Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1607 5 Line Ball Explosion

Chapter 1607
Seeing the purple light, Chu Tian wondered if he could go in, so he walked to the altar, and after a while, he entered the altar.

When Chutian reappeared, he was already standing outside a maze, and there were many doors in this maze, which seemed to lead to somewhere. Chutian opened his clairvoyance to see where this Tianshan Xuelao was.

However, clairvoyance cannot be used, and even Tianyantong cannot be used.

"It seems that we can only watch slowly."

So Chutian went in from the first entrance, and after a while, he saw a door there, and this door was a wooden door, which made Chutian wonder why it was a wooden door.

Then Chutian gently pushed open the wooden door, and there was a green light inside, and there was a clear voice inside, "Welcome to the wooden array in Xuelong Sanctuary."

"Wooden array?"

However, the sound disappeared, as if it was a one-off, so Chu Tian had no choice but to go in and see what was going on.

So Chu Tian walked in the wooden formation, and those green lights gathered on him, and in an instant, saplings grew on his body, and these saplings suddenly turned into vines.

These vines began to absorb the energy in Chutian's body crazily, as if trying to squeeze him dry, but Chutian sneered, "You want to kill me like that? Naive."

After Chutian purified, the vines disappeared one by one, and Chutian began to walk in the formation, and finally saw a wall inside the formation, and a painting on the wall.

Chu Tian asked the system to appraise, "Ding ~ the art of gathering the sky with five elements."

"The art of gathering five stars? What is it for?"

Chu Tian was puzzled and continued to look, and found that the art of gathering the sky with five elements is divided into five parts, which are gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and here is wood. If he can learn all five parts, he can instantly burst out five different forces and gather them together. Form a five-element ball.

This five-element ball can restrain anyone and weaken the strength and defense of others. It is a very terrifying immortal magic.

Chu Tian was amazed when he saw this, "Looks like I have to study hard."

So after Chutian asked the system to appraise and study, Chutian turned around and left, and came to those doors. Chutian guessed that the remaining four should be the other four, and then Chutian calmed down and entered the second one.

The second is gold, and soon the third, and the fourth, the gold, wood, fire, and earth have all been gone, and the last one is water.

Just as Chutian entered, he heard a voice and felt a person at the same time.

This person was sitting there cross-legged like a snow sculpture. Chu Tian stepped forward to see her and laughed, "Tianshan Xuelao."

A strange voice came from the snow sculpture, "It's you!"

Chutian and Tianshan Xuelao had a face-to-face meeting in the Nine Layers Star Field, but at that time the other party was a shadow, but now that he saw the place where the other party's real body was hiding, Chu Tian was naturally very happy.

Tianshan Xuelao looked at Chutian angrily, "Boy, you are so brave to come to the forbidden area of ​​Xuelong Sanctuary!"

"There's no one here saying you can't come."

Tianshan Xuelao snorted, "This is a forbidden place, no outsiders are allowed to enter, even if there are no disciples in this sanctuary, no one can come here."

"Does that have anything to do with me?"

Tianshan Xuelao stared at Chutian, "Boy, it's like this. Then, I don't want to be polite."

At this time, snowflakes began to fall around Chutian, and these snowflakes quickly condensed around Chutian, turning Chutian into an ice sculpture, and the old Tianshan Snow proudly said, "Boy, this snowflake can trap the immortal Lord God!" The presence."

But Chutian has a god-level flame in his body, so the flames flashed through his body, and the flame quickly melted the snowflake. The Tianshan snow boss was shocked, "How is it possible, boy, what kind of flame are you?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Okay, that's fine, but I'll let you die."

At this time, Tianshan Xuelao launched another attack, and this time, a huge ball of stone flew out from the void. The stone was water blue, and it exploded instantly when it flew towards Chu Tian.

The area around Chutian immediately became unable to walk, and Chutian quickly turned into nothingness and walked out.

"Turn into nothingness? Okay, let's look at this again."

All of a sudden, countless snowflakes appeared in the void, this time the snowflakes were different, it started to flip in the air, Chu Tian suddenly felt as if his body was bound by something.

This made him quickly use purification to get rid of this bondage, and that old Tianshan Xue sneered, "Do you think this will be all right? Naive."

At this time, a dozen people suddenly appeared behind Tianshan Xuelao. These people were all immortal gods, but they had no self-consciousness, and only received orders from Tianshan Xuelao.

Chutian had to fight against so many people at once, and Chutian knew that to destroy them, he could only rely on a powerful attack, but at this moment, if he wanted to become powerful, he could only use the blessing of the gods, or use the five elements to gather the sky.

So Chu Tian hurriedly asked the system to identify the last part. After learning the five different immortal magic arts, those five kinds of magic arts were fused together to form the Five Elements Gathering God Art.

I saw that Chutian instantly condensed a powerful force around his body according to the Five Elements Gathering God Art.

That Tianshan Xuelao was shocked when he saw this, "You, you have learned the art of gathering the sky with five elements."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, all the five different powers in his body gathered together, and suddenly shot out, a five-element ball hit a person, and that person was directly blown away.

Chu Tian was amazed, because the other party was the Immortal Lord God after all, but he was so vulnerable.

As for Tianshan Xuelao, he was even more annoyed, "Damn it, kid, I won't let you go."

At this time, that old Tianshan Xue suddenly disappeared, Chu Tian frowned, "Gone?"

However, the rest of the people also disappeared, which made Chu Tian depressed, so he had no choice but to leave the forbidden area, but just as he walked out of the altar, there were people around him.

People from the Four Great Sanctuaries and Elder Xue also stared at Chu Tian and frowned, "Why did you enter here?"

The Elder Feng laughed fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "I think this kid regards this as his own home, and he can go wherever he wants."

Elder Jin looked worriedly at Elder Xue, "Elder Xue, there may be some misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? I have just received a message from Senior Tian, ​​saying that someone forced her way here and disturbed her cultivation, but I didn't expect it to be him."

When Chutian heard Senior Tian, ​​he knew that Tianshan Xuelao and asked directly, "Where is Tianshan Xuelao?"

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian would call this person by his name directly, and Elder Xue frowned, "Boy, what do you mean?"

"I have a grudge with her, and I want to find her." Chu Tian said simply.

The people present were stunned. They didn't expect Chu Tian, ​​an immortal god, to find Elder Tianshan Xue, but that Elder Xue suddenly laughed, "Boy, you are really arrogant."

Chu Tian ignored it, but asked again, "Tell me where she is."

(End of this chapter)

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