Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1610 Strong Combat Power

Chapter 1610 Strong Combat Power

Elder Jin and Elder Xue were shocked immediately, and hurried up to help, but the wooden scholar immediately stopped them with someone, and looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, just save yourself, he must die."

Elder Xue stared, "Do you know who he is?"

Mu Shusheng didn't take Chu Tian seriously at all and said, "Who is it, does it have anything to do with me?"

"He is our Snow Dragon Sanctuary Lord, if something happens to him, I will make you look good!"

When the wooden scholar heard this, he was surprised at first, then laughed, and even laughed, "I said Elder Xue, when did your domain master become an immortal god, is there no one in your sanctuary?"

"That's the choice of our ancestors, so you'd better get out of the way, otherwise, if something happens to him, our ancestors will never let you go."

Not only was Mr. Mu not afraid when he heard this, but he laughed and even looked at them with a smile, "If your ancestors could come here sooner, besides, are you the only ones who have ancestors? We have ancestors in several sacred and demon realms." Zu."

Elder Xue was in a hurry, but at this moment, there was a burst of rage, and everyone saw a burst of strange flames around Chutian, and the flames burned all those hairs, making the devil-haired man go crazy there.

Everyone was curious about what happened just now, but only Chu Tian knew that he had just used the god-level Huo Yao to make the other party suffer.

Those who didn't know were still thinking about it, but the elder Jin always felt that the flame breath was very familiar, and immediately became deep in thought, while the devil-haired man stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I must kill you today."

With a wave of the other party's hand, a huge knife flew into his hand, then he stared at Chu Tian and snorted, "Boy, I'll send you on your way!"

Chu Tian stared at the devil-haired man, "Come on, I'm not afraid of you either."

The Mofaren ran away, rushed to Chutian, and then slashed down, trying to kill Chutian, but Chutian suddenly said from the original position, "It seems that you people in the Demon Realm are nothing more than that."

The people present were stunned and wondered how Chutian did it, but the demon was furious and swung the knife again, Chutian was able to dodge quickly.

Mofaren stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, believe it or not, I'll kill you."

"bring it on."

The Troll began to swell, turning into a giant, and Chu Tian smiled strangely, "Then it's time for me to act."

Everyone didn't know the meaning of what Chutian said, but Chutian suddenly condensed the five-element ball, and the huge ball hit the opponent heavily, and the opponent immediately screamed in various ways, and flew back and forth.

Chu Tian smiled calmly, "Do you feel comfortable?"

The devil-haired man went berserk, he never expected Chu Tian to be so terrifying, and the other people present couldn't believe what happened before them.

Then the Mofaman came again, Chutian attacked again unceremoniously, the opponent was blown away again, and everything was quiet all of a sudden, but Chutian laughed, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, you are no longer my opponent. "

Mofaren was not reconciled, he was a majestic master of the Demon Realm, but was blown away by an immortal god.

As for Mu Shusheng, after he gradually realized that something was wrong, he quickly came to Mofaren and said, "This kid is not easy, let's quickly enter the formation control."


Afterwards, Mofaren and Mu Shusheng hurried into the formation, and the people from the sanctuary and demon realm also hurried back, and the formation began to become chaotic.

After Chu Tian came to Elder Xue and the others, the Elder Xue said respectfully, "The domain master and the others have been beaten back to the formation, but we cannot enter."

After hearing this, Chu Tian said, "It's actually very simple to go in."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but Chutian let them enter his own space, and then Chutian entered the formation, and then walked there ignoring everything around him.

The devil in the dark looked at Chu Tian in the formation in bewilderment and said, "How did you do it, kid?"

The wooden scholar was even more depressed, "This kid is not afraid of this giant dragon formation."

Mofa began to worry, "This kid is more complicated than we imagined, I think we need to find more people."

Mu Shusheng said, "We must look for it, we must call those masters over."

"Well, I'm going to call now."

After about a while, countless people came around, but Chu Tian had already come inside, and saw a stone gate like a huge dragon head, and countless people gathered in front of this stone gate.

Mu Shusheng stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you are alone after all, do you want to fight against a group of us?"

Chu Tian looked at them and said with a smile, "Alone? Who said that?"

At this moment, Chu Tian threw everyone out, Elder Xue and the others all appeared one by one, the wooden scholar was shocked, and the devil-haired man snorted, "So what, there are a lot of us here."

Everyone confronted each other for a while, but Chu Tian said, "What if this formation is controlled by me?"

The wooden scholar teased, "You control? Sorry, we controlled the formation before we came in. Now if you want to control this formation, you have to pass us."

But who would have thought that Chu Tianxia disappeared immediately, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the center of a formation.

I saw a person guarding the center, and this person was covered with black airflow, and he looked at Chutian in the black airflow, "Young man, are you here to seek death?"

But Chu Tian replied, "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm the old demon killer from the Heavenly Demon Kill Palace."

Chu Tian didn't care what kind of demon the other party was, but said, "I don't care what your identity is, I just want to tell you now, don't mess with me."

The old devil smiled slightly, "I guard the center of the formation, and no one can get close to it, so you'd better go."

But Chutian laughed strangely, "Oh? Go? What do you think you go?"

The old demon stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, my patience is limited, it's best not to mess with me."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Oh? Really? Then have fun."

I saw Chu Tian leaping towards the fog in the center of the formation, intending to control the fog, but the old devil said coldly, "Want to get close? Just dream."

Chutian ignored it, and at this moment, Lao Mosha suddenly grabbed Chutian with countless black air currents like tentacles, not giving Chutian a chance to escape.

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Oh? You want to control me like this? How naive."

Chutian walked out of the airflow with a single purification, the old demon looked at Chutian in shock, "Boy, how did you do it?"

"You don't care how I did it, you just need to know that I want to leave here, it's very simple!"

The old devil couldn't believe it, so another cloud of black mist appeared, and at the same time, a trace of poisonous gas was added to the black mist.

(End of this chapter)

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