Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1614 Tomb Keeper

Chapter 1614 Tomb Keeper

Seeing the crazy Lei Po, Chu Tian didn't confront him head-on, but said with a smile, "I'll see how long you can last."

That Lei Po laughed wildly, "Boy, you want to wait for my kid? That's impossible."

Chu Tian ignored the opponent, but continued to control the formation, and the attack of that formation hit Lei Po, Lei Po still laughed proudly there, "Come, come, continue."

Chu Tian stood there for a while and then calmed down, "Okay, I'm here."

At this time, Chutian was unprepared, and walked towards the opponent step by step, and that Lei Po wished to kill Chutian, so he roared angrily, pointed his palms at Chutian, and a huge wave of bloody energy hit Chutian.

Chu Tian smiled strangely, when that air current hit Chu Tian heavily, it probably bounced back, and that Lei Po was blown away by his own attack.

When Lei Po stood firm again, he looked at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, you."

"Come on, keep going, aren't you very strong? Keep coming if you have the ability. I'll see what you have."

This Lei Po became annoyed, turned into a mad beast again and rushed towards Chutian, intending to strike Chutian, but Chutian smiled strangely, when the opponent came to attack, Chutian let him attack directly, and then grabbed his arm with one hand.

The thunderbolt felt uncomfortable after being bounced back again, and Chu Tian grabbed his hand, making him frown, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Tian didn't pay attention, and a series of soul-devouring white lights crazily poured into the opponent's body, and this Lei Po screamed in pain, "Let me go, bastard, boy, I want you to die."

But Chutian laughed strangely, "Eat what you eat."

That Lei Po screamed all kinds of screams, but the people watching there were dumbfounded, they never thought that Chu Tian would be so terrifying, they were so frightened that they didn't know what to say.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Do you still dare?"

That Lei Po was already out of breath, so he didn't have the guts to challenge Chu Tian, ​​but tremblingly said, "I, I was wrong."

"Wrong? Where is the mistake?"

Lei Po said in a state of fascination, "I, I will never fight against you again, let me go."

"But I don't believe you."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he directly sealed up Lei Po after being seriously injured, threw him into the space at once, and then stared at the two people, "It's your turn."

The two immediately flashed black and red, then disappeared into the formation, and finally fled.

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Just leave like this? It's so boring."

Then Chu Tian calmed down, and everyone in the formation was curious about what was going on, until Elder Jin came back from Tianlong Sanctuary, and Chu Tian came to him and asked, "How is it? Any news?"

Elder Jin shook his head, "It's as if it disappeared out of thin air."

Although Chu Tian was mentally prepared, he was still a little disappointed, "Then don't chase for now."


As for Elder Xue looking at everyone, "We'd better wait here."

Everyone nodded, but Chu Tian had to wait here to see what would happen when the dragon cemetery opened.

It went on like this for several days. After a few days passed, the cemetery suddenly trembled, and then a hole appeared. Elder Xue looked at everyone with great joy, "Now anyone whose cultivation level is below the Immortal Lord God can enter."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Why do you want to be below the Immortal God?"

Elder Xue explained, "The Immortal Lord God will suffer strong damage inside, and only those below the Immortal Lord God will be fine."

Chutian said, and Elder Jin looked at Chutian, "You can also go and have a look, maybe you can find something good."

Chutian naturally thought, so he hummed, and then he packed up his mood and went inside. After Chutian left for a while, other people from the sanctuary and demon domain came again.

But these people forced their way into the cemetery, and when they entered, Elder Xue and the others had no choice but to look at the other sanctuary leaders, "Old Tian, ​​do you think it's enough to send a few of them in?"

This old Tian has an old beard, and beside him are the two people in black and red, so he proudly said, "Elder Xue, do you know who these two are?"

The elder Xue looked at it for a while and said in surprise, "The black-red shuttler."

"Yes, they have already used their unique teleportation ability to send many geniuses from the Demon Realm and Saint Realm into it. By then, they will definitely be able to find good things in the cemetery."

But Elder Xue said, "With our domain master here, don't you think about it."

This old Tian laughed loudly, "Your domain master is powerful, but you have never been inside, and you are not familiar with it. If he goes to the wrong place, he will die without a whole body."

Elder Xue frowned, wondering what was going on with Chutian inside, but Chutian was standing in a pile of ruins in front of the cemetery, while the others were looking for something at the moment, until a group of people appeared.

Those people from the Demon Realm and Saint Realm fled immediately after seeing Chu Tian, ​​and they didn't dare to challenge him.

Chu Tian looked at them and laughed helplessly, "It seems that people from the Sanctuary and the Demon Realm also sent them here."

However, this did not affect Chutian. On the contrary, Chutian calmed down and walked into the ruins.

After a while, there was a loud noise from the front. Chu Tian was curious about what happened, and then he jumped over, just in time to see a group of people trapped in place by several boulders.

I saw that the boulder was shining with brown light to form an enchantment, preventing these people from coming out.

Those people panicked inside the barrier, no matter how they attacked it was useless, Chu Tian jumped in and sent them all outside.

But just when Chu Tian was going to rush through the barrier to see what was going on behind these boulders, there was a void inside. As soon as he flew in, the road behind him was no longer there.

The surroundings were in chaos, and Chu Tian showed a strange look, "Strange, what is this?"

When Chutian was wondering, suddenly countless huge dragon shadows flew towards him in the air, but these were shadows, not real ones. Chutian immediately activated the dragon soul and blood in his body.

A huge golden dragon also appeared behind him. As soon as this dragon appeared, all those dragon shadows gathered around Chutian strangely. Chutian wondered how these dragon shadows came into being.

After about a while, a voice came from deep in front, "Come here."

Chu Tian was curious about who the voice was, so he leaped over, and after a while, he saw a hunchbacked old man standing on the edge of a cliff.

I saw an old tortoise stepping on the foot of the hunchbacked old man. The old tortoise stood quietly like a stone, and the old man covered his face with long hair while staring at Chu Tian, ​​"You, you are the son of a dragon!" successor."

Chu Tian looked at him curiously, "Who are you?"

"I am the gravekeeper."

Chutian was suspicious, and the old man looked at Chutian again, "Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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