Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1401 The Son Against Heaven?

Chapter 1401 The Son Against Heaven?

This made Chu Tian frown, "It's strange, why the shuttle technique doesn't work."

Chu Tian didn't understand very well, so he began to study the stone gate, and finally found that all the power on the stone gate came from the red gem, and Chu Tian put his hand on the ruby.

A powerful divine and demonic energy was released from the ruby ​​and rushed straight into Chutian's body, making Chutian feel as if he was going to explode, but Chutian still held on, and the godhead absorbed this force one by one.

After a few hours, the power of that ruby ​​became weaker and weaker, and after Chu Tian took a deep breath and absorbed the last bit of power, the stone gate disappeared.

Inside is a place full of gods and demons, and you can hear all kinds of ghosts crying and howling wolves. It seems to be a scary place, but when Chutian walked in.

But I couldn't see anyone, but I saw bones everywhere, "Is it also the bones of the Creator God?"

Chu Tian didn't understand very well, so he came to the bones to study for a while, and found that these bones were somewhat similar to the bones of the Creator God, just when Chu Tian was planning to continue to study in depth.

A gust of wind came from the front, and the sound of the wind was accompanied by countless screams. Chu Tian frowned, walked over, and finally saw a door, and this door was called the God and Demon Cave.

At the same time, there are countless souls around this cave of gods and demons, and these souls are not bound to the cave of gods and demons, unable to leave or enter, they can only scream in various ways, obviously in pain.

Chu Tian was puzzled and tried to communicate with them, but these guys continued to scream there, as if they couldn't see Chu Tian.

Chu Tian frowned, and wanted to grab a soul out, but this soul was bound to the cave of gods and demons, and there was no way to break free. No matter how Chu Tian tried, it was useless.

Chutian had no choice but to stare at the cave, "Look at this cave, where can I go?"

I saw Chu Tian walked in and came to a big hall, and there was a stone tablet in the center of the big hall, "The Hall of Gods and Demons."

Not only that, it was dark and scary in the hall of gods and demons, but the concentration of gods and demons was very strong. Chu Tian walked around here suspiciously until the sound of ticking footsteps came from a corridor.

Chu Tian curiously opened his golden eyes and clairvoyant eyes, but found that they couldn't be used here. He could only frown until a person covered in monkey hair appeared.

Chutian had seen this person before, he looked like Monkey King, the former Great Sage Equaling Heaven, but Chutian was puzzled, "Why are you here?"

The monkey has been haggard and aged a lot, "I fight against the holy Buddha, and I have been here for many years."

Chu Tian frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Everything you see outside is my transformation. They just wandered outside instead of me."

Chu Tian stared at the monkey in disbelief, and the other party turned into an old man, smiling at Chu Tian, ​​"Don't look at me like that."

Chu Tian quickly said calmly, "Where is this place?"

"The temple of gods and demons can also be called the tomb of gods and demons, and I am the holy monkey who guards them."

Chutian didn't quite understand, that Monkey King smiled, "Man, god, and demon are not immortal. They all have their own fixed lifespan, and when gods and demons reach the Creator God, their lives At the end of the day, we can only break down and stand up, and choose to come to the Temple of Gods and Demons, and those who can reach here will naturally be good, and those who cannot reach here will naturally die."

Chu Tian was surprised, "Achieve the God of Creation? Is it the end?"

"Of course, a piece of heaven and earth was created by the Creator God. When he becomes the Creator God, it means breaking away from the laws of this world. Then he no longer belongs to this world, and his lifespan will also come to an end. Here, it is Their destination, simply put, if they want to continue to live, they come here, or die in this world, turned into god bones, and be fused by future generations."

Chu Tian couldn't believe it. The God of Creation was not the strong man here, but the man of the end of the world. Simply put, when he reached the God of Creation, it meant he was about to die.

Seeing Chu Tian's expression, the Monkey King smiled and said, "Young man, you understand."

Chu Tian returned to God, "I understand, what realm are you in then?"

"Me? Beyond the Chuangshi God, but still stay in the Chuangshi God. Simply put, I don't belong to this world anymore, but I can only stay in the Temple of Gods and Demons. If I walk out of here, I will die."

Chu Tian was in a daze and didn't understand very well, but that Monkey King said with a smile, "Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said."

Chu Tian hesitated, "I thought there was something good here."

"Indeed, it depends on whether you can take it."


Sun Wukong turned around and said, "Follow me."

Chu Tian curiously kept up with Monkey King until after a while, he came to the bottom of the stairs, and after walking ninety-nine and 81 steps, he came to a mechanism.

When the mechanism was automatically opened, Sun Wukong took Chu Tian into it, and there were many enchantments inside, and there was a person in each enchantment.

Monkey King introduced to Chutian, "These people are all creator gods, either gods or demons, and they are here to seek breakthroughs, and at the same time, they are also to continue their lives."

Chu Tian was stunned, and the strength and aura of these creation gods are very strong. If they can really go outside, it will be very scary.

Monkey King looked at Chu Tian with a smile, and finally pointed to a pillar behind these people, and this pillar was shining with fiery red light, and at the same time, there were countless gods and demons inside.

The Monkey King introduced, "This is the Heavenly Pillar of Gods and Demons in the Temple of Gods and Demons. It is rumored that anyone who can step into it can learn a powerful magical technique, but most people will be turned into ashes as soon as they touch it. Do you dare to try it? "

Seeing this, Chu Tian stared at Monkey King curiously, "Have you tried it?"

Sun Wukong laughed, "Me? Tried it."

"Oh? So what did you get?"

Monkey King smiled, "Secret."

Chu Tian had no choice but to calm down and said, "That's fine, I'll go in and have a look."

I saw Chu Tian leaping into the fiery red pillar, and was instantly submerged by the flames inside the pillar, while the Monkey King put away his smile and said in thought, "I don't know if you, the heaven-defying son, can do it."

The Son Against Heaven, Chu Tian suddenly appeared, and looked at Monkey King suspiciously, "What is the Son Against Heaven?"

That Monkey King looked at Chutian strangely, "Why did you come out?"

"Of course I heard your voice, so I'm curious to ask."

Sun Wukong smiled bitterly, "The son of defying the sky is a kind of person who acts against the sky and wants to break the laws of this world. They are all called sons of defying the sky. And there is one in Bai Wannian. You are the son of defying the sky this time, but."

"But what?"

"However, the former Heaven-Defying Sons are still alive, and they are still fighting each other, even in order to take away others' Heaven-Defying Power."

Chu Tian became serious, "The power against the sky?"

[Today's third update, please recommend monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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