutian coldly, "Boy, today, you will never be able to leave."

Chu Tian looked at him with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of being caught by me?"

"Boy, don't be crazy, you can't catch me."

But Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, and leaped into the black hall. Inside, he saw the lord standing under a pillar, and there were many pillars around him, like stone monuments.

As for Bai Li, who also walked in, he was dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him, "It's all under this stone pillar."

Chu Tian saw that under these stone pillars, there was a person sitting cross-legged in each place. Although their eyes were closed at the moment, they could see the changes in their bodies.

Not only that, these people also released a powerful aura, Bai Li standing there could tremble all over, very afraid of these people.

The leader was proud there, "Boy, be afraid."

Chu Tian was not afraid, but swept away. There were hundreds of them here, and all of them were stronger than the leader.

Seeing that Chutian didn't speak, the leader sneered, "Boy, just keep going crazy, wait a minute, we will take care of you."

But Chutian ignored it, and looked at the leader, "I'll clean you up first."

I saw Chutian suddenly coming in front of the leader, who smiled strangely and disappeared suddenly, and the surrounding stone pillars, suddenly those people hit Chutian with different forces.

This power is indeed huge, but Chu Tian is already a god emperor, and with the protection of the gods, he is not afraid at all, allowing them to respect him, which stunned everyone present.

As for the leader hiding behind a pile of stone pillars and staring at Chu Tian in disbelief, he said, "Why is this guy getting more and more terrifying?"

Chu Tian stared at those people, "You guys, don't do anything, or I won't even have a place for you to hide."

These people didn't expect Chu Tian to be so crazy, they immediately opened their eyes and got up, but Chu Tian was not polite, sealed them one by one, and dozens of them disappeared in a flash.

The people present were stunned, and Chutian's godhead evolution value was almost 200, which made Chutian sigh, "These people are powerful, and their godhead evolution value is also different."

Just as Chu Tian was sighing, a faint voice from the dark said, "Young man, sometimes you should restrain yourself, otherwise, you will die in an ugly way."

"I wanted to restrain myself, but your people brought me here and even killed me, how do you want me to restrain myself?"

The voice hesitated and said, "You are right, but this is not a reason for you to kill people at will."

Chu Tian sneered, "Then try it, don't just hide behind."

Everyone did not expect that Chu Tian would dare to talk to the master of the Black Palace like this, and the master of the Black Palace said, "I have lived in this sea area for many years, and I have met countless people. At first, they were all crazy and arrogant, but in the end they were all taken I surrender."

[Today's fourth change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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