Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1399 Who is the real body?

Chapter 1399 Who is the real body?
Chu Tian laughed, "You mean, I will be surrendered by you?"

The hall master said to himself, "That's right."

"Then you think too much."

The palace master then said, "Did you think too much, you will know later."

I saw that the palace master quickly ordered to the rest of the people present, "Set up the formation."

These people immediately walked into the dark place, and all of a sudden black stars flickered around them, and these stars formed a huge formation one by one, trapping Chu Tian and Bai Li inside.

Seeing this formation, Bai Li was worried, "Is this formation the rumored Star Destruction Formation?"

The hall master in the dark responded, "That's right, no god can escape from the Star Destroyer Formation. Even if there is a god bone, there is only one result, and that is, death."

But Chu Tian replied, "To you, this formation may be a big formation, but in my eyes, it is nothing more than a formation-breaking method."

Everyone did not expect that Chu Tian dared to say that this formation breaks the formation, and the palace master said in a low voice, "Then, let you try this formation break first."

Then these starlights turned into huge balls of flame one by one, and the target was Chutian, and Chutian directly took Baili out of the formation, and came in front of the palace master and others.

The hall master and those people were surprised, but Chu Tian was a little curious when he saw this hall master, especially the other party was wrapped in a thick layer of cloth, like a mummy.

"Boy, you are very capable, but do you think it's okay if you do this?"

Chu Tian replied, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

The palace master couldn't bear it anymore, and said to those around him, "Go, kill him."

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to make any moves, but they had no choice but to rush forward after hesitating for a while, trying to attack Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian smiled strangely, and with each punch, countless people were blown away. .

This made everyone present dumbfounded, and the hall master even stared at Chu Tian with two eyes under the mummy, "Boy, it seems that you are stronger than I imagined."

"That's right."

But the palace master said unwillingly, "You wait, I will make you unable to live forever."

Then there were countless white lights around Chutian, and then these white lights turned into cloth strips one by one, and then wrapped Chutian, as if to turn Chutian into a mummy.

After a while, Chu Tian's whole body was restrained, and the palace master laughed loudly, "Play with me, you're still young."

That Bai Li was stunned, because at this moment Chu Tian also became a mummy, and the palace master laughed and hummed, "Next, I will seal you up."

But at this moment, all the cloth strips fell off suddenly, and then Chu Tian appeared in front of the hall master, and when the hall master saw that Chu Tian was fine, he dared not say anything, "How is it possible, you, why are you fine."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "How can you guess me at will."

The palace master was annoyed, and looked at Chu Tian angrily, "You have offended me."

"So what if you get angry? Can you still become scary?"

The palace master snorted when he saw that Chu Tian still dared to provoke him, and then his whole body began to change. Layers of his body fell off, and then the scales appeared, and the people present were stunned.

Especially when the hall master showed his face, everyone was completely dumbfounded, because he was not a person at all, but was like a crocodile, and a long mouth had grown out of his head at this moment.

The people present were startled, but the palace master stared at Chu Tian with red eyes, "Boy, I will let my real body fight with you."

"Real body? I'm afraid you will suffer."

"I'm at a disadvantage? Are you kidding me!"

Chu Tian ignored it, but took out the beast seal, and that guy immediately felt the fear and cursed, "Bastard, you actually have this thing."

"Are you scared?"

The hall master snorted, "I'm not afraid."

"is it?"

The palace master roared and came to Chutian at once, ignoring the beast seal, and slapped Chutian with his palm, wanting to smack Chutian into pieces, but Chutian smiled and took a few steps back, and the opponent directly hit him empty.

The palace master was not reconciled, and chased after Chutian, but Chutian said after swaying around, "It's useless, don't waste your energy."

The hall master was furious, and finally said, "You forced me to do this."

After finishing speaking, the palace master took out a black scale, and then the black scale turned into a door, and this door shone with a powerful demonic energy, not only that, but also a combination of spirit and energy, just like the breath of the cave of gods and demons.

Seeing this, Chu Tian was puzzled, "God and Demon Cave?"

"That's right, these black scales can lead to the cave of gods and demons, boy, you should know that this place is not easy."

Chu Tian smiled, "I have been to the God and Demon Cave."

"Just kidding, just you? Have you been there yet?"

The other party obviously didn't believe it, and the door opened quickly, and a powerful aura was released. All of a sudden, the area where Chu Tian was located was full of divine and demonic energy, but Bai Li immediately felt uncomfortable, obviously he was afraid of the divine and demonic energy.

Not only him, but many other people were also afraid, but Chu Tian was very calm, absorbing the demonic energy one by one, and then teased, "Why? Is it just such a skill?"

The hall master was shocked, "Impossible, boy, this demonic energy is so strong that it can break a human body."

Chu Tian smiled, "Then I'll show you."

At this moment, Chutian had a mass of divine and demonic energy condensed in his hand, and he could manipulate the divine and demonic energy at will. Now the palace master was completely dumbfounded, and stared at Chutian in shock, "You, who are you?"

"I am who I am."

The palace master was anxious, but he had no choice but to quickly walk into the door, and then the door flashed by, and he disappeared, but Chu Tian wondered why this guy was not afraid of the gods and demons.

As for Bai Li, he was stunned and said, "Could it be that he came from that place?"


"Sea Territory of Gods and Demons."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Sea Territory of Gods and Demons?"

"Yes, in the sea area, there is a place called the sea area of ​​gods and demons. The four major alliances dare not approach it, especially the gods and demons inside, not everyone can bear it."

After hearing this, Chu Tian asked, "Is there really a cave of gods and demons in there?"

"There is a cave of gods and demons, but few people can see it, because it is full of gods and demons, and it feels uncomfortable when you get close to it."

Chu Tian was not afraid, so he said, "Take me to this sea of ​​gods and demons."


Regardless of the other party's shock, Chu Tian directly let the other party lead the way, but before leaving here, Chu Tian sealed all the remaining people in the hall and turned them into godhead evolution pills.

Then Chucai packed up his mood and left here, and Bai Li on the road said that the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons was very scary, and said, "It is rumored that there are demons and gods there, and the power of this god is very likely to be the creation god. .”

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(End of this chapter)

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