Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1616 Domain Master Showdown

Chapter 1616 Domain Master Showdown
In a moment, all those people were blown away, especially Chutian whose cultivation base had reached Immortal God, these people couldn't help Chutian at all, and this man named Feng Mo was staring at Chutian angrily at this moment.

"It's useless to stare at me, let's just give up."

That Fengmo gritted his teeth, "Give up? No, I won't give up. I will kill you today."

"Kill me? Is it possible?"

At this time, Feng Mo suddenly spread his hands, and the wind on his body passed by everyone all of a sudden, and those people screamed in various ways, as if all their strength was deprived all of a sudden.

Chu Tian, ​​who was watching there, showed a strange expression, "Are you taking the power of other people?"

That Fengmo was surrounded by a few whirlpools of wind, and then smiled eeriely, "Boy, I just let these people borrow their power from me."

"Borrow you? But you killed them."

"They are dedicated to the great Demon Lord."

"Devil Lord?" Chu Tian wondered if this Demon Lord was the so-called Demon Dragon, but the Feng Demon ignored Chu Tian and instead roared angrily.

However, Chu Tian controlled the wind and looked at the wind demon, "You wind is all for me now, is there anything else you can do?"

These words deeply irritated the Feng Mo, he looked at Chu Tian with an unsightly face, and at the same time his face turned ferocious, "I, I will definitely kill you."

"Kill me? Do you think you have the ability?"

With a snort, Feng Mo began to rush towards Chutian, and hit Chutian with a palm, but Chutian bounced back, bounced the opponent away, and then directly hit the five-element ball.

This powerful five-element ball directly bounced the opponent away.

That Fengmo was bloody and bloody for a moment, and then he said in a panic, "Wait, Lord Demon Lord, I won't let you go."

This guy turned into a gust of wind and disappeared in the cemetery, but Chu Tian secretly wondered, "Is this demon lord really a demon dragon?"

But now no one explained to him, so he had to pack up and go back.

When he came outside the formation again, he saw several elders were still there, so Elder Xue and Elder Jin hurried forward to ask Chu Tian if he had found anything.

Chu Tian concealed something, did not tell them what happened inside, but said, "There is nothing inside, but those people from the sanctuary and demon domain are making trouble inside."

Elder Xue was helpless, "These sanctuary and demon domains are only afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

But Chu Tian asked curiously, "Where are these demon realms and holy realms gathered now?"

"I don't know what you want?" Elder Xue looked at Chutian curiously. Chutian naturally wanted to take the initiative to solve this trouble. By the way, he wanted to see if there was any so-called magic dragon.

So he said, "Go and subdue them."

Elder Xue took a deep breath, "Don't go there, the owners of those sanctuary and demon domains are extraordinary, so be careful."

Chu Tian laughed, "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Elder Xue had no choice but to tell Chutian the area where those people were, but Chutian calmed down and disappeared from here. Elder Xue looked at Elder Jin suspiciously, "What do you think he is from?"

"I don't understand, he is just a mysterious person." Elder Jin couldn't say anything at the moment.

As for Chutian, he went to a place, and this place was the place where people from these demon realms and sanctuaries gathered. He saw many palaces at a glance.

Chu Tian didn't expect that these places could gather together, and countless people were flying around these palaces, living in harmony. The most important thing was that there was a tunnel above these palaces.

At this moment, the tunnel is closed, as if leading to some magical place.

After looking at the seal in surprise for a while, Chu Tian swaggered into it. After a while, countless people stepped forward and surrounded him.

Someone scolded, "Who?"

"Where are you from?"

When everyone was joking, Feng Mo and the red and black robes appeared, and the three of them looked at Chu Tian in shock, after all, they did not expect Chu Tian to come here.

Chu Tian looked at the three with a smile, "It's better to let all your domain masters come out."

Feng Mo glared and snorted, "They are retreating, how can they have time to take care of you little boy."

"Oh? Really? Then I don't have to be polite. If you mess up the surrounding area later, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Feng Mo was in a hurry, and hurriedly shouted, "Set up the formation."

All of a sudden, all the people in these palaces flew into the air regularly, and disappeared there at once, and powerful formations appeared around them for a while.

After these formations were in operation, countless powers were poured into Feng Mo's body, and Feng Mo laughed wildly, "Boy, I got more power again, this time, I can definitely kill you."

Chu Tian shook his head helplessly, and then hit the five-element ball directly, and then the five-element ball hit Feng Mo heavily, Feng Mo endured it for a while, and his body finally flew upside down helplessly.

Chu Tian looked at this Feng Mo and smiled slightly, "Do you want to continue?"

Feng Mo looked at Chu Tian with a ferocious face, "Boy, you are really hateful."

"Come here if you have the ability, don't talk nonsense."

Feng Mo looked at the red and black two, "Quick, please domain master and the others."

The red and black had no choice but to unite again and cast a ray of light. After a while, a golden light fell from the tunnel in the air, and an old man was wrapped in this golden light.

The moment the old man landed, a powerful aura emanated, directly inspiring people, and then he looked at everyone present with a puzzled face, "What happened?"

Feng Mo said happily, "Lord Luo Yu, someone is here to make trouble, and I ask you to help."

"Troubleshooting? Who?"


The Lord Luo Yu glanced at him, and said with disdain for Chu Tian, ​​"He's the only one? He's so weak, could you make a mistake?"

Everyone also expressed helplessness. After all, the ability Chutian showed was too domineering. Even they couldn't do anything about it, so they shook their heads helplessly.

Now that Luo Yuzhu had no choice but to look at Chutian, "Boy, who are you, why are you here to make trouble."

"I, the domain lord of the Xuelong Sanctuary, naturally came here to clean up the people who made trouble in the tomb of the Dragon God."

These words made Lord Luo couldn't help laughing, "You are the Lord? Is there no one in Xuelong Sanctuary?"

"There is no one, you will know if you try it."

Lord Luo didn't expect Chu Tian to be so arrogant, and then he sneered, "Okay, I'll see what you can do today, and you can be their domain owner."

Afterwards, Luo Yuzhu casually touched Chu Tian with a golden mask, and then sneered, "This is the mask I gave you, to let you know what it means to be overwhelmed."

The people around laughed, and Feng Mo said excitedly, "Lord Luo Yu is still powerful, and he was trapped in one fell swoop."

Others also flattered one after another, but Chu Tian looked at the domain owner with a smile, "You are too careless."

(End of this chapter)

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