Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1609 The Devil and the Wooden Scholar

Chapter 1609 The Devil and the Wooden Scholar

Chu Tian looked at him strangely after hearing that it was so good, "It can't be a trap, can it?"

"Pit? What do you mean?"

"That is, you let me be the domain owner, and you want to restrain me?"

"No, you think too much, we won't restrain you."

Chu Tian thinks it's not bad, at least the domain master of the top ten sacred domains, this identity alone can be scary, so he said with a smile, "That's fine, but who knows that I am the domain master."

At this time, there was a huge token with the shadow of a snow dragon on it, and there were two words domain master on it, and then the old man said, "As long as you inject power, it will be yours. Whoever doubts you, you just need to take it out." This identity is fine."

Chu Tian nodded slightly, "That's fine, I'll take it."


Chutian then injected power, and soon the token was put away, and the old man looked at Chutian, "Now you are the domain master, I hope you will lead our Snow Dragon Sanctuary to become stronger."

Chutian couldn't laugh or cry, and those people turned into stone statues like throwing a stall, so Chutian had no choice but to pack up his mood and leave here.

After walking outside, I saw countless people outside the snow-capped mountain, and that Elder Xue looked at Chutian with a group of masters, while Elder Feng laughed, "Boy, you offended Xuelong Sanctuary, everyone will save you today!" You are gone."

Elder Jin said, "Elder Xue, there may be some misunderstanding, let me see."

"Misunderstanding? They all ran to the resting place of our Xuelong sanctuary ancestors."

Elder Jin didn't know what to say, but Chu Tian looked at Elder Jin, "Elder Jin, don't tell them, they dare not touch me."

These words even more irritated the people in Xuelong Sanctuary, especially the Elder Xue sneered, "Boy, do you dare to say that we dare not touch you? You are really arrogant."

"It's not arrogant, it's the way it is."

Elder Xue became impatient, and quickly looked at the people around him, "Go."

These people used it crazily, and at this time Chutian took out a token, and the token emitted snow light, everyone present was stunned, especially those in Xuelong Sanctuary respectfully said, "Yu host."

Elder Xue was also dumbfounded, "Lord of the Domain."

Chu Tian looked at Elder Xue with a smile, "I don't know if you still want to touch me?"

Elder Xue was frightened. The domain master was chosen by the ancestors. How could he dare to be meaningful, so he quickly looked at Chutian, "Region master, me."

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

Elder Feng cursed inwardly, "What happened, he became the domain master."

Elder Jin was even more dumbfounded, and Chu Tian said, "I'm just a registered domain owner, it's nothing, what should you do."

Elder Xue said, "Master, you are already here, can you discuss important matters with us?"


"Yes, about the Dragon God's Tomb."

Upon hearing this, Chu Tian asked, "Is that Tomb of the Giant Dragon God really that good?"

"Well, that's a big treasury. It's opened every once in a while, and it's controlled by our four sanctuaries. But this time, those demon realms got together with people from other sanctuaries, which hurt many of us. .”

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian said, "That's fine, I just go and have a look when I have time."

As soon as these words came out, Elder Xue was frightened, "Lord, you are the master of the domain, if something happens to you, that would be bad."

"An accident happened to me? Don't worry, I won't have an accident, just tell me this place."

After Elder Xue and the others looked at each other, the Elder Xue said, "Then let's go with you, even if there is danger, we can help you."


Elder Xue immediately arranged for people, and people from other sanctuaries also wanted to go. As for Elder Feng, of course he wanted to find a chance to kill Chutian.

At this moment, Chutian was thinking about when he could find out Tianshan Xuelao again.

The people in the sanctuary didn't know what Chutian was thinking, but they took Chutian to the tomb of the dragon god. At this moment, there were formations all around.

The masters of this formation are naturally those from the Demon Realm and other sanctuaries. Elder Xue and others were blocked from outside, not only that, two people walked out of the formation.

This person is the representative of the Demon Realm, and the other is the representative of the Sanctuary.

The man in Moyu had soaring hair, his whole body was full of devilish energy, his hands were covered with huge claws, his eyes were even red, he stared at everyone and laughed, "Everyone, I didn't expect that."

Elder Xue said in surprise, "Devil."

The guy named Mofaren laughed and said, "That's right, I'm the representative of Moyu, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Elder Xue had no choice but to look at the other one, like a frail scholar, but this frail scholar smiled, "Elder Xue, don't look at me like that, we were also forced."


"That's right, every time it's controlled by your four great sanctuaries, we don't have anything to do with our other sanctuaries. We're not happy, so we joined forces with them."

Elder Xue said angrily, "Scholar Mu, you are a sinner."

"Sinner? Haha, you can talk nonsense."

Elder Xue said angrily, "You also hurt many people in the Four Great Sanctuaries."

Mu Shusheng smiled, "I still have a lot of those people, do you need to see them?"

Then a group of people appeared in the air, but many of them were trapped by special ropes and could not use any strength, and behind them were some demon disciples and other sanctuary disciples watching.

Those who were arrested shouted, "Elder!"

Elder Xue was furious, "You guys."

Mu Shusheng looked at Elder Xue with a slight smile, "As long as your Four Great Sanctuaries agree not to set foot here again, we will let them go, otherwise they will die because of you today."

Elder Xue couldn't make up his mind, and when he was about to say something, Chu Tian said, "I think you should let them go."

When the wooden scholar saw an immortal god talking to him, he laughed and said, "Oh, how foolish are you for bringing an immortal god here?"

Elder Xue stared, "Shut up, don't talk about us like that."

But the words hadn't come to an end yet, and Chu Tian had already come in front of those people, and directly removed all the ropes from their bodies, and all of them were free at once.

Everyone present was stunned, and the wooden scholar couldn't believe it even more, "How is it possible, this is a soul lock."

But Chu Tian came in front of Mu Shusheng and the others, "I think you should leave here quickly."

Mu Shusheng sneered, "The tone is not small."

The devil-haired man said, "Let me deal with him."

Then the devil-haired man made a move, and came to Chutian at once, but Chutian quickly avoided, the devil-haired man stared and shot again, still unable to take down Chutian.

On the contrary, some people who didn't know Chutian were shocked, wondering how Chutian did it, and the devil-haired man also got angry, and after he snorted, countless black hairs scattered around him.

(End of this chapter)

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