Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1615 The Ancient Dragon

Chapter 1615 The Ancient Dragon
Chu Tian was curious about where the old man was taking him, and the tortoise under the old man's feet moved forward a little bit, and after a while, he saw something unexpected.

There was a palace in front of Chutian, and after the door was opened, there was a huge keel here, and this keel was very huge, bigger than any dragon Chutian had seen before.

"What kind of dragon is this?"

"The ancient dragon, this is the sixth generation dragon king."

"The sixth generation? And the fifth and fourth generation?" Chu Tian looked curious, and the old man said with a smile, "Of course, with such a long time, each generation has its own dragon king, and this sixth generation is also the last generation. I don’t know where the previous generations are.”

When Chu Tian heard this, he looked at the old man curiously, "I don't know why senior called me here?"

The old man looked at Chu Tian, ​​"You are the descendant of the dragon. I think you should be able to awaken the sixth generation of the ancient dragon, the Dragon King. Maybe you can learn something from it."

Chu Tian was dubious, but the old man had already turned and left, and the door of the main hall was closed, but Chu Tian stared at the giant dragon, "The ancient dragon? The first generation? The second generation? This is a bit exaggerated."

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian released his own dragon shadow to see how the giant dragon would react. Sure enough, after a while, the giant dragon changed.

I saw a shadow appearing from the keel, and then quickly transformed into a person. It was a middle-aged man who looked Chu Tian up and down and said excitedly, "Finally, it's time for you."


"Yes, the descendant of the dragon."

Chu Tian was puzzled, but the middle-aged man explained, "I am the sixth generation of ancient dragon king, Ao Feng."

Chu Tian was suspicious, "Ao Feng?"


Chu Tian didn't quite understand, "You said you finally waited for me, what do you mean?"

Ao Feng explained, "Many years ago, our ancient dragon fought against the evil dragon and suffered heavy losses. I had to seal the last bit of the dragon in this dragon tomb. Waiting for the fate to come, I put our ancient dragon's things Pass it on and let him fight for us."

Chutian is not a fool, he immediately understood the meaning of these words, and Aofeng looked at Chutian, "Don't think you can avoid it."

"What do you mean?"

"The magic dragon has already set its sights on you. If you guessed correctly, it should have sent some people to deal with you."

Chu Tian shook his head, "I haven't seen it before."

"Really? Then look at this."

This Ao Feng waved his hand, and Chu Tian saw many familiar faces, such as that Tianshan Xuelao, Lei Po, Mofaren, etc., which made Chu Tian frown, "This."

"These are the people arranged by the Demon Dragon Clan among human beings. The purpose is to stop you and solve you."

Chutian felt that he was suddenly caught in a war between the two clans, and Aofeng replied, "The magic dragon is bound to destroy human beings, and we want to protect human beings, so I want to meet you and pass on something to you." .”

Chu Tian frowned, "What?"

"Dragon King Summoning Possession Technique."

Chutian looked puzzled, and that Aofeng told Chutian about the magic one by one, and Chutian knew that he could use the power of these ancient dragons, and as the level of summoning became higher and higher, he could summon The oldest generation of dragons.

This generation of giant dragons is naturally the scariest, but Chu Tian is a little puzzled, "Where are the dragon kings from that generation to the fifth generation?"

"They are all sleeping in ancient time and space, you can't see them, only by calling them, they will enter your body with special power, turning you into a dragon warrior."

Chu Tian asked strangely, "Dragon Warrior?"


Chutian seemed to understand something, and this Aofeng looked at Chutian, "Okay, I will pass it on to you, you can slowly understand it, you can try it."

Chu Tian snorted, so he asked the system to learn the so-called summoning technique immediately, and the keel in front of him suddenly turned into a magical light and entered Chu Tian's body.

Chu Tian instantly felt as if his body was about to explode, and his overall strength increased crazily, which shocked him, and that Ao Feng explained, "You need to consume a lot of strength to summon it once, but it can last for half an hour, and it's best within a day." Don't do it more than twice, or your body won't be able to handle it."

After Chu Tian nodded clearly, he waited for the power to gradually disappear.

Ao Feng looked at Chu Tian, ​​"There are a few dragon pills in front of you, which are made from the blood of our ancient dragon and some precious medicines, which will be of great help to your cultivation."


Chu Tian walked over with doubts, just in time to see a box containing several pills, he swallowed one out of curiosity, and instantly a powerful force erupted in his body.

Chutian experienced that heart-piercing feeling again, but he still endured it, and he could see the cultivation base changing little by little, at most reaching the peak of the Immortal Earth God and then attacking the Immortal God.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host's initial immortal god."

Chu Tian instantly felt as if he had been sublimated, and his cultivation base had improved a lot, then he took a deep breath, "This feeling is really good."

Chu Tian calmed down after sighing for a while, and that Ao Feng loomed, "I've entrusted you with the secret of the human race, I hope you can find the mysterious Immortal Heavenly Palace."

"Immortal Palace of Heaven?"

"Yes, the secrets of the human race and what the dragon wants are all there, I hope you can protect them well."

After saying this, the other party disappeared, Chu Tian was stunned, he didn't know what to say, but at this moment Chu Tian took a deep breath and walked out of here.

Outside the main hall, the old man was gone, and a long staircase appeared, which was the way back.

Chu Tian was curious to go back and forth, but after walking a certain distance, he suddenly fell into a formation, and there were countless masters in this formation, and these were from other sanctuary and demon domains.

Seeing them laughing, Chu Tian took a look, "Who told you to deal with me?"

At this time, a long-haired young man flew out of the crowd, and then looked at Chu Tian coldly, "Boy, me."

Chu Tian looked at the other party, and the Immortal God said with a smile, "Only your strength?"

"Boy, don't be complacent. This formation has fused a lot of power. You can't break it by yourself, so just give up."

Chu Tian laughed, "I can even decipher the formation outside, what's worse than you?"

The person who heard this became furious, and even stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Okay, I'll let you see how powerful my Feng Mo is today."

"Feng Mo? Your name is scary, but it's nothing special."

This time the man went berserk, and his body began to go berserk, and finally turned into clouds of wind, and these winds attacked Chu Tian from all directions, which made Chu Tian smile strangely.

At this time, when the wind was about to hit Chutian, Chutian controlled the wind and began to spin around him, and suddenly the wind rushed out as if being controlled.

(End of this chapter)

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