Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1606 Asking for help

Chapter 1606 Asking for help
Elder Jin was overjoyed, and quickly looked at Elder Xue, "Elder Xue, is this over?"

Elder Xue hummed and looked at Elder Feng, "Elder Feng, I hope you don't pursue the matter of the mirror anymore, otherwise you will lose your identity."

Elder Feng was so angry that he could only say, "If you don't pursue it, don't pursue it."

But everyone knows that Elder Feng will not be so reconciled, and Elder Xue looked at everyone after seeing that the matter was almost settled, "Okay, now the people from the three major sanctuaries go to the designated place to rest first, and all the elders will come to me together later." Discuss some things in the meeting hall of Xuelong Sanctuary."

Everyone was kind, and then someone brought people from the three sanctuaries to different areas.

At this moment, Elder Jin who was in a separate house looked at everyone, "Don't leave this house until I come back, you understand?"

After everyone hummed, Elder Jin left, and Chu Tian came to the second floor. Through the balcony, he could see many places in Xuelong Sanctuary.

"This Snow Dragon Sanctuary is really full of snowflakes." After a moment of emotion, Chu Tian began to open his clairvoyance and Celestial Eye. Naturally, he wanted to find the whereabouts of Tianshan Xuelao.

But he didn't know what this Tianshan Xuelao looked like, so he murmured to himself, "I would have used the Tianlong mirror to see it before I knew it."

After Chutian regretted for a while, a disciple of Xuelong Sanctuary came outside the house. He distributed some manuals of Xuelong Sanctuary to everyone and left.

The envoys were not interested and just put it aside. Chu Tian curiously picked up the manual, and saw that it recorded some scenic areas in Xuelong Sanctuary.

Naturally, these areas can be viewed. After thinking about it, Chu Tian planned to ask someone to ask, so he packed up his mood and left from the original location.

When Chutian reappeared, he was already standing on the edge of a cliff, and there were still snowflakes everywhere here, and at the same time, there was a bottomless canyon under the cliff.

"Is this the Snow Valley in the Snow Dragon Sanctuary?" Chu Tian looked at the scenery and it was not bad. At this time, many disciples flew by around him. They just glanced at Chu Tian and didn't pay much attention to it.

But after a while, a person fell down. This was a woman. She stepped on snowflakes and fell. She also had snow-white skin and dignified facial features.

She blinked her big eyes and then smiled sweetly, "Xuerou, a disciple of Xuelong Sanctuary, I don't know what your name is."


"Chutian? I didn't expect there to be such a powerful Immortal Earth God in the Heavenly Dragon Sanctuary."


"I watched your game just now, it's amazing, I admire you."

Chu Tian glanced at the other party, and found that the other party was the Immortal God, and he was one step away from being the Immortal Lord God, but he was not used to being so polite to him, "Girl, is there something wrong with you?"

That Xuerou smiled slightly, "You're so smart."

"Go ahead."

"Your ability to disappear out of thin air, how do you do it?"

Chu Tian didn't speak, but looked into the distance, "This is my private matter."

Seeing that Chutian was unwilling to speak, Xuerou said, "That's fine, I don't ask, but I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"What can I do for you?"

"There is a place in our Snow Dragon Sanctuary where there are countless incomplete formations from the past. It is difficult for us people to get there, but I want to take a plant inside. If you can help me, I will be grateful."

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian asked, "Then let me ask you a question first."


"Do you know Elder Tianshan Xue?"

"Tianshan Xuelao? You are talking about Senior Tian."

Upon hearing this, Chu Tian saw that the other party seemed familiar and asked, "Yes, you know each other?"

"I know, this Tianshan Xuelao is an old senior in our Xuelong Sanctuary. Although she is not an elder here, her treatment is comparable to that of an elder, so when everyone sees her, they respectfully call her senior."

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian asked, "Then where is she now?"

That Xue Rou immediately said, "She is practicing in a unique secret territory in our Xuelong Sanctuary."

"Oh? The specific location."

Xuerou said the location, and Chutian wrote it down and looked at Xuerou, "Alright then, I'll help you get things."

This Xuerou was overjoyed, and hurriedly brought Chutian to a place full of formations, and told Chutian what she needed, and Chutian didn't even need to disappear, walking directly in the formation, as if entering a place without people .

That Xuerou was shocked, he never thought that Chutian could ignore this formation, and Chutian walked out after finishing his work, and then handed the things to Xuerou, "The things you want are ready."

Xuerou hummed, but when Chutian turned around to find the secret place, Xuerou said, "Where are you going?"

"That secret place."

"Now that the secret realm is closed, you can't find it."

"unable to find?"

"Well, the secret realm appears once a month, and the entrance can only be found at that time, otherwise it will disappear out of thin air at other times."

Chu Tian didn't expect such an incident and asked afterwards, "How long will it be?"

"There are still three days in this month."

Chutian left after writing it down, which made Xuerou wonder who Chutian was and why he was so interested in this secret place, but Chutian had returned to the resting place at this moment.

At this moment, Elder Jin has come back, obviously his complexion is not very good, Chu Tian asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

After seeing Chu Tian, ​​Elder Jin said helplessly, "Something happened in the Ten Great Sacred Domains."

"Ten holy areas?"

"Yes, other sanctuaries have colluded with some demons and intend to compete with some of our strongest sanctuaries for the same thing."

"Competing for something?"

"Well, the entrance to the dragon sky."

Chu Tian didn't quite understand and asked, "Julong Tianyu?"

"Yes, this is a huge treasure trove. It opens every hundred years, and every time, our four major sanctuaries arrange the places for the top ten sanctuaries, but this time the six sanctuaries and the other five demon domains People colluded together and planned to control the entrance, so that many people we arranged to be stationed there had been injured and left, and even if we arranged to go there, they would still be attacked by them.”

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen, but he was obviously not interested, but asked, "Senior, how long shall we come here to discuss?"

"Let's learn, there's no rush, it's going to be a few days later, and now we're discussing countermeasures, so don't run around here first."


Although Chu Tian said that, he was thinking about going to that secret realm three days later, and the Great Elder obviously didn't know what Chu Tian was thinking, but was thinking about things with a headache.

As for Chu Tian, ​​who stayed here for three days, he left here, and the Great Elder was still discussing with everyone in the meeting hall of Xuelong Sanctuary.

When Chutian reappeared, he came to a small forest in the Xuelong Sanctuary, and there was an altar in the center of the forest. At the moment, the altar was empty and nothing could be seen, but after about an hour, this The altar began to glow purple.

(End of this chapter)

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