Chapter 1611
Seeing the released poisonous gas, Chu Tian was very calm, absorbed the poisonous gas one by one, and even purified the poisonous gas.

The expression on that old demon's killer changed, and he couldn't even believe it, "Impossible, this is a highly poisonous thing in our Heavenly Demon's Killing Palace. Without the Immortal Lord God, no one can hold it back."

"That's what you think."

The old devil was so murderous that he threw out a box, and the box was black. In a moment, the box turned into a huge space, trapping Chu Tian in this space.

Lao Mosha was still proud, "Boy, give up, it's useless, you can't fight against me at all."

"Oh? Really? It's just that you think you are arrogant."

After seeing Chutian provoking him one after another, Lao Mosha simply ignored it, but snorted, "Today, I will definitely kill you."

Countless forces were released from the box in an instant and began to squeeze Chutian, intending to smash him into pieces, but Chutian remained firm and was not affected at all.

The old demon was so annoyed that he even looked at Chutian violently, "Boy, you are really hateful."

"Come here if you have the ability, don't just talk, but don't help."

Laomosha injected power into the box at this time, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't suppress Chutian. Not only that, Chutian still looked at him with a smile as if nothing happened, "Continue."

The old demon wondered why Chutian was not afraid, but Chutian didn't say much, but watched silently. After a while, Chutian suddenly moved, and he walked out of the box.

The moment Chutian came out, Lao Mosha stared at Chutian in shock, "Boy, today I must let you know what it means to be powerful."

That old devil's body suddenly disappeared, but there were already black clouds billowing around him, which immediately wrapped Chutian there, and then these black clouds began to squeeze little by little, trying to shatter Chutian into pieces.

But Chu Tian teased, "I've said it all, it's useless, why don't you try?"

"No, this time I will attack your soul."

At this time, those black clouds turned into a cloud of air and rushed into Chutian's body, heading straight for the soul, trying to smash Chutian's soul, but Chutian smiled strangely and blocked the force one by one.

Not only that, but a soul-eating white light was released, and the black cloud screamed and fled immediately after touching it.

That old devil once again turned into a person and looked at Chutian in shock, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian looked at him with a smile, "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense."

Chu Tian then walked to the center of the formation, and put one hand in the beam of light, Chu Tian refined the formation one by one, while the old devil had an ugly face, and then quickly left with a leap.

But Chu Tian took control of the formation all of a sudden and went outside, just in time to see the person who was confronting there before, and Elder Xue and others welcomed Chu Tian back.

The wooden scholar sneered when he saw Chu Tian coming out, "Boy, what's the matter, you can't touch the formation."

"Did you say that old devil killed?"

Those people wondered how Chu Tian knew about Lao Mo Sha, and Chu Tian said again, "That Lao Mo Sha escaped, I think you should go too."

Mofaren immediately said, "Impossible, how can you be able to fight against the cultivation base of Lao Mosha."

Seeing the other party's disbelief, Chu Tian smiled wryly, "What? Don't you believe me?"

The devil-haired man stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I can't believe it."

"Okay, let's take a look."

At this time, the surrounding formations suddenly changed, and then the formations went to attack these people, and the faces of those people suddenly changed. They never thought that the formations would attack them.

The wooden scholar yelled, "Hurry up, retreat quickly."

All of a sudden these people fled one after another, obviously shocked by the situation in front of them, but Chu Tian looked around as if nothing had happened, "Now, can we go inside?"

Everyone was stunned until Elder Xue said, "It will take a while to leave the tomb of God, so we can't go in for the time being."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's fine, just wait here."

Elder Xue hummed, but Chu Tian looked at Elder Jin, "Elder Jin, can you do me a favor?"

Elder Jin hurriedly asked Chu Tian, ​​"Say."

Chutian wanted him to go back and ask Tianlongjing about the whereabouts of Tianshan Xuelao, but Elder Jin left after receiving the news. Said, "I still have something to do in Fenglong Sanctuary, I'm leaving first."

Elder Xue frowned, and then Elder Feng disappeared with his group, while the remaining people in the Water Dragon Sanctuary did not intend to leave, but stayed here.

Chu Tian looked at Elder Xue, "Unexpectedly, those people from the holy and demon realms will come again."

Elder Xue hummed, "Yes, so now we have to find a way to deal with it."

But Chu Tian said, "Forget it, with this formation and my ability, I think I can handle it."

Elder Kexue frowned, "But."

"Okay, don't let it go, I will take care of the rest myself."

That Elder Xue had no choice but to stop talking, while Chu Tian entered the formation, and then at the core of the formation, he could see the situation around the entire formation, as long as someone came in, he could see clearly.

"It seems, just stay here."

I saw Chu Tian sitting cross-legged there, and about an hour later, a large army appeared around him, and the leader of these large troops was a middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man rode a horse-like mythical beast under his feet.

When he came outside the formation, he shouted to the inside of the formation, "Everyone, come out."

Elder Xue and others walked out, and when Elder Xue saw the person in front of him, he was shocked, "It's from the Yunlong Sanctuary."

The middle-aged man snorted, "I said Elder Xue, your sanctuary has been occupied for so long, so what if we use it for a while?"

Elder Xue said, "This place has always been guarded by us, and will not be given to outsiders, not to mention that you are colluding with people from the Demon Realm."

The middle-aged man smiled strangely, "Oh? So, you're going to fight against me?"


But the middle-aged man said, "You can't even keep up with the speed of my beast, so why do you fight with me?"

That Elder Xue's expression was not good, "Always have to try."

But the middle-aged man smiled strangely, "Let me, Yunao, teach you well today."

At this time, this man named Yun Ao suddenly came in front of Elder Xue, very fast, and then he shot out a cloud of mist with his palm, and the cloud and mist shook Elder Xue away.

Everyone present showed shocked expressions, and that Yun Ao looked at the people around him, "Listen to all the people in the sanctuary, we want this place, if you don't leave later, I will definitely show you. "

(End of this chapter)

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