Chapter 1619
The black dragon didn't care so much, it made a big ball in one breath and aimed it at Chutian, then sprayed it, Chutian's purple light collided with the ball.

Eighty percent of the ball's strength bounced back, but even if there was only [-]% left, Chu Tian felt very uncomfortable. His whole body flew far away in this space, and the black dragon opened his mouth and swallowed the rebounding strength.

Afterwards, the black dragon acted as if nothing happened, while Chu Tian raised his brows and cursed inwardly, "Damn, it's a bit difficult to deal with."

Just when Chutian was feeling emotional, the black dragon appeared again. He looked down at Chutian below in the air, "Boy, can't you?"

Chu Tian was very calm, and then looked at the black dragon, "It's not so easy for you to kill me."

"I won't kill you, I want you to accompany me slowly, and bully you when you want to bully you, haha." The black dragon laughed wildly, Chu Tian cursed inwardly, but he only needs to rest for a while, and he can summon .

So he stayed there, and the black dragon also saw Chutian's thoughts, so he teased there, "Boy, you don't want to wait for the call, do you?"

"You guessed right."

The black dragon teased, "You'd better give up, you can't be summoned in this space."

Chutian didn't believe it, but the black dragon laughed when he saw that Chutian didn't speak, "Don't you believe it? Then try it later and you'll know."

Chutian didn't speak, but at this moment the black dragon laughed, "Okay, I'll see if you can summon it."

Chu Tian waited quietly. After about a while, Chu Tian looked inside the body and the corners of his mouth curled up, "It's almost there."

I saw Chutian began to accumulate energy, intending to summon the power of the sixth-generation giant dragon, but found that he could not gather his strength here. The black dragon laughed, "Boy, you see, this is the end."

Chu Tian was contemplating, wondering what went wrong, so he looked around and found a magical barrier around this space, Chu Tian guessed that it should be caused by the barrier.

So Chu Tian jumped into the air, and the black dragon said confidently, "It's useless."

The black dragon thought that Chutian was going to escape, but laughed and teased him there. Chutian came to the edge of the barrier, and after passing through a layer, the black dragon discovered that Chutian could pass through the barrier, and he immediately panicked. .

When the black dragon chased after him, Chutian had already entered the other side of the barrier, and Chutian saw a bunch of magical power there, and these magical powers were like a clear stream wrapped around the barrier.

Chu Tian couldn't penetrate the clear stream, and as soon as he got close to the clear stream, he found that he couldn't accumulate energy, which made him guess that the inability to summon must have something to do with it.

So Chu Tian wandered in this clear stream, trying to find the root of this clear stream and a solution to it.

But the black dragon joked outside the barrier, "Boy, it's useless, you will die."

Chu Tian ignored it, but continued to float in the clear stream inside the enchantment, and the black dragon continued to laugh there until Chu Tian suddenly disappeared.

"Where are people?" The black dragon showed a surprised look, but Chu Tian had already arrived at the entrance of a clear stream, and these clear streams came out of this cave.

Chu Tian entered the cave unceremoniously, and when he reappeared, he saw these clear streams everywhere in the cave, and these clear streams emerged from a rock.

Chutian came to the edge of the rock, and asked the system to identify it curiously.

A voice from the system flashed, "Ding ~ turbid air."

"Stuffy Qi? What is it?" Chu Tian wanted to know very much, so he looked carefully at the system's identification. Chu Tian knew that the so-called dirty gas would make people unable to use much power in it.

This made Chu Tian exclaim, "This turbidity is really not simple."

But Chu Tian had an idea, if he could take down this stone, could he release the turbid air in the space all the time, then he could kill the opponent by introducing him into his own space.

Thinking of this, Chutian was very excited, and put one hand on the rock, and more turbid air flew out from the rock, wanting to swallow Chutian a little bit.

At this moment, Chu Tian wanted to take down the rock instead, so he tried to refine it.

In such a stalemate between the two different forces, Chu Tian slowly subdued the stone, until the stone was completely taken down by Chu Tian, ​​he let it stop the surrounding turbidity.

At the same time, after carefully looking at the rock, he asked curiously, "What is the origin of this rock?"

However, no one explained to Chu Tian, ​​so Chu Tian packed up his mood and left here until he reappeared, already in the enchantment, the black dragon laughed when he saw Chu Tian came back again, "Boy, how are you? Disappointed. "

Chu Tian shook his head and said, "I'm not disappointed, just."

"Just what?"

"I just didn't expect there to be something good in there."

Heilong was puzzled, and stared at Chutian strangely, "Boy, what are you talking about?"

The corners of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, and at this time, countless turbid qi were released around him one by one. Seeing these turbid qi, the black dragon was puzzled at first, but when these turbid qi entangled him, he immediately felt that he was unable to use his strength. Out, which made him rush out of the turbid air in shock.

At the same time, he glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you."

Chu Tian was disappointed, "What are you doing running so fast?"

"Boy, what the hell is that?"

"Why tell you?"

The black dragon got angry and started to attack Chutian again, but Chutian suddenly came behind the black dragon and used the turbidity to trap him again. The dragon knew that he couldn't stay in the turbidity for too long, so he left again in the blink of an eye. up.

Chu Tian sighed helplessly, "What are you running for?"

The black dragon was furious, "Boy, I'm going to kill you."

"Kill me? Then you come, I'll wait."

The black dragon started spitting balls again, and Chu Tian was not stupid, so he avoided them one by one. The black dragon could only go crazy there, until Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's almost time, it's my turn."

At this moment, Chutian began to summon the power of the sixth-generation giant dragon, and Chutian's physical strength reached its peak again immediately. Seeing this, the black dragon cursed, "Bastard, I'm going to kill you."

"Destroy me? Then come on, I'll see what you can do."

The black dragon got angry and started to rush towards Chutian, but when he was about to touch Chutian, Chutian avoided it, and then hit out with a huge five-element ball.

At this time, the force was very huge, and it hit the black dragon directly. The black dragon's huge body rolled a few times in the air, hit the ground heavily, and then roared into the sky, and continued to look down at Chutian, "Boy, you forced it!" mine."

Chutian didn't know what the other party was going to do, but at the next moment, Chutian understood. He saw that the black dragon was covered with balls spit out one after another, and then these balls suddenly fell from the sky like a huge rain of balls. Just as crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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