Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1603 Sanctuary Volcano

Chapter 1603 Sanctuary Volcano
At this time, there was a small palace in the center of the formation, and that Zi Mie put Chu Tian there, then sat down and said with a smile, "Boy, the Great Elder's Jinding Technique is not bad, isn't it?"

"It's not bad." Although Chu Tian was immobilized, he could still speak, but Zi Mie teased, "You let me die a lot of people as a lone wolf. Tell me, how should I deal with you?"

"You think, you're trapping me?"

That Zi Mie joked, "Killing you, it's very simple!"

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "Really? Then you are really naive."

Zi Mie saw that Chu Tian was still not convinced at this time, and said, "Boy, don't try to escape, it's useless. No one can break this golden fixation technique, let alone you."

Chu Tian didn't pay attention to the other party, but flickered, disappeared from the original position, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the area where Zi Mie was.

This Zi Mie looked at Chu Tian in shock, "You."

But Chu Tian looked at a stone pillar shining with white light in the center and said with a smile, "This should be the central area of ​​the control formation."

When Zi Mie heard this, he immediately knew what Chutian was going to do and was shocked. He hurried to stop Chutian, but Chutian sneered, leaped over and bumped into the stone pillar.

This Zi Mie stared at Chu Tian in shock, and the moment Chu Tian touched the stone pillar with one hand, he could see a force touching his hand.

There is Zi Mie's power in this power, obviously he wants to stop Chu Tian at this moment, but Chu Tian sneered, "You want to stop me? Refined."

I saw that Chutian refined the stone pillar, and in a moment the stone pillar became Chutian's, and the surrounding formations moved accordingly, that Zi Mie stared at Chutian in shock, "Impossible, boy, how did you do that? ?”

"That's not your concern."

That Zi Mie was annoyed, and glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, the surrounding formations began to change, and that Zi Mie wanted to escape, but after Chutian activated the formation, those people were blocked by the formation.

This Zi Mie stared at Chu Tian in shock, "Boy, you, how did you do it."

Chu Tian laughed strangely, then stared at Zi Mie, "You have seen it, as long as I move, you will die here."

That Zi Mie looked at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, can we have a good chat?"


"Are you really going to kill them all?"

"You forced it."

But Zi Mie snorted, "Boy, is it so easy for you to kill me?"

"It's not easy for me, but there are formations around, isn't it?"

Zi Mie was so frightened that he started to back away. Obviously he knew that the formation was leaving, but he couldn't escape. Chu Tian controlled the formation, and the infinite power of the formation was immediately behind the Zi Mie area. That Zi Mie snorted, "Boy! , wait, sooner or later we will meet again."

At this moment, Zi Mie Pan sat down, and then his body burned, and turned into a raging fire, and even the shadow of a purple wolf could be seen flickering.

Chu Tian tried to use the formation to attack, but found that his entire body and flames could penetrate, no matter how he attacked, he couldn't attack.

Chu Tian hurriedly asked Tian Huang to come out, but Tian Huang was shocked when he saw it, "Junior brother, you want it."

"Turn death into resentment and become the supreme ghost."


"Yes, immortal ghosts and gods, when I come back, it will be your death day."

That Zi Mie screamed and turned into nothingness. Chu Tian asked curiously, "What are immortal ghosts and gods?"

"A way of death that pays homage to death, and the memory is all there after death, but there is only one mission, and that is to kill the ghost spell cast before death."

Chutian did not expect to have such a unique ability, but Tianhuang looked at Chutian, "No matter what, you have already solved him, and now I should fulfill my promise."

Chu Tian was overjoyed, "Do you have any news about Tianshan Xue?"

"Well, Tianshan Xuelao, it is said that it is in the Holy Snow Mountain in Xuelong Sanctuary, you can go and have a look, but she is very powerful, you."

"Zi Mie, I am not afraid, this, of course I am not afraid."

Seeing how confident Chutian was, Tianhuang didn't say much, but told Chutian the specific way to go to Xuelong Sanctuary.

Afterwards, Chu Tian packed up his mood and walked out of the formation, but when he came outside the formation, that great elder hurried forward and said, "You, why are you all right?"

"I have a lot of skills to get away with."

The Great Elder then breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "I don't know him."

"Dead, but under a curse, to become an immortal ghost."

The great elder turned pale with shock when he heard the immortal ghosts and gods, and the others even showed expressions of disbelief, but Chu Tian looked at them, "Elders, I want to go to the Snow Dragon Sanctuary, I wonder if you can lend me some of your formations?" .”

As soon as these words came out, the Great Elder was surprised, "What are you going there for?"

"I am busy."

Hearing this, the Great Elder looked at Chu Tian, ​​"We happen to have some friendship with Xuelong Sanctuary, and they just happened to have a few sanctuaries to compete with each other recently. In Xuelong Sanctuary, we have arranged several envoys, You should join in too."

Chu Tian didn't expect such an incident and said afterwards, "That's okay, it's troublesome."

"Well, you go to the messenger hall first, and I will take you there in two days."


Chu Tian then went to the Hall of Envoys, and when Jin Jiuchi saw Chu Tian coming back, he immediately smiled and said to Chu Tian, ​​"From today onwards, you are the first-class envoy of the Hall of Envoys."

"First class messenger?"

"Yes, it is the highest status after the special envoy."

Chutian wondered what was the use of this, and that Jin Jiuchi gave a token to Chutian, "Here, this is your identity token, in the future, you will be a person with a strong identity in the sanctuary or when you go out. "

Chu Tian was not very interested, but the people around him were envious. Obviously not everyone can get a first-class envoy.

After Jin Jiuchi arranged accommodation for Chutian, he let Chutian stay there. Chutian originally thought he would stay for two days, but when he sat cross-legged, he always felt uneasy, as if there was something wrong with him. Something big is about to happen.

This made Chu Tian frown, "What does it feel like?"

However, at this moment, the mountain shook suddenly, like an earthquake, and Chu Tian hurriedly flew out, just in time to see a huge fire shadow rising into the sky in the sky of Tianlong Sanctuary.

At this moment, many people ran out, even Jin Jiuchi came out and said in shock, "Why did it explode at this time?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is Tianlong Volcano, a sealed volcano in Tianlong Sanctuary. It has been quiet for countless years, why did it erupt suddenly?"

Chu Tian was curious, "What will happen to the outbreak?"

"In serious cases, the entire sanctuary may be turned into ruins."

Chu Tian didn't expect it to be so scary, so he looked curiously with his clairvoyance, and found that there were countless elders around the flames to control and even seal the crater again.

(End of this chapter)

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