Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1608 please be the domain master

Chapter 1608 please be the domain master
Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian would dare to be so crazy, and this Elder Xue was even more upset. As for Elder Feng, he sneered because he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, "Elder Xue saw it, this guy is self-righteous, and he made this place his home. Just like going to our Wind Dragon Sanctuary back then."

Elder Xue had no prejudice against Chu Tian, ​​but now he looked at Elder Jin, "Elder Jin, you must give me an explanation."

Before Elder Jin opened his mouth, Chu Tian had already spoken. He looked at Elder Xue, "Elder, this matter has nothing to do with Tianlong Sanctuary. I did it myself. If you want to blame it, blame me."

After hearing this, Elder Xue said loudly, "Okay, this matter has nothing to do with Tianlong Sanctuary, so please don't interfere with Tianlong Sanctuary."

Then Elder Xue looked at the disciples around him, "The disciples of the Xuelong Sanctuary listen to the order, take him down for me."


Those disciples came out one after another, but Elder Jin was in a hurry, while Elder Feng was overjoyed, but at this moment Chu Tian looked at the disciples who came over and said, "They are not my opponents."

After Chutian finished speaking, he activated the tracking technique, intending to find that Tianshan Xuelao first, otherwise it would be difficult to track him after too long.

So Chu Tian started tracking and left in a leap, those disciples chased after him frantically, Elder Xue looked at Elder Jin displeased, "Look, this is your disciple."

Elder Jin didn't know what to say, but at this moment Chu Tian picked up his mood and left. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in a snow-capped mountain.

Seeing these snow-capped mountains, Chu Tian opened his Celestial Eye, and soon found that Tianshan Xuelao was hiding in a cave.

Chu Tian laughed, then leaped over, and came to the cave after a while.

At this moment, the boss of Tianshanxue scolded Chutian, and the whole person was planning to lie on an ice bed to recuperate. At this moment, Chutian appeared with a smile and said, "I said Tianshanxue, can you escape?"

That old Tianshan Xue was furious, "Boy, you."

"It's better to accept orders obediently."

Old Tianshan Xue was anxious, "Boy, I have no grievances with you, why do you keep chasing me?"

Chu Tian explained, "Yan Xian'er, you created it with one thought, but you took away part of her. I hope you give her back that part."

"Hmph, boy, that part is my power, how could I give it to her."

"Then I have to deal with you."

Old Tianshan Xue stared, "Boy, do you think you are really powerful?"

"You'll know if you try it."

"Okay, let me let you know that Xuelong Sanctuary is not a place for you to force your way into."

Afterwards, the ice bed of Tianshan Xuelao turned into a portal, Chu Tian immediately jumped into it, and saw Tianshan Xuelao standing in a pile of stone statues.

These stone statues are all alive and have breath, and that Tianshan Xuelao respectfully said to these stone statues, "Old masters of the sanctuary, take a look, this kid is going to cause trouble in your sanctuary."

As soon as these words came out, the ancestors of the sanctuary were displeased, and someone said, "Boy, leave quickly, or you will die when we come out."

"That's right, kid, get out quickly, or we won't spare you."

These people clamored one by one, even trying to clean up Chutian, but Chutian said calmly, "I only want her alone, please don't interfere, otherwise I don't care about your sanctuary anymore."

Everyone didn't expect an immortal god to be so rampant, so someone shouted, "Boy, you are crazy enough, but let me tell you, it's useless."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, but looked at Tianshan Xuelao, "Tianshan Xuelao, no one can help you today."

Annoyed, Tian Shanxue hurriedly came to a stone statue, and suddenly a golden light shrouded Chu Tian's body, and said majesticly, "Boy, if you dare to move again, I'll make you fall apart right now."

But Chu Tian replied bluntly, "Senior, I ask you not to make a move, otherwise I won't let you bully me."

Now the stone statue shone with a golden light, and finally a human face appeared on the stone statue, and looked at Chutian fiercely, "It turned out to be so, then I have no choice but to take you down first."

Then the right arm of the opponent's stone statue moved, the right arm turned over, and a huge golden light palm print was slapped towards Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian disappeared with a flicker.

Those stone statues were shocked. They didn't expect Chutian to have such power, but Chutian didn't care about them, but locked on Tianshan Xuelao, "Tianshan Xuelao, no one can save you today."

Tianshanxue was in a hurry, and at this time those stone statues were revived one after another, and powerful masters stared at Chutian, and Chutian immediately condensed the five elements ball in order to make a quick decision.

The moment they saw the Five Elements Ball, these people were stunned. One of the old men was suspicious, "Young man, is this the Five Elements Gathering Sky Art?"


Everyone was shocked, but the old man didn't dare to believe it, "After so many years, there is finally one person who has learned it."

Everyone also sighed, but Tianshan Xuelao had an ominous premonition, until the old man looked at Chutian, "It turned out to be so, then let's settle your personal grievances here, and we will not intervene."

Chutian didn't expect these people's attitudes to change so quickly, and that old Tianshan Xue was anxious, "Everyone, how can you be like this, aren't you afraid that my master will blame you?"

"Your master is in seclusion. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with us, and we have no help." The old man said ruthlessly, and Tian Shanxue was going crazy.

He could only stare at Chu Tiantian and say, "Boy, if you want to catch me dreaming, I will definitely not let you succeed."

At this moment, Tianshan Xuelao suddenly turned into countless snowflakes, and then disappeared one by one. Those ancestors were shocked, "It's snow magic."

All of a sudden, these snowflakes disappeared after they scattered. Chu Tian hurriedly used the tracking technique, but there was no response. This surprised him, "What is this snow magic technique?"

The old man replied, "Snow God Art, an advanced ability, can instantly make the body disappear for a period of time, and then regroup in other places after a period of time, but the cultivation base will regress a lot."

Chu Tian raised his brows, "No wonder I couldn't find it, it turned out to have completely disappeared."

The old man looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Young man, you have already learned our Five Elements Gathering the Sky Technique, I wonder if you can become our disciple."

Chu Tian shook his head, "Seniors, I don't want to."


"You have nothing for me to learn."

As soon as these words came out, those people had nothing to say, but the old man said, "I can let you be the domain master of Xuelong Sanctuary, how about it?"

"Domain master?"

"Yes, the person in charge of Xuelong Sanctuary."

Chu Tian didn't expect such benefits, and the old man said again, "You become the domain master, and the Xuelong sanctuary is under your control. You can do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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