Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1402 Strange Token

Chapter 1402 Strange Token (For Order)
Sun Wukong explained there, "This is a special law in this world. Every million years, one person appears. The unique ability is called the power against the sky, as for your power against the sky, I think only you know."

Chu Tian was startled in his heart, "Could it be that my sky-defying power cannot be achieved by the system?"

But Chutian was just guessing, and that Monkey King smiled, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense, you go and try."

"Not in a hurry, I want to ask, what does it mean to seize the power against the sky from each other?"

"When a son against the sky absorbs the power of another son against the sky, one person's ability will be transformed into another person's body, which is the so-called competition for the power against the sky."

Chu Tian seemed to understand a little bit and then asked, "Then how do you know that others are the sons of defying heaven?"

"Every child against the sky, as long as they are within a certain range, they can feel each other, and this feeling is very strong."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen, and that Monkey King smiled, "Go in."

Chutian had no choice but to pack up his mood and enter the fiery red pillar of gods and demons again. This time, he didn't come out. At the same time, Chutian was inside and saw red mist everywhere, which was somewhat similar to the god-gathering stone.

Chutian walked through the red mist and came to a weird space, and there were God-gathering stones everywhere, which made Chutian exclaimed, "This, is it going to be developed?"

Chu Tian couldn't believe it, so he quickly absorbed these god-gathering stones. It's okay if he doesn't absorb them, it's easy to absorb, and the cultivation in his body began to break through slowly, from the first-level god emperor to the second-level god emperor.

Not only that, it took Chutian another month to enter the third-tier god emperor, and when he was about to attack the fourth-tier god emperor, these god-gathering stones had almost been absorbed.

This made Chu Tian a little disappointed, "No way, it's all gone?"

While Chutian was sighing, the red light flashed in front of him, as if released by some magic weapon, Chutian walked forward curiously step by step, and finally saw a red token.

This red token is about the size of a palm, and engraved with a few big characters on it, "Devil's Order"

Chu Tian was puzzled, "The command of the gods and demons? What is it for?"

Chu Tian was about to touch it with one hand, but the command of the gods and demons was spinning wildly, turning into a huge stone tablet, and then countless people appeared inside the stone tablet.

These people don't have their own consciousness, but each of them has already created the world, and the aura they release is terrifying.

At this moment, their eyes are red, and they are cultivating demons and cultivating gods. They seem to have only one mission in their eyes at the moment, and that is to destroy Chutian.

Chu Tian wondered why these guys attacked him, which made him dodge around helplessly, and finally found that these people were all controlled by the token, so he quickly leaped to the side of the token.

Then he grabbed one end of the token with one hand, and the token struggled crazily, trying to throw Chutian away, but Chutian laughed secretly, "Shock me away? Naive."

I saw Chutian turned on the refining mode, but the system said, "Ding~ the quality is too high to be refined."

"Damn, it can't be refined?"

Chutian had a headache now, but Chutian thought that the high-quality magic weapon could be refined over a long period of time, so he planned to try how it would take a long time.

So they started to refine, and those people would not let Chutian refine, but attacked Chutian frantically there. As for Chutian, he could only open the god's canopy and let the opponent attack.

But these people are the creator gods after all, and Chutian’s god canopy has been unstable for a period of time, and it is even about to be breached. Chutian can only drag this token and fly around in this space, but those gods, demons, Not so easy to fool.

They all really broke out and beat Chu Tian seriously. After Chu Tian finally recovered, he stared at these gods and demons, "Don't think that you are all supreme gods, I can't do anything to you."

Those guys ignored Chutian and continued to attack Chutian, but Chutian knew that he had to deal with them one by one, so he took a deep breath and directly activated his magical powers.

After opening the supernatural power of power, Chutian also added the power of the god bone to cooperate with his fist, and then punched down one by one, those people were blown away one by one, and Chutian took the opportunity to surround them with the god extinguishing fire.

Those who were seriously injured screamed there, and finally turned into nothingness, while Chu Tian frowned, "All disappeared?"

Then Chutian looked around, and after a while, these guys all appeared again, and they were menacing, even more terrifying than before. Chutian knew that time was limited, so he had to deal with them quickly, otherwise it would be troublesome when the supernatural power disappeared.

So Chutian continued to attack wildly. In order to prevent them from escaping, Chutian also tried to use the sealing stone system to directly turn these guys into sealing stones, and then exchange them for divine evolution pills.

After about a while, Chutian's godhead evolution value reached one thousand, and then a voice came from the system, "Ding~ Congratulations to the host godhead for reaching the lower godhead."

Chu Tian frowned, "Inferior godhead? Is there still middle and upper class?"

But Chutian didn't care about these things, but looked at the arrival of this inferior godhead, and he didn't know what happened. If you don't try it, you will be shocked.

In this way, his strength has increased again, making it easier for him to deal with these gods and demons.

After the supernatural power disappeared, those guys had all become godheads with an evolution value of two thousand, but this time they did not evolve godheads, but still showed inferior godheads, with an evolutionary value of two thousand.

Chu Tian sighed secretly, "It's really not easy."

Just as Chutian was sighing, the token wanted to escape, but Chutian leaped, quickly grabbed the token, and refined it there quietly.

In this way, it lasted for half a year before Chu Tian refined the token, and the red token could be transformed into the size of a palm at will. The most important thing was that Chu Tian was shocked when he looked inside the token.

I saw that in this token, there were countless creation gods and creation demons. Their consciousness seemed to be sealed and entrenched quietly in it at the moment, and as long as Chu Tian gave an order, they would come out.

This made Chu Tian wonder, "Who threw this magic weapon here, and who else sealed their consciousness."

So Chutian wanted to go out to ask that Monkey King, so Chutian took a leap and left here, but when he went outside, he found that the whole hall was empty, and the previous barriers were gone, and the Monkey King was gone.

Chu Tian became serious, "It's strange, why aren't you here anymore?"

However, at this time, the surroundings began to collapse, as if they were about to be destroyed at any time.

[Today's fourth change, please recommend the monthly ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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