Chapter 1602
Chu Tian ignored these purple lights, and then teased, "I thought you were so powerful, but it turned out that it was nothing more than that."

Seeing Chutian dodging again, Zi Mie's eyes flashed with anger, "Okay, I'll let you try my strongest move."

Then suddenly the shadow of a huge purple wolf appeared behind Zi Mie, and Tian Huang was shocked, "It's Zi Yan, the divine wolf."

"Ziyan? What is it?"

"It is rumored that a divine beast has been subdued by him, and it has also been transformed into an attack method."

Chutian didn't expect this huge shadow to have such a background, and that Zi Mie stared at Chutian with a ferocious face, "Boy, let me die."

Soon this huge power turned into an impact force, and then flew towards Chutian, so that Chutian could clearly feel the horror of this power, so the corners of his mouth curled up, "Interesting."

At this time, Chu Tian didn't dodge, and there was a flash of purple light, and the Purple God Armor appeared.

Seeing that Chu Tian didn't hide, Tian Huang was already shocked, and then shouted, "Quick, get out of the way."

But Chutian didn't dodge it, instead he went up to the opponent. Suddenly, the shadow of the purple wolf hit Chutian heavily, and Chutian flew backwards. After flying about a hundred steps away, the purple wolf's [-]% of its strength was completely ejected. Fly to that Zi Mie.

After Zi Mie screamed, he flew far away, and everywhere he went was ruins. After he stood still, his body was covered with scars. That Tianhuang looked at Chutian in surprise, wondering what Chutian would do. arrived.

This Zi Mie stood there precariously and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"You, you can actually bounce back my attack."

"you guessed right."

Tian Huang was shocked, he didn't expect Chu Tian to have the ability to bounce back, and even knocked Zi Mie into a pit.

As for Zi Mie, he stood there with gritted teeth and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I will definitely remember this hatred."

After a while, this Zi Mie disappeared as an afterimage, and Tian Huang raised his eyebrows, "He's gone."

But Chu Tian said, "I can track him down."

I saw that Chu Tian used the tracking technique and disappeared from here all at once. When he reappeared, he had already left the forest of Tianlong Sanctuary, but came to a holy altar in Tianlong Sanctuary where the forbidden area was written.

When Chu Tian approached, a group of disciples appeared there, lined up in a formation, and said in unison, "No entry."

Chu Tian knew that if he didn't keep up for too long, he would definitely not be able to track him down, so he looked at everyone, "Everyone, I want to go in."

"This is the altar, except for the elders and the Holy Master, no one else is qualified to step in."

However, Chu Tian turned into nothingness and leaped into it. Those people were shocked, but they didn't dare to enter the gate of the altar, so they could only quickly report this matter to the elders.

When the Great Elder heard the news, he brought those elders here immediately.

However, Chu Tian had already lost his way inside the altar, because there were walls and stone pillars everywhere, and even Tianyan couldn't see through it, let alone clairvoyance.

Chu Tian could only frown, "It seems that there are formations around here to shield detection."

The helpless Chutian planned to pack up his mood and go in, but at this time the Great Elder and others appeared, and saw the Great Elder frowning, "Why did you trespass here?"

Chu Tian didn't expect that the First Elder would come, but he said politely, "I have a grudge against the Fourth Elder, so I will hunt him down again."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, because Chu was an immortal god, but he wanted to chase and kill a person who was stronger than the main god.

Chu Tian looked at these elders, "Everyone, I don't want you to get involved, so please don't stop me."

The great elder frowned, "What kind of grievances do these four elders have with you?"

"He is the leader of the Lone Wolf of the Nine Layers Star Region, the Lone Wolf, and his alias here is Zi Mie."

Everyone was stunned when the words came out, and the Great Elder was still a little disbelieving, "How is it possible."

"If you don't believe me, you can use the Heavenly Dragon Realm. I also knew it before."

The Great Elder hurriedly asked some elders to use the Tianlong Mirror to search. After a while, several elders came back, and their faces were tense. The Great Elder frowned, "Really?"

"Well, he's a lone wolf."

The elder said angrily, "The Lone Wolf is notorious, we will never let him here."

But at this moment, a mocking came from the formation, "Everyone, I have been in Tianlong Sanctuary for so many years, and you have not been able to discover my true identity. So what do you think you know now?"

The Great Elder became angry after hearing the taunt, "Zi Mie, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"What's the matter, people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves."

The Great Elder snorted, "But you killed a lot of people, and even some people before Tianlong Sanctuary were killed by the lone wolf."

"That's right, I sent those people to kill."


"My goal is not only to control the Ninefold Star Field, but also to control the Heavenly Dragon Sanctuary, and even the Ten Sanctuary."


That Zi Mie laughed loudly, "Arrogance? Do you know how many people in Tianlong Sanctuary are controlled by me?"

As soon as these words came out, the Great Elder's expression turned ugly, and Zi Mie sneered, "As long as I give an order, I can cause chaos in Tianlong Sanctuary right now."

The Great Elder stared, "How dare you."

"Whether you dare or not depends on your performance."


Zi Mie continued to laugh and said, "Now you just need to do one thing for me. If it succeeds, I will leave Tianlong Sanctuary immediately."

"Do you think we will believe you?" The elder stared, but Zi Mie laughed, "Do you have any choice?"

The Great Elder gritted his teeth, but Chu Tian sent a voice transmission to the Great Elder, "Let him speak first, and see what he wants to do."

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment and had no choice but to look inside, "Tell me, what are you going to do."

"It's very simple, trap this kid for me, give it to me, and I will leave."

The Great Elder frowned, "You."

"How about it?"

The Great Elder naturally disagreed, but Chu Tian asked the Great Elder to pretend to trap him, and although the Great Elder was very reluctant, he did so anyway, only to see the staff in his hand turn around.

A golden light flashed, Chu Tian turned into a golden man, and the great elder looked inside and said, "That's okay."

Zi Mie triumphantly turned into a purple shadow and came to Chu Tian, ​​grabbed the golden man with one hand, then looked at the great elder and laughed, "You guys are so stupid."

The Great Elder was furious, and was about to make a move, when that Zi Mie turned into a ray of purple light and entered the formation, but the Great Elder was impatient, "Quick, close the formation."

But as soon as these elders approached, these formations attacked them, making it impossible for them to step in. This made the first elder curse, "Damn it, he actually knows how to control the formation of this altar."

Everyone panicked, and the Great Elder had no choice but to pray that Chu Tian was okay.

(End of this chapter)

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